This year, our fifth grade students will experience the PYP exhibition project using a different approach than previous years which we feel will be more beneficial to each student. The fifth grade teachers are VERY excited about this year’s exhibition. Throughout this year’s exhibition process, students will work on improving their research skills, writing skills, problem solving skills, creative thinking, working collaboratively with peers, use of technology, and many other aspects.

THEME: Heal the World

CENTRAL IDEA: Poverty impedes the fulfillment of human potential.

Assignment 1: Look up the definitions for the following words: impedes, fulfillment, and potential. You will create a board on Discovery Education to show your knowledge of these three words. Your board should include a definition for all 3 words, a picture to represent each word (3 total), a sentence correctly using each word (1-3 total- not the central idea), and a synonym and antonym for each word.

Assignment 2: During your ELA writing block, you will watch a video Mrs. Gaona has created to explain to you about the PYP project and expectations. You will then watch a few videos and conduct research on a topic you are interested in that falls in the parameters of our central idea. The following are a few broad ideas to assist you in determining a problem:

Access to education for all people

Opportunities for health services

Access to food and nutrition

Availability of clean water and sanitation

During this research, you will try to narrow down a topic you feel is a problem in the world and list 3 lines of inquiry. (In simple terms, you will write down a problem you think is an issue in the world and three ways that your problem impedes the fulfillment of human potential.)

Assignment 1 and 2 are due no later than March 18th

** The teachers will use students’ research and lines of inquiry to create the groups. Students may or may not get to use their specific topic but will be grouped with others who have similar ideas.

The exhibition is divided into 3 parts this year. There is a writing component, technology component and an art/visual component. Each student will be required to submit individual assignments as well as group assignments. A vital piece of PYP is working collaboratively with peers; therefore, no student will be permitted to work independently throughout the entire project.

Writing: EACH INDIVIDUAL student in fifth grade will have to write a research based paper. This paper must include the problem, a solution to the problem, and research that was conducted on where the problem exists, why it is a problem, and why you think your solution will work in that area. Students are NOT permitted to simply copy and paste information from websites, rather they must summarize and cite the source. Students will type their final paper. Each student will include their heading in the top right corner, type using Times New Roman font, and 12 pt size. Students may space using 1.5 line spacing. Each paper must contain 5 paragraphs which consist of 5-7 sentences each. Each paper must also be accompanied by a citation page to avoid plagiarism since research will be included in the writing. (See writing rubric)

Technology: Each GROUP will create a technology piece to present during the exhibition. This is a group project meaning each person contributes to the completion of this project. Students will be given approximately 30 minutes at least 3 times per week to complete this piece. This piece can NOT be started until students research some information and formulate a plan.

Art/Visual: Each GROUP will create a visual representation of their problem/solution. Students will keep a journal/sketch book in which they must have 3 entries per week that model what they are visioning their end product to be or what their problem/solution looks like currently. Mrs. Pinkey will allow groups to work during art time which means students need to use time wisely while in art. For the final product, students will create a visual of their problem or solution. Examples of final products are as follows: a diorama, painting, 3-D clay model, or other art piece as approved through Mrs. Pinkey. A rubric and further explanations of expectations will be provided by Mrs. Pinkey.

When researching, students should identify areas where their problem is prevalent, research ways this problem impedes the fulfillment of human potential in those areas, and then create solutions that are possible ways to improve or eliminate the problem altogether. Remember, when researching, students must save the website link on the day it is accessed in order to cite it properly. We will continue to discuss ways to cite information in writing as well as using the website to create citation pages.

GROUP/INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT DUE FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016: Groups will discuss what they think plagiarism is and how to avoid it. Students will all watch a video on plagiarism and may research information if needed to fully understand plagiarism. Each group will create a promise or pledge to not plagiarize while doing research for their PYP exhibition project. (This promise/pledge will be placed on every group member’s one-pager.) Each member of the group will submit a one-pager. Each one-pager must include (1) your heading located on the back of the page, (2) title, (3) proper capitalization and punctuation with complete sentences, (4) neat writing/art, (5) groups’ promise/pledge (will be the same on each members paper- be creative), (6) description of what plagiarism is in student’s own words not copied, (7) ways to avoid plagiarism in student’s own words, and (8) at least one visual piece.

PYP COMPONENTS- For the remainder of the weeks, you will be given time to complete research, take notes, and make graphic organizers to organize your thoughts. Your paper will be your own original thinking and words. The multimedia presentation and art piece will be a collaborative project with your group members. All pieces are due to your teacher NO LATER THAN MAY 9- the exhibition will be on May 10 from 1:15-2:45.

RESEARCH PAPER: (INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT) The research paper must show that students have truly researched and learned information through the process. Students may NOT copy and paste information but rather summarize or quote with appropriate citations. Students must submit a separate page with resources accurately cited. (* is one resource students can use to create bibliography pages. Students must remember sources are listed in alphabetical order though.) The following information must be included in EVERY student’s research paper.

1.  What is your issue you are researching and trying to improve?

2.  What is an area where your issue is a problem? Where is this located?

3.  How long has this been a problem in your area?

4.  Why is your issue a problem in this area? (ex: poverty, lack of resources, location)

5.  Are there any measures already being taken to address this issue in this area? If yes, what? Is it successful or unsuccessful? Why?

6.  How can others help not just by donating money? What do you or your group suggest as a solution to help with this issue? Why do you think this will help or assist with the problem?

7.  How does this problem effect the global community?

* Students should have varying information in their research papers from other group members. We do understand some of the same research will be used; however, students should not have exact information in their research paper since this is an individual assignment and no two people have shown they write exactly the same. Students could find various areas this problem is prevalent and all research the different areas.

* Students will TYPE their research paper using Microsoft Word, 12 point, Times New Roman font. Line spacing should be no more than 1.5 and indention for each paragraph is made using the TAB key only once. Be sure to include your AVID heading in the top right corner of your paper. 5 paragraphs containing 5-7 sentences is required. You will submit on Office 365.

A rubric has been given on what a 5th grade student’s writing should look like. Another rubric is being provided with this for PYP writing to ensure you understand exactly what is expected. PLEASE follow the guidelines above in order to receive all of your points.

Group Multimedia Presentation: (GROUP ASSIGNMENT)This section of your PYP will be a combination of the research you complete on your own as well as with group members. This project is designed so that you can research individually and share with the group your ideas and findings. Each group will create ONE multimedia presentation which can be but not limited to a PowerPoint presentation, Prezi, video, paper slide show, webpage creation, newscast video, or other visual means as approved by the teacher.

All multimedia presentations must include:

·  What is your group issue? (details)

·  Why is this an issue? or What is causing this issue?

·  What are some areas where this issue is prevalent?

·  What does your group propose as a solution(s) for this issue that we can help with other than just donating money?

·  How does your issue effect the global community?

·  What does your art piece reflect as a visual of your issue or solution?

(Multimedia presentations should be no longer than 7 minutes in length.)

Art Piece: (GROUP ASSIGNMENT) Your art piece will be a visual representation of your issue or the solution your group comes up with to assist with this issue. Each group will submit ONE art piece. A rubric is provided with necessary components and more details will be given by Mrs. Pinkey on special’s day! Each member of the group will have to complete a journal/sketch book with at least 3 entries per week; each group will only have ONE art piece though. Refer to rubric and Mrs. Pinkey for more instructions.

·  You will also write a rationale as to what your visual reflects in your multimedia presentation.