PBSO Parent Meeting Minutes
August 10th, 2017
Location: PHS Auditorium
Welcome and IntroductionsKarolyn Gardner
- The PBSO is here for our band family. We represent you. Please come to us with any questions, concerns or suggestions.
Director’s CommentsMr. Van Gelder
- Awesome, productive Band Camp, with new and returning Staff
- If your child needs to miss rehearsal, parents please notify Mr. Van Gelder. Rehearsal time is extremely important, please avoid missing.
- Please do not drop off or pick up child in fire lane
- Please always send water with your child to rehearsals as well as feeding them before
- Competition schedules not set until close to the event. Dates and location of competitions are on website but time will follow. Mr. Van Gelder can give you an idea of time of day if you need it. Please email him directly.
- To sign up for Remind Text Messages: Text the Message: @vangelder to the phone number: 81010
Treasurer’s ReportTracey Kropff
- Band fees are used to pay for show design, staff, etc.
- We’ve had two audits done. One outside and one a school audit. All looks great.
UVA DayTracey Kropff
- Tickets will be available for $25 each. Payable to “PBSO” by Friday, August 18th. Will try to seat you by requested families, but not guaranteed. UVA selects and sends us the tickets, we don’t choose seats.
- T-Shirts are available for $10 each, purchase directly from UVA website (see link)
- It will be a long day. Call time will be posted. Game is at 3:30. Eat a good breakfast. Band pays for lunch and dinner for students, but not for chaperone meals. We’ll be taking bus chaperones and pit chaperones. Signup link will be posted.
- Lee Greenwood scheduled to sing. Military appreciation day at the game.
- Other high school bands will be participating as well.
Communication ToolsKarolyn Gardner
- PBSO Website. Password gives access to links, pictures, videos etc. P@triot2017. Please do not post your videos to social media as per Mr. Van Gelder. Give family, friends our password to view videos and pictures on our website.
- Remind App. Mr. Van Gelder texts out important info as well as texts with travel status for returning to school after games, competitions, etc. See instructions for Remind above.
Tag DayAnn Rychlik
- Saturday, August 19th. 8:00 am – 1:00 pm
- Mandatory participation by all band members.
- Still need drivers. Signup link on our website.
- Driver meeting Thursday, August 17th.
- Kids are in full uniform, knocking on doors within our school boundaries, asking for donations.
- Safety first, kids in pairs. Adult driver stays with them as they go.
- Our biggest fundraiser, please consider signing up to be a driver.
UniformsMarie Sarmiento and Maya Merrill
- Kids do not eat or drink in uniforms. Please don’t give your kids soda or food during breaks.
- Uniforms do not go home. We dry clean them.
- Black socks to be worn with uniforms cannot have any logos on them. (ie: Nike Swoosh).
- Would like to have kids clean their own gloves on occasion. Handwash or gentle cycle.
- Possibility of buying additional pairs of gloves.
Committee NeedsDeb Kromer
- Chaperone Chair still needed
- Media Chair filled, but still need volunteers on committee to take video at games, competitions and concerts. Still photographers are welcome as well.
- If you take pictures and would like to make them available on our website, email them to:
- Concert Attire Chair still needed. Time will be during school hours.
- Senior Night Chair still needed. Will be at football game on October 27th.
- Recognition Night Chair filled, but still need volunteers for committee.
- Concessions Chair is filled, but still need volunteers for committee.
Pit CommitteeTim Waggoner
- Need volunteers
- Help get equipment on and off the field. Load and unload trailer. Handyman skills great. Pull trailer if you have a large truck.
Other BusinessKarolyn Gardner
- Need volunteers for VBODA(Virginia Band Orchestra Directors Association). October 28th.
- Also, please sell and purchase ads for program, given out for free to attendees.
- More info to follow.
- Water donations will be needed by each student. Each section will be assigned a week for water.
- Football Game Meals – order form will be posted.
- Band Pictures on Tuesday, August 15th. All must attend. Picture will be in yearbook. Photographer will email parents directly with purchase information.
- Facebook “Parents of PHS Marching Pioneers” isn’t sanctioned by PBSO or PHS. Good place to go through for questions/answers, etc.