Chapter 37: Focus Questions

1. Summarize what happened in India following World War II.

2. Explain what was at issue at the Bandung Conference in 1955.

3. Summarize the course of events in French Indo-China following World War II.

4. Outline the developments that emerged in Palestine following World War II.

5. Who was Gamal Abdel Nasser, and what was his role in Arab nationalism and the Suez Crisis?

6. Discuss how the Cold War helped to shape events in southwest Asia and north Africa.

7. Summarize the struggle to force the French out of north Africa.

8. Describe the growth of African nationalism and the transition to independence for sub-Saharan states such as Ghana and Kenya.

9. Explain why and how apartheid existed in South Africa … and how it came to an end.

10. Which countries were democratic and which were authoritarian in south, southeast and east Asia?

11. Describe some of the ways Mao Zedong changed China’s economic and cultural traditions.

12. Explain Mao’s Great Leap Forward and evaluate to what degree it was, in fact, progress.

13. Summarize Mao’s Cultural Revolution.

14. Why is Deng Xiaoping a significant figure in China’s history?

15. Analyze developments in China since the late 1980s.

16. Discuss the policies of Indira Gandhi.

17. Explain Islamism and why it began growing in the 1970s.

18. Explain the U.S. role in the Iranian Revolution and the Iran-Iraq War.

19. Why was decolonization in sub-Saharan Africa frequently accompanied by civil wars?

20. Outline the general economic and political realities in Mexico following World War II.

21. Describe Argentina’s political landscape in the post-war decades.

22. Explain the U.S. role in Guatemala and Nicaragua.

23. Discuss developments in the role and status of women in Latin America following the war.

24. Describe the economic issues generally facing Latin American countries following the war.

25. Explain “dependency theory.”