You are asked to volunteer at a centre for refugees. The majority of refugees have never seen or used a computer in their life. You are asked to take a small group and introduce them to computers and teach them how to use them. The instructor gives you a list of questions that are commonly asked by the refugees, and you have to prepare answers for them all. Knowing the background of the refugees is very limited on technology and advancements answer the following.

1 – What are computers, the different types of computers, and what do you do with them?

2 – What do you mean by hardware and software? Is one hard and one soft?

3 – I am confused! So a desktop computer is this big one in the classroom, but explain what a tablet, handheld and laptop are again? Why have so many options, if one has a tablet why would they want a handheld PC and a laptop?

4 – You record the history of the world in a computer! Really? How do you record data, analyze data, do research and manage projects? What “hardware” does this or is it “software”? I am confused. Please explain the process of how you input the information and it gets processed and then comes out? Does the computer speak to you or does it print it?

5 – What is this “internet” thing? Explain what a cloud is again? Is there hardware in a cloud? Where is this cloud located?

6 – Where is the “www” located? Why do I have to put www before going to a website? Where is all this information stored? In the cloud?

7 – I can send an email to someone and they will receive it on the tablet or handheld pc instantly! That sounds awesome, how does that work? Is this like sending a letter to someone? How is this different from sending a message to someone with a phone? I think you called it “text messaging”

8 – If I take a picture with this camera I can just send it to you directly via email? How can I do this? Is this camera connected to the internet? How does it know to send it to you? I am confused!!!

9 – You mentioned applications on my handheld pc. Who provides them and how do I get them on my handheld pc or phone? Are they free, if I need to pay how would you put money into your phone?