22nd – 23rd January 2015

Sutton Bridge Crop Storage Research, Linconshire

A practical course for growers and store managers who are involved in the daytoday management of potato stores

AHDB Potato Council

Sutton Bridge Crop Storage Research




Course outline

This is a practical course for growers and store managers who are involved in the day-to-day management of potato stores. The course will include talks, group discussions and practical interactive sessions, focusing on all aspects of potato storage. There will be opportunity for delegates to raise specific concerns and for these to be addressed during the course on a 1:1 or group basis. Delegate numbers are limited so early application is recommended.

Areas covered will include:

§  Store management principles / §  Storage buildings and control systems
§  Basic physiology for storage / §  Store monitoring
§  Store hygiene and disease control / §  Maintaining skin finish for prepacking
§  Drying, wound healing & pull-down / §  Managing processing crop quality
§  Sprout suppression options / §  Seed store management
§  Ethylene management / §  Store loading strategies
§  Practical store operation / §  Store ventilation
§  Quality control and protocols / §  Condensation control
§  Energy efficiency / §  Health & safety

Tutors will include Adrian Cunnington, Adrian Briddon, Glyn Harper and Ajay Jina from Potato Council*.

Course fee includes lunch and refreshments each day and course dinner on the evening of Thursday 22nd January. Each participant will receive a certificate on completion of the course. Delegates can claim BASIS CPD points and NRoSO points providing they attend the course in full**.

Bed and breakfast accommodation for Thursday 22nd January is recommended and, where required, will be at the Best Western Knights Hill Hotel, South Wootton, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 3HQ. Accommodation will be booked on your behalf by AHDB Potato Council on receipt of your booking form. Additional nights’ accommodation can be arranged at extra cost – please add an additional £78.00 per person per night to your payment and select the option on the booking form. Travel directions will be provided.

*Programme/tutor details subject to change or cancellation without notice.

**BASIS & NRoSO points subject to confirmation.

Course fees[†]

All payments are due in advance.

Discounted rates are available for Potato Council Levy Payers and registered agronomists.

Normal rate
(exc. VAT) / Normal rate (inc. VAT) / Potato Council Levy Payer rate (exc. VAT) / Potato Council Levy Payer rate (inc. VAT)
Residential / £460.00 / £552.00 / £375.00 / £450.00
Non-residential / £400.00 / £480.00 / £325.00 / £390.00

To book a place on the course please print off and complete the booking form on page 3 and return with full payment including VAT or select the invoice request option. Invoices must be paid prior to the course taking place.

A receipted VAT invoice will be issued for all bookings.

The closing date for receipt of booking forms is Friday 9thJanuary 2015.


Sutton Bridge Crop Storage Research on 22nd -23rd January 2015


For priority booking, please complete this booking form, print and return with full payment including VAT or invoice request to:

Kate Balloch, AHDB Potato Council, East Bank, Sutton Bridge, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 9YD.

The closing date for bookings is Friday 9th January 2015. Areceipted VAT invoice will be issued.

Invoice address*
Post code:
Order No: / Potato Council Registration No:
Please give name(s) as applicable
/ Name / Residential or Non-residential
(R or N) / Email / Telephone
Delegate 1*
Delegate 2
Delegate 3
Special requests (dietary, access)
Contact address (if different from invoice address) / Contact name:
Post code:

* Required information.

Please book place(s) as detailed above on the Potato Council Store Management Training Course on 22nd – 23rd January 2015 at Sutton Bridge Crop Storage Research.

(tick) I/we require additional B&B accommodation on Wednesday 21st January 2015 for person/s and have added the extra £78.00 per person per night (including VAT) to my payment total.

(tick) I confirm this booking is eligible for the discounted levy payer rate.

Payment: I enclose a cheque for £ made payable to AHDB.

or Please invoice me (to the invoice address detailed above)

Signed: Date:

……………………………………………………………... ……………………

Potato Store Management Course 2015 page 3

[†] In the event of cancellation of booking, an administration fee of £50.00 + VAT will be deducted. Refunds will not be made without a genuine reason being given for cancellation and no refunds can be made after 9th January 2015.