Syllabus and Classroom Management Plan for:

Instructor’s Name: Mrs. Christopher

Instructor’s Email:

Instructor’s Phone Number:(615)-452-1734

Course Description:In 8th grade math, we will be making the transition from numbers to variables and from arithmetic to algebra. We will also be focusing on abstract thinking and problem solving.

Required Materials: Each student will need these materials every day in class.

  • Textbook: Carnegie Learning Math Series Volume 1 & 2
  • Pencils, Erasers and Pens for grading
  • Loose-leaf notebook paper
  • Spiral Notebook for daily note taking
  • Folder used only for math class
  • Binder – thiswill be used daily for problem of the day, practice problems, and homework

Classroom Rules:

  1. Follow all rules and regulations listed in the Rucker Stewart Middle School Student Handbook
  2. Recognize that the teacher is in charge
  3. Come to class on time, prepared and ready to learn
  4. In everything we do, respect others and school property
  5. Give your best effort at all times
  6. All students are to remain in their seats unless given permission
  7. Students will use appropriate language to adults and students
  8. Our class will always be Prepared, Prompt, Productive, Polite, and Positive


At RSMS, our goal is to provide a safe educational environment where all students can learn and be successful.Moderate behaviors that continue to disrupt this environment will have: 1) student interventions, 2) parent contact, and 3) a detention.Extreme behaviors warrant an immediate office referral.

Positive behaviors are expected from all of us. Positive behaviors will be recognized this year and may even be acknowledged with a RAM RAVES reward. BE POSITIVE!

Grading Policy:

Standards based grading will be used. It isdesigned to measure content mastery. Assessments may include, but are not limited to: homework, quizzes, projects, tests, and end of quarter assessments.

Homework is an opportunity for students to practice and will be checked daily for completion and comprehension. Daily homework assignments will be worth 100 each. If it is completely finished, all 100 points will be received, incomplete homework receives 50 points.If no attempt to complete the homework has been made, you will receive a zero. All missing homework must be completed within three days of returning to class. Common Assessments are worth 40%, Quizzes are worth 20%, Homework worth 20%, Classwork worth 20%. Students will have three days to turn in late work and each day 20% will be taken off of the total grade.

Grading Scale:

A= 93 to 100

B= 85 to 92

C= 75 to 84

D= 70 to 74

F= 0 to 69

Tardiness and Absences:

Students who are tardy will be admitted to class, however, if it is unexcused, the student willbe issued a strike. Excuses should be submitted to the homeroom teacher as soon as the student returns to school from an absence. It is the student’s responsibility to make up all work. Students will have 3 days upon returning to make up work for full credit.

Extra Help Opportunities:

I am more than happy to meet with a student before or after school to go over anything he/she may need extra help to complete. Feel free to call or email anytime your child is confused or struggling. A 24-hour advance notice will be needed, so I can plan accordingly. The sooner I know about any problems; the sooner I can help. I am here to do anything in my power to help your child succeed!Students will be given two chance each semester for extra credit.

MATH schedule –

Math is scheduled for two periods a day. For example, you will have math for 45minutes, then have a 4 minute break (restroom/water/locker), then return to class for another 45 minute class period.On Tuesday and Thursday, we will have a 20- minute scheduled activity session at the end of math class.This may include movement in the classroom, a math activity game, or a walk outside.

I am very excited about this upcoming year! We are going to work very hard, have a lot of fun, and work together as a team to make this a fantastic and successful year!


Please sign and return the bottom portion of this sheet by Friday, August12, stating you have read and understand the student’s responsibilities for this course.

Student Name (printed) ______

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______

Student Signature ______Date______

Please answer the following: Best day of the week for a conference: ______

Phone number where you can be reached: ______Email Address: ______