Updated 8-28-10
Instructor: Dr. Sharon Parnin
Mailbox: Located in the education office in Neff Hall second floor
Phone: 260-481-6063 (I do not check voice mail daily.)
E-mail: (preferred communication)
Class Location & Time/Day:
Time: Sec 1Tuesday4:30-7:15; Sec 27:30 – 10:15 pm; Sec W3 Saturday 9:00 – 11:50
Office location: Neff 270 B (Feel free to stop by if my office light is on.)
Office Hours: by appt.
Required Books:
Title: Exploratopia: More than 400 kid-friendly experiments and explorations for curious minds (Hardcover)
Author: The Exploratorium
ISBN#: 0316612812
Publisher: Little, Brown Young Readers (October 4, 2006)
Title: Safety in the Elementary Science Classroom Second Edition
Product Number:PB030X2
Publisher: NSTA
Metric tape measure purchased from the IPFW bookstore.
Title: Picture Perfect and More Perfect Picture Science
Internet Sites:
- You will need to access the Indiana Academic Science Standards.
- Portaportal.com
- Librarything.com
I use Blackboard. Please make sure that you can access it and become familiar with the features. It is your responsibility to make sure that the technology is working from your end. Please contact IT services if you need help.
Course Overview
The primary goal of this course is to actively engage elementary education students to learn and practice the science process skills. A second goal is to connecting elementary education students with community resources for science education.
These goals directly relate to three of the INTASC standards. Those standards are:
(1) The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and the structure of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for students.
(2) The teachers understand how children learn and develop, and can provide learning opportunities that support their intellectual, social and personal development.
(10) The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support students’ learning and well-being.
The Indiana Professional Standards Board
The Indiana Professional Standards Board (IPSB) board governs the licensing of teachers in Indiana. There are 10 science standards for teachers. This class will touch on most of the ten standards, but primarily we will concentrate on parts of the following two standards.
Standard #1: The teacher of science understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and the history and nature of science in order to create learning experiences that makes these aspects of science meaningful for the student.
Standard #7: The teacher of science plans meaningful science instruction based upon knowledge of science, students, the community, science curricula, and curriculum goals.
Resources Available
Services for Students with Disabilities are located in WU 118 & 218 (481-6657, voice/TTY). Please notify me if you have any special needs or concerns.
The IPFW Writing Center, located in KT G19, is open Monday-Friday, as well as Sunday. It offers all writers free one-on-one help in writing papers for any class. Students may come at any stage of the writing process. Appointments are required; to sign up for a consultation, sign up via Tutor Trac at You should bring your syllabus and assignment to your consultation. The Writing Center also offers online consulting, free handouts, and workshops on a variety of topics. If you have questions about the Writing Center’s services or want to see if there are openings for same day appointments, call 481-5740. If your writing needs improvement, you will be sent to the writing center for assistance with your assignments. They will give you a paper indicating that you have received assistance from the writing center. You must turn in the paper to me or I will not score your assignment and you will receive a zero for the assignment.
The Education Curriculum and Computer Lab is located in Neff Hall at 237. This is a wonderful resource for all education students! Please use it.
You must bring the following items to every class meeting unless noted. If you do not have these items it will be difficult to participate and complete the in-class learning activities.
1. Please bring these items with you to class on a regular basis:
a. Metric tape measure purchased from bookstore
b. Colored pencils
c. Scissors
d. Tape masking or transparent
e. Magnifying glass
f. 5 - 10 zip lock baggies of various sizes
g. Old or plastic spoon and butter knife
- Simple calculator
- Stop watch or a timepiece that can measure second
Assignments, Points and Due Dates
Assignment / Points / Due / Points you earned on your assignmentPeer Teach Rocks
Preparation / 2 / 9-14-10 or 9-18-10
Peer Teach
Teach / 3 / 9-14-10 or 9-18-10
Peer Teach
Reflection / 5 / 9-24-10 on BB at 11:59 pm
Peer Teach Kings Foot
Preparation / 2 / 10-5-10 or
Peer Teach Kings Foot
Teach / 3 / 10-5-10 or
Peer Teach Kings Foot
Reflection / 5 / 10-22-10 on BB at 11:59 pm
Peer Teach Sheep in a Jeep
Preparation / 2 / 10-26-10 or
Peer Teach Sheep in a Jeep
Teach / 3 / 10-26-10 or
Peer Teach Sheep in a Jeep
Reflection / 5 / 11-5-10 on BB at 11:59 pm
Peer Teach Turtle Hurtle
Preparation / 2 / 11-16-10 or 11-20-10
Peer Teach Turtle Hurtle
Teach / 3 / 11-16-10 or 11-20-10
Peer Teach Turtle Hurtle
Reflection / 5 / 12-3-10
Science Study 1
Rough draft
Due on the day you have class / 12 / 9-7-10 or
Science Study 2
Rough Draft
Due on the day you have class / 10 / 9-14-10 or
Science Study 3
Scientific sketching and pictures
Rough Draft
Due on the day you have class / 15 / 9-21-10 or
Science Study 4
Rough Draft
Due on the day you have class / 14 / 9-28-10 or
Science Study 5
Rough Draft
Due on the day you have class / 15 / 10-12-10 or
Science Study 6
Rough Draft
Due on the day you have class / 13 / 10-26-10 or 10-30-10
Science Study 7
Rough Draft
Due on the day you have class / 14 / 11-9-10 or
Science Study Polished Electronic version – please read the assignment requirements / 45 / 11-19-10 on BB at 11:59 pm
Science Resource Guide / 30 / 10-15-10 on BB at 11:50 pm
Community Science / 50 / 12-1-10 on BB at 11:59
Science Fair class book project on Mixbooks.com / 50 / 12-13-10 at 11:59 pm Posted on Mixbooks.com and NOT BB
Science Notebook
(Rough draft of Science Study included in notebook along with class notes and other assignments.) / 50 / 12-7-10 or
Total / 358
Grades will be calculated using the total points accumulated from all assignments divided by the total possible points and multiplied by 100 to calculate your percentage. The following percentages are listed with the letter grade equivalent.
98-100% A+
95-97 A
91-94 A-
88-90 B+
85-87% B
81-84 % B-
78-80% C+
75-77% C
71-74% C-
68-70% D+
65-67% D
61-64% D-
60% and below F
Tardy and Missed Assignments
For each day an assignment is late, ten percent will be deducted from the grade. After 10 days the score will be zero. All assignments need to be uploaded to Blackboard. All assignments are due on the day listed and all are due by 11:59 pm. Blackboard will mark your assignment late, if it is received exactly at 11:59 pm. Please plan accordingly so your assignment will not be marked late.
This is a skills based class, which means that you will not be able to learn the material solely from the required textbooks. You need to come on time and be ready to participate in the activities. It is through participating in the class activities that you will learn the science process skills. This is not a methods class, but rather a class that teaches the skills scientists use when they investigate their questions. You also need to bring your science tool kit to every class. If you have a pattern of being late or not bringing your required materials, your overall class points will be reduced by 10%.
You need to make the commitment to come to class on time and plan to stay the full time. If you miss three classes, your grade will be automatically lowered one full grade. If you miss four classes your grade will be lowered two letter grades. I would suggest that if your personal life becomes complicated and you begin to miss class that you drop the class. Please take the class when you have the time to devote to it. If you miss four classes you have missed 25% of the semester.
I check my IPFW e-mail daily, and if you need to get a quick response from me, please use that address. Please include your course and section number in the message bar. I have several sections and three courses that I am teaching. I will answer e-mail on blackboard, but it may take a little longer for a response. Please do not attach your assignments and send them to my IPFW e-mail. The assignments are usually too big for my IPFW e-mail and it will crash my e-mail. I usually delete the e-mail with the large attachment. I will not accept assignments that are sent as e-mail attachments through Blackboard or my IPFW e-mail. You need to submit assignment files to the assignment tab in Blackboard. I will not accept your assignments if they are not submitted through the Blackboard assignment tabs.
Description of the Course Assignments
Science Study Project
You need to select one of the following areas of nature to observe over the course of the semester. You can choose to make observations of clouds/weatheror your favorite tree. You will need to let me know by the secondweek of class which you are planning on observing. You will make 7observations over a period of about 13 weeks. You will need to bring a hard copy of your rough draft science study observations to class. Please note when they are dueand follow the Science Study Scoring Guide criteria for what to include in your rough draft hard copy. You will write your rough draft in your Science Notebook. After you have brought your rough draft to class and it has been given constructive feedback, you will create a polished electronic copy to Blackboarddue at the end of the semester for a grade. You will receive a grade for each rough draft brought to class and a grade for the polished electronic Science Study paper.
If you forget your rough draft of your Science Study, you will receive a zero for your rough draft score. If you are absent, you will need to make an appointment with me to score your rough draft prior to the next class meeting. If you have not met with me before the next class period, then I will record a zero for your rough draft score.
Your rough draft will be scored initially by one of your classmates. I will review the scoring and reserve the right to adjust any score. The scoring guide provided for each journal entry will be used.
The purpose of this project is to give you an opportunity to apply the key skills introduced in mini lessons during class. You will be analyzing your observations and “I wonder” questions with other members in class. Often I will have additional class activities for you to do with your rough draft science study entries.
First Journal Entry: Observation
Worth 12 points
Project Requirements / Criteria / ScoreQualitative Observations
Be detailed and descriptive in your observations. Use as many senses as possible and safely. / 1 point
Quantitative Observations
Include the Beaufort wind scale found on page 181 in your Exploratopia book for both tree and cloud observations. / 1 point
Time, date and location go in upper right hand corner of each journal entry / 1 point
If you are using the Internet to find temperature and other weather measures, you need to provide a citation. You should use a real thermometer and take the temperature outside your house! / 1 point
Use as many number descriptions as possible, at least three. / 1 point
When making observations, you need to do little investigations to learn more about the object you are studying. You will need to research on the Internet and in books investigations to do. I have included some resources at theend in this document for ideas. / 2 points
I Wonders …
Write one or more “I wonders …” / 1 point
Answer one “I wonder ..” that you don’t’ know the answer. / 1 point
Include the citation of where you found the answer to your “I wonder. / 1 point
Highlight or identify your “I wonder …” question and answer so that it is easily distinguished from your written observation. / 1 point
No Opinion words
Your journal entry is free from opinion words. / 1 point
Total / 12 points
Evaluator’s Name: ______
Name of Q-200 student who is having SS study scored: ______
Second Journal Entry: Inference
Worth points: 14 points
Project Requirements / Criteria / Points / ScoreInference
Write two inferences about your observations. / 4 points
Write a short paragraph explaining how you make scientific inferences and then how you made your two inferences about your Science Study. / 4 points
Use metric, use correct SI units / 1 points
Sketch / 2 points
You need to also include a sketch or picture like you completed in your second journal entry.
Written Observation / 3 points
You need to also include a written observation like you completed in your first journal entry. Remember to include “I wonders …” and manipulations.
Total / 14 points
Evaluator’s Name: ______
Name of Q-200 student who is having SS study scored: ______
Third Journal Entry: Sketch/Picture
Worth points: 10 points
Project Requirements / Criteria / Points / ScoreSize
You need a picture of your study subject. The picture needs to be half a page in size. You may not use pictures from the Internet! Your pictures must be your own. / 1 point
You also need to make a sketch of your study subject. You need to scan and upload your sketch in the final electronic version of your Science Study paper. / 1 point
You need to label your picture and your sketch. You need to have five or more labels per picture and per sketch. / 1 point
More than one view
For either your picture or sketch you will need to have two or more views. The views need to be labeled. If possible, one view should be a magnified image. / 1 point
In your sketch you need to include accurate colors and scale. / 1 point
Observation / 5 points
You need to also include a written observation like you completed in your first journal entry. Remember to include “I wonders …” and manipulations.
Total / 10 points
Evaluator’s Name: ______
Name of Q-200 student who is having SS study scored: ______
Fourth Journal Entry: Measurement, Metric and Graphs
Worth points: 15 points
Project Requirements / Criteria / Point / ScoreGraphs
Select the correct graph for the correct data / 1 point
Label graph / 1 point
Explain why you selected the type of graph for the type of data you are representing / 1 point
Graph can be hand drawn or computer generated / 1 point
Correct scale of graph used / 1 point
Use correct metric units for scale of object / 1 point
Includes both number and unit written correctly in accordance with SI rules / 1 point
Record four or more different measures of the science study object – for example length, volume, weight, number count, time, area …. / 1 point
Sketch / 2 points
You need to also include a sketch or picture like you completed in your second journal entry.
Written observation / 5 points
You need to also include a written observation like you completed in your first journal entry. Remember to include “I wonders …” and manipulations.
Total / 15 points
Evaluator’s Name: ______
Name of Q-200 student who is having SS study scored: ______
Fifth Journal Entry: Classification
Worth points:15
Project Requirements / Criteria / Points / ScoreClassification
Identify your science study object (s). If you are studying a tree, please write the scientific name (genus species). If you are studying clouds, please write the more specific name of the cloud. It needs to be more than just cumulus, stratus or cirrus. / 3 points
Find a similar study object and identify it as well. Please be sure to include a picture of the second science study object. Compare and contrast the two objects you are studying. / 3 points
Please be sure that you can say the scientific name for your tree or cloud. You will need to say it to me when I check you off for bringing your rough draft to class. You can use the following website to help you. Remember I am looking for you to try your best!
You can also try to Google the scientific name. There are many dictionaries online that have an audio file which will say the word correctly. / 2 points
Write two inferences from your observations / 1 point
Use metric, use correct SI units / 1 point
You need to also include a sketch or picture like you completed in your second journal entry. / 2 points
Written Observations
You need to also include a written observation like you completed in your first journal entry. Remember to include “I wonders …” and manipulations. / 3 points
Total / 15 points
Evaluator’s Name: ______