March 13,2017, 6:00 P.M.

Barnum City Office, Barnum, Minnesota

The March 13, 2017 regular meeting of the Barnum City Council was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Jason Goodwin


Mayor: Jason Goodwin

Councilors:Dale Riihiluoma, Darrel Berry, Jimmy Calhounand Lori Berglund

Absent: None

Employees Present: Bernadine Reed (City Administrator), Kris Asperheim (Deputy Clerk), Brett Collier (Maintenance Supervisor) and Eric Pellinen(Liquor Store Manager)

Others Present:Corey Hurst, Mike Delfs& Eddie Pelkie


A motion was made byRiihiluoma, seconded by Calhounand unanimously carried to approve the agenda with the additions of F-3, G-2, G-3 & G-4.


A motion was made by Riihiluoma, seconded by Calhounand unanimously carried to approve the consent agenda as submitted.

  1. February 13, 2017Meeting Minutes
  2. Approval of Accounts Payable (8228-8300 - $69,595.04)
  3. FebruaryLiquor Sales Report
  4. February Financials
  5. Spring Fever Days Car Show Donation Request – Denied due to nonprofit status of Barnum Area Community Club


Corey Hurst, Fire Chief; Quotes were presented for a new Cascade System for the Fire Hall. Currently the Fire Department must fill tanks in Moose Lake or use a portable unit to fill at the Fire Hall. This system would allow the Fire Department to train more often with the air tanks. Jed Ninefeldt raised $12,300 in donations, $8,000 would come from the other checkbook and the remaining funds from the 4M fund. A motion was made by Riihiluoma, seconded by Berglund and unanimously carried to authorize the purchase of the Cascade System from Northshore Compressor for a cost of $25,604.23. The Fire Hall will need some electrical improvements done to allow for the additional needs with the purchase of the Cascade System. A motion was made by Berry, seconded by Riihiluoma and unanimously carried to approve Region Electric to do the work for $2,051. Chief Hurst had a letter of resignation and a letter for continued leave of absence. A motion was made by Goodwin, seconded by Calhoun and unanimously carried to accept the resignation letter dated 10/26/16 from David Johnson. A motion was made by Calhoun, seconded by Riihiluoma and unanimously carried to approve the request for an additional year of leave for Kevin Haley. A motion was made by Riihiluoma, seconded by Berry and unanimously carried to approve the 2018 budget as submitted. A motion was made by Riihiluoma, seconded by Calhoun and unanimously carried to approve the Revised Cooperative Fire Service Agreement as submitted.

Mike Delfs, Mercy Hospital;Attached to the packet is the Annual Report for 2016. Mr. Delfs points out the operating revenue of Mercy Hospital has increased considerably in the last 3 years with a positive number of $454,517 for 2016.

Jen Smith, Wipfli; the 2016 audit results were gone over. The audit summary is attached to the agenda packet.


  1. Notification of Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting; information only
  2. Dollars for Scholars thank you note.
  3. Pay Equity; information only
  4. Councilor Jimmy Calhoun resignation letter; A motion was made by Riihiluoma, seconded by Berry and unanimously carried to accept the resignation letter from Jimmy Calhoun and post the opening.


  1. None


  • Resolution 2017-04;Resolution Acknowledging Application for Authorizing an Exemption from a Lawful Gambling License for the Carlton County Chapter of MN Deer Hunters Association. A motion was made by Goodwin, seconded by Calhoun and unanimously carried to adopt resolution 2017-04.
  • Resolution 2017-05; Resolution Accepting Resignation and Declaring a vacancy. A motion was made by Goodwin, seconded by Riihiluoma and unanimously carried to adopt resolution 2017-05.



A written report was presented from the City Administrator:

  • Continued work on the Safe Routes Project, processed the temporary easements.
  • Attended the Fire Commission meeting, February 16th, obtained information from Carlton County and distributed Fire Contracts.
  • Reviewed the 2016-year end audit draft from Wipfli.


Asperheim gave an overview of the Zoning Department since the last Council meeting.

  • No building permits were issued in February.
  • 2 garbage nuisance letters were mailed, the property owners complied.
  • A Planning Commission meeting was held on March 6th. An annual spring cleanup was discussed for 2018. A letter was sent to Ossie’s per the Planning Commissions direction. Asperheim completed a walkthrough at Ossie’s as instructed by the Planning Commission to address the condition of the entire property. Ron Ostrander has agreed to clean the property up by April 7th.


Collier gave a verbaloverview of the Utilities/Maintenance Department since the last council meeting.

  • Routine monthly reports completed.
  • Ritter and Ritter were in town to fix a plugged sewer at the intersection of Main and Front Street due to asphalt being spilled down the man hole.
  • Numerous power outages and call-ins.
  • A lot of tree and brush clean up after the storms.
  • Repaired plumbing at the Liquor Store.


A written report was presented from the Liquor Store Manager.

  • Applications continue to be accepted for part time bartender.
  • The plumbing problems behind the bar have been resolved.
  • Continued work on the POS system.
  • Pellinen is working with Bernicks on switching out the pop canisters to bags.
  • Work will be done on the walk in cooler door.


  • SEH, Safe Routes to School;the project is moving forward, Reed will keep the Council updated.
  • 2016 Street Project invoice and fund transfer request for payment. A motion was made by Berry, seconded by Riihiluoma and unanimously carried to issue payment to Carlton County in the amount of $134,633.50 and to transfer funds from the 4m fund to the checking account.


  • Request to hire Assistant Maintenance Worker;A motion was made by Berry, seconded by Calhoun and unanimously carried to approve the request and advertise for the position.
  • Insurance agent change and annual liability waiver form;A motion was made by Goodwin, seconded by Riihiluoma and unanimously carried to not waive the statutory tort limits. A motion was made by Goodwin, seconded by Riihiluoma and unanimously carried to appoint Nate Jackson, Town and County Insurance, as the new City Insurance Agent.


  • Regular Meeting – April 10, 2017 @ 6:00pm

A motion was made by Riihiluoma, seconded by Calhoun and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:15pm



Mayor Jason Goodwin



City Administrator Bernadine Reed Deputy Clerk Kris Asperheim

March 13, 2017