Hsiang Hsi Lin
a) Professional Preparation
- B.S. Mechanical EngineeringNational Chung Hsing University, Taiwan1974
- M.S. Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio1980
- Ph.D. Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio1985
b) Appointments
- Mechanical Engineering Officer, Naval Ammunition Center, Taiwan1974 - 1976
- Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Memphis1985 - 1990
- Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Memphis1990 - 1996
- Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Memphis1996 - present
- Director, Engineering Technical Support, Herff College of Engineering,
University of Memphis1998 - present
c) Relevant and Significant Publications
1. E. T. Ng, C. H. Lu, and H. H. Lin, “Finite Element Modeling of Composite Spur Gears,”
Proc. of the3rd International Conference on Composite Engineering, July 1996,
New Orleans, Louisiana, pp. 625-626.
2. C. H. Liou, H. H. Lin, F. B. Oswald, and D. P. Townsend, "Effect of Contact Ratio on Spur
Gear Dynamic Load with No Tooth Profile Modifications," ASME Journal of Mechanical
Design, September 1996, Vol. 118, No. 3, pp. 439-443.
3. H. H. Lin, C. H. Liou, F. B. Oswald, and D. P. Townsend, “Balancing Dynamic Strength of
Spur Gears Operated at Extended Center Distance,” Proc. of ASME 7th International Power
Transmission and Gearing Conference, October 1996, San Diego, California, pp. 23-28.
4. F. B. Oswald, D. P. Townsend, B. Rebbechi, and H. H. Lin, “Dynamic Forces in Spur Gears:
Measurement, Prediction, and Code Validation” Proc. of ASME 7th International Power
Transmission and Gearing Conference, October 1996, San Diego, California, pp. 9-15.
5. P. H. Lin, H. H. Lin, F. B. Oswald, and D. P. Townsend, “Using Dynamic Analysis for
Compact Gear Design,” Proceedings of the ASME Design Technical Conference, DETC
98/PTG-5785, September 1998, Atlanta, Georgia.
6. C.H. Liou, H.H. Lin, F.B. Oswald, and D.P. Townsend, "Using Hob-Offset to Balance
Dynamic Strength in Spur Gears," International Journal of Mechanics of Structure and
Machines, August 2000, Vol. 28, No. 2&3,pp. 169-184.
7. G. Padmasolala, H. H. Lin, and F. B. Oswald, “Influence of Tooth Spacing Error on Gears
with and without Profile Modification,” ASME Design Technical Conference, DETC
2000/PTG-12, September 2000, Baltimore, Maryland.
8. P.H. Lin, H.H. Lin, F.B. Oswald, and D.P. Townsend, "Using Dynamic Analysis for Compact
Gear design," ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, March 2002, Vol. 124, No. 1, pp. 91-97.
9. H. H. Lin, Y. Zhang, “An Adaptive Finite Element Analysis for Tooth Deformation
and Load Distribution of Helical Gears”, International Journal of Mechanical,
Aerospace, and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, Sept. 2008, pp. 1-12.
10. T. Nguyen, H. H. Lin, “Compact Design for Non-Standard Spur Gears”, International
Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, Sept. 2011,
pp. 1-15.
11. T. Rist, C. Bateman, J. Barretta, J. Flores, J. Galloway, M. Kassner, J. Bumgardner,
H. Lin, T. Tan, R. Mulvany, ” Lift Walker: Developing an Inexpensive and
Lightweight Stand-Assist Device,” BMES 2014 Annual Meeting, October 22-25,
2014 in San Antonio, Texas.
d) Synergistic Activities
- Developed a course in computer-aided design integrating computer-aided drafting, modeling,
finite element analysis and optimization for undergraduate students.
- Developed windows interface to facilitate the execution of computational intensive programs
for graduate and undergraduate students.
- Conducted the research training programs for gear researchers from developing countries
supported by United Nations.
e) Collaborators and Other Affiliations
- Fred B. Oswald, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio
- Dennis P. Townsend, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio
- John J. Coy, NASA Ames Research Center, Palo Alto, California
- Brian Rebbechi, Department of Defense Research Lab, Australia
Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors
- Weiqiang Liu (Postdoctoral, Qing-Hua University, Beijing, China, 1998-2001)
- Chuen-Huei Liou (Ph.D., Fall 1994)
- Ping-Hsun Lin (Ph.D., Spring 1995)
- Jifeng Wang (Ph.D., Fall 1995)
- Tuan Nguyen (Ph.D., Fall 2004)
- Chinwai Lee (M.S., Spring 1990)- Chuen-Huei Liou (M.S., Spring 1991)
- David K. Tse (M.S., Spring 1992)
- Ping-Hsun Lin (M.S., Fall 1992)
- Yi Zhang (M.S., Fall 1993)
- Giri Padmasolala (M.S., Fall 1997)
- Sied Janna (M.S., Spring 1998)
- Xie Jun (M.S., Fall 1998)
- Liu Jing (M.S., Spring 1999)
- Khoa Nguyen (M.S., Fall 2000)
- Tuan Nguyen (M.S., Spring 2001)
- Aruna Kinjarapu (M.S., Fall 2003)
- Ranjit Jangili (M.S., Spring 2004)
- Mohammad Rafi (M.S., Summer 2004)
- Raghuvamshi Taneti (M.S., Summer 2004)
- Gous Mohammed (M.S., Spring 2005)
f) Current Research
- Conduct dynamic analysis and design of standard gear transmission systems using computer
simulation and modeling. Perform numerical integration of governing equations of motion to
evaluate the effects of various gear design parameters on the dynamic response of the systems.
- Incorporate and test new design concepts to create non-standard gear systems to minimize the
dynamic load and stress of gear teeth for improved dynamic performance and longer service life.
- Explore the use of composite materials for a better gear transmission system.