off season training
(Strength Training)

By Jon Mcgovern

Team Charter Questionnaire

Team charters are documents that define the purpose of the WRESTLING TEAM, how it will work, and what the expected outcomes are. They are the roadmaps that will help the team RESPOND vs React to adversity during the course of a season – it will be created at the beginning of the journey (spring following NCAA’s) each year to make sure that all involved in the Wrestling Program are clear about where we’re / they’re heading, and give direction when times get tough.

The following is a questionnaire design to get input from all WRESTLERS on the founding of the TEAM CHARTER. The Blue Print Board Members & Head Wrestling Coach will construct the first draft of the TEAM CHARTER based on your feedback. This draft will be used during our spring training sessions and SUMMER UNITY CAMP. You will have an opportunity to edit and provide feedback before it will be officially adapted as your team charter effective (insert date). This process is about achieving the best team dynamic possible to enable individuals and our TEAM overall success. Please think carefully about your responses, because this will set the foundation for how we doing during the upcoming 2012-2013 SEASON.

The Context:

  1. Why are you on this wrestling team? (pick your top 3 reasons)

Fun___Be the best wrestler I can be___Be with friends___

Win___Love Wrestling___Enjoy Competition____

Other___Make new friends___Like the challenge___

Be a part of building the Wrestling Tradition of Excellence____

2) Why is this important?



3)What should be the key elements of our mission/vision as a team? (pick your top 3)

Put forth extraordinary effort___To be excellent___To be united___

Represent the best of Tradition___To be courageous___To be honest & trustworthy___

To be humble & gracious ___To ensure every wrestler is important and has a role___

To represent the best of our college___To be the best team in NCAA III history___

To score the most points ever in NCAA III history___

A team that knows and supports each other___To do well in the classroom____

To be leaders in society___To help others through community service___

To be the best we can be spiritually, mentally, and physically___

Pursuit of excellence while building men of CHARACTER___

2) Other?


4) What should happen if a rule is broken?


5) What would be a fun way to promote the use of the WRESTLING TEAM'S CHARTER?


Answer : 1 (Strongly Agree) 2 (Agree) 3 (Neither agree or disagree) 4(Disagree) 5 (Strongly Disagree)

1)I am performing in wrestling up to my ability and doing all the things I should be doing to become the best I can be ____

2)I know what is expected of me to be the best I can be in wrestling and in the classroom ____

3)Wrestling provides me with a real sense of personal accomplishment and pride____

4)I feel my wrestling performances are fairly evaluated by the coaching staff____

5)I receive the training and other developmental opportunities I need to advance in my wrestling____

6)All and all, I am satisfied with my wrestling career____

7)When awards are given on our wrestling team, they are given to the people who earn them____

8)Other members on this team are working hard to reach their goals____

9)Members on my team are committed to help the team in it’s goal of winning an NCAA Title____

10)Members on this team know how to put wrestling and school above partying____

11)I feel like I belong on this team____

12)I feel like the staff care about me____

13)I feel like learning can be fun____

14)I feel other teammates treat me with respect____

6) What values should guide our team this season? (Pick your top 5)





Intensity___Persistence___Winning___Results Oriented___Toughness___


7)What should our goals be as a team by the end of this spring semester – pick your top 3

___Everyone has 3.0 GPA at end of the semester

___Everyone attends all the strength training sessions this spring

___Individuals are accountable for their actions –attend all classes, train 4-5x/week

___No one is involved with illegal drugs this spring

___Team Unity – (Team gets closer)

___To know and appreciate 2 other teammates I don’t know that well

___Each wrestler has an ISI partner and meet and hold each other accountable for weekly goals

___Each individual sets personal goals for the season

___Help coaches bring in the best recruiting class ever this spring


8)What should the mission be of our team be for next season
Be in the best shape of our life___ Be Mentally Tough___ Be Aggressive____

A team that knows and supports each other___To do well in the classroom____

To be leaders in society___To help others through community service___

To be the best we can be spiritually, mentally, and physically___

Pursuit of excellence while building men of CHARACTER___ Have a strong work ethic___



Please list three things that you would really like about this wrestling program

Please list three things that you would really like to see improved with this wrestling program