Sample Fundraising Letter


God has presented me with an opportunity to travel to Israel and minister to His people. The nation of Israel and Jewish people are experiencing a very difficult time politically, economically and spiritually. The Jewish people need and want our support. The Lord has called me to express the love of Christ firsthand to the Jewish people through volunteering with the ministry of Christian Friends of Israel.

Christian Friends of Israel is an international, non-denominational, evangelical para-church ministry with headquarters in Jerusalem and Representatives around the world. Formed in December 1985, Christian Friends of Israel (CFI) encompasses two main objectives:

1. To reach out to the Jewish people with the love of Messiah Jesus through projects and

outreach in Israel.

2. To teach the Church of its Hebraic heritage and foundation, stressing a prophetic and Biblical responsibility to the Jewish people.

I will be blessed eternally as I build bridges of friendship with God’s Chosen People.

I will have the opportunity to tour the land where Jesus walked and taught. For six of the eighteen days of the pilgrimage, I will be blessed as I become personally acquainted with the land God chose for His own forever. How inspirational to open my Bible and study the ancient Biblical stories right where they happened!

I’m doing all that I can to raise funds. Any amount that you can send will help and will be greatly appreciated. Most importantly, I know I can count on you to support me with your prayers. My trip dates are ______and the full amount is due on ______. Time is of the essence.

If you can help financially, please send your tax-deductible contribution to: Hearts for Israel Mission/Tour, 305 W. Magnolia, #262, Fort Collins, CO 80521. Your check should be made out to Hearts for Israel—Please be sure to put my name on the donation. More information about Hearts for Israel Mission/Tour 2003 can be found at: Your prayerful consideration would be appreciated.
