Rebound Therapy

Name: A StudentD.O.B: 24/2/2001

Diagnosis and any contra Indications:

I have Autistic Spectrum Disorder

What does this mean for me?

  • I need to be able to have some control over my environment. I like to put things back into their rightful place and tidy things up.
  • I need to stick to a rigid regime and structure. If this is disrupted it will have a detrimental impact on me.
  • I need to have a schedule/time table in place in advance so I know what is happening throughout my day. If this is changed without preparing me it will make me upset.
  • If I become stuck on something or get into a routine/habit that is hard to get out of, then breaking the cycle can help me to move on, e.g. a visit home can put be back on track as to what day it is.
  • I like to have doors closed and windows open.
  • I am sensitive to some noises that other people may make.
  • I need to have a space where I can have time on my own, e.g. my bedroom or activity room.
  • I do not have an understanding or awareness of social ‘norms’ and can find it easier to interact with adults than with my peers.
  • I may try to test my peers and engage with them by tickling them, etc. be aware that they may not respond positively to this.
  • When going outside I like to wear a hat and coat. Wearing hats helps me to feel safer. Please ensure you take a spare hat with you wherever we go in case I lose mine.
  • Although I might be able to tolerate if things are broken, I can become very upset if something of mine is missing. If it is not found quickly this could lead to self injurious or physically challenging behaviour.

It is important that you are led by me with regards to my routine.

I have Severe Learning Difficulties

What does this mean for me?

  • I can find it difficult to understand what someone is trying to communicate to me and why.
  • I find it difficult to express what it is I want and need and can become frustrated if people do not understand me.
  • I do not understand some basic concepts such as the exchange of money or stranger danger. This can make me vulnerable.
  • I can find waiting difficult although I am getting better with this. Please help me to wait by putting a ‘wait’ symbol on my schedule in between each activity. I may seek reassurance through a verbal count down as well, e.g. “5 minutes then trampoline”.


  • I am able to verbalise some words, e.g. “all gone” which means a multitude of things – go away, back off, no, finished, stopped, don’t want that.
  • I prefer to communicate using symbols – I have a communication book which I need to have with me at all times.
  • I am able to use some signs in Makaton and some signs which I have made up myself. There should be a list of these in my file in the house and class.
  • I will sign ‘T’ with my hands when indicating I need Time Out during times of crisis. It is important you give me this.

(See my Communication Profile for more information – this is currently in the process of being produced)


  • I am a healthy young man.
  • I take 1ml of Risperidone at night and in the morning with some water.
  • I have PRN (emergency medication) of Diazepam to be taken in times of crisis when I am very distressed. (Please follow the guidelines on when to administer my medication in a crisis. It is important this is not given to me too early).If you have administered PRN please inform the school nurse and my parents as soon as possible.
  • Please monitor me closely if I should self injure as this could cause bruises/bumps/grazes on my body or reopen older wounds. (I have a cut in the centre of my forehead which can reopen if I bang my head on surfaces. I may say “ow” to indicate I am in pain. Please support me with first aid and reassure me).

Physical description / challenging behaviours

‘A’ is a very physically able student, he is mostly non verbal only able to vocalise a few words and sounds but he responds very well to visual signs on the trampoline. ‘A’’s challenges can be severe but the likely hood of any challenging behaviour on the trampoline is highly unlikely. The build up and responses to challenging behaviour is easily recognised and is clearly detailed in his behaviour support plan.

Aims of Rebound Therapy

  • Provide an opportunity to exercise
  • Increase motivation
  • Improve levels of fitness
  • Enjoyment and fun
  • Improve special and bodily awareness
  • Improve level of fitness
  • To complete as many grades as possible