Patient NEWSLETTER – March 2014


Welcome to our Fourth edition of Practice Patient Newsletter

We hope our Practice Patient Newsletter continues to be informative and provides you with the latest developmental processes within Harness Harrow Practice. Our patients are extremely important to us and we always welcome your feedback on issues that matter most to you.

New Practice Website

We are delighted to inform you that we have a new practice website.

Web address is: .

We would like to thank the people who have visited the site and given us their feedback.

Patient Survey

Many thanks to all patients who completed a practice survey in Jan/Feb 2014. We have now received the survey result and will discuss this at our next Patient Group meeting on the 12th march 2014.

Result will also be published on the practice website.

On line Access

Along with repeat prescription requests, you can now also book your routine GP appointment on line. Please speak to our reception team who will be more than happy to assist you with this.

Travel clinics

Due to limited NHS resources and after discussing with the Practice Patient Group, practice has made a decision to reduce our travel clinics to once a month. This will free up Nurse’s time to look after patients with chronic diseases, dressings and children’s immunisations.

If you are unable to get an appointment with the practice nurse for your travel advice, we can give you a summary of your travel vaccines to date along with details of private travel clinics.

Patient Participation Group

The Patient Participation Group quarterly meeting is an integral part of Harness Harrow Practice. Thank you to the patients who attended the meeting that was held on Monday 16th December 2013. The participants at the meeting contributed to important discussions with Practice staff and Management regarding Harness Harrow. Participant feedback is listened to and acted upon. If you are interested in joining the Group please speak to the Practice Manager for further information.


If you provide unpaid support and help to a family member or a friend who has a disability, mental health problem, chronic/terminal condition, frail of aged, you are a carer.
We are here to support you. Please register with us as a carer.

Patients Failing to Attend Appointments

In February 2014, 130 patients failed to attend their appointments at Harness Harrow Practice. Unforeseen circumstances beyond our control can, of course, happen to us all, but when patients fail to attend and do not cancel appointments in advance we are not able to offer the appointment to any of our other patients who need to be seen by a doctor or a nurse. If you are unable to attend your appointment, please provide a minimum of 2 hours notice.

Thank you for reading this quarter’s edition.