Minutes of the Meeting
Monday 1st October 2012
People who were there today: Lorna Wise, Rita and Albert Kinsey, Sue Windess, Hayley Sylvester, Brian Sims, Beth Reed, Janet Chierchia, Katy Dawson, Alice Webb, Liz Hall, Michelle Bonnel, Henry Sims, Mike Robinson, Stevan Floyd, Dawn Harris
Apologies: Flo Garland, Jan Mills, Tracey Eldridge, Judith Clayton, Tracey Carus
Mistakes/corrections from the last meeting: approved
Matters arising: We would like category management to stay on the agenda.
We will have a response from the LIG by 2013. Henry has compiled lots of questions.
It was agreed that Eastleigh is still a good venue for the Partnership Board meetings.
Lifts can be offered to people in the Andover area who wish to attend.
Transformation: update Dawn Harris
Dawn told us that although the Day Service has moved out of the building at Bishopstoke they are still in the process of transformation.
Things have not all gone according to plan as there has been an unforeseen lack of resources due to a number of staff changes.
People on Launchpad use the Pavilion in the park on Monday and Friday and Wells Place Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The DOCs are still working with existing staff until Christmas.
People with complex needs are based at the Hexagon, Velmore and can use the Pavilion on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. There will be a meeting on Monday with staff to get some feedback about how things are going.
Some Service Users and a few carers are happy with the changes.
Michelle said that not everyone is happy with their timetables and choices are limited for some people. Although confidence is slowly building Michelle is afraid that if it doesn’t work some Service Users will stay at home which could result in different problems. Service Users have a right to an independent life and should not have to stay home just because the day service cannot meet their needs.
Liz asked why PCPs had not been completed for everyone. Alice agreed that there has been a lack of education and communication about person centred planning.
Rita stressed the importance of people with complex needs keeping the same staff when the changes are made to day services.
Partnership Board update
We discussed the topics for the next PB meeting which are
Health Matters and What people do in the day.
Our questions have been sent to Flo (see page 4 and 5 – bottom of these minutes).
The PB meeting in September was discussed and agreed that it is still a work in progress.
Not all reports are in easy read and some things are difficult to understand.
The meeting overran which meant that not all the questions were answered.
Henry did not get a response from his question about SDS.
A card system is to be used to help people to have more control of the meeting.
Care and Support Bill
Unfortunately Jan Mills was unable to attend the meeting. There is an easy read version online and a questionnaire.
Service user involvement: Active Orange
Mike said that 7 members attended the last meeting. They now have a logo. The group may go to the self advocacy day in November. Lorna has been invited to the next Active Orange meeting
Other things:
Carers Voice
There will be two meetings in November for carers to discuss the topics for the next PB meeting 6th November in Basingstoke 11.00 am to 1 pm and 29th November at Wells Place Eastleigh 11.00 am to 1.00pm.
Safer Places launch in Andover on Thursday 4 October 11.30am to 1.30pm
It was suggested that we move the meetings for December, January and February to Andover or ask that the heating be increased at Woodley.
Next meeting:
Monday 5 November 2012 – 10.30 am to 12.30 noon – Woodley Village Hall, School Road, Romsey
No meeting in August
Dates for 2012 and 2013 – 10.30 am to 12.30 noon
03-Dec 20127 January 2013
4 Feb 2013
4 March 2013
8 April (due to Easter b/h previous week)
13 May (due to May b/h previous week)
3 June 2013
1 July 2013
9 Sept 2013
7 October 2013
4 November 2013
2 December 2013
1 How can you ensure people with a learning disability have enough support to access the health care they need?
E.g. GP appointments, screening, support to attend clinics/chemo if they only have “supporting people support”.
2 When are you going to fund sufficient “staff time” to support people going into hospital, and training and support for GP surgeries?.
3 Community health care staff, from reception in GP surgeries to consultants often need more training and support to help people with LD access good quality health care?.
4 Pediatric & Dental Care are not covered in the Big Health Talk. Why is this?
5 Dental care is not given a high priority, how can this be improved?
6 How can we make sure that annual health checks are given?
7 How do we ensure that medical services for people with learning disabilities are consistent across GPs, dentists & hospitals?
8 Can planning for serious medical interventions, when needed, be added to annual health check?
9 Forms & documents are not always accessible for people in the health care system. How can this be improved?
10 How do we make sure that the appropriate & consistent support is available during a medical crisis, including help from familiar people, such as regular support workers?
11 Hospital Passports are good but aren’t always done when someone is admitted to hospital, meaning that their care needs aren’t always known on the ward. Can this be improved?
12 Learning disability liaison nurses are a good idea, but they are spread thinly, which means that sometimes people don’t have the support that they need until they have been in hospital a number of days. Are more liaison nurses planned?
What people do during the Day:
1 How much choice do people really have?
2 How many people with Learning disabilities have a Person Centred Plan, if they have one, how is it monitored and implemented to ensure that their wishes choice is followed?.
3 What choice do people have in what they do during the day if they are in “residential care or Nursing home”?
4 Transport is a big issue – it restricts what people can do – when will this issue be addressed?
5 How can we ensure that people are given and know that they have choices about what they do?
6 People like to try something before deciding if it’s something that they would like to do. Can this be added as part of the change process? What would happen if later on they then change their mind and decide they don’t want continue this activity?
7 Certain activities need staff with appropriate skills (e.g. swimming). Sometimes support staff are rostered (rota), who don’t have the necessary skills, meaning that an activity can’t go ahead. This causes upset for the person. How do we make sure that right support staff is provided so people get to do what they want to do rather than what is convenient for the provider?
8 Following the closure of day services, what will be done to monitor external activity providers to ensure that they continue to deliver the services that people want?
9 How can flexibility be built into people’s activities, so that they can do things at a time that suits them and also change their mind about what they want to do?