Access to Work Survey: Information Sheet
Why are we doing the survey?
Our campaign was set up in November 2013 when the government made new rules to Access to Work. Since then, we know that more changes have been made and others have been put forward. We are doing this survey to find out more about the service that people get.
Who is runningthis survey?
The Stop Changes to Access to Work team are doing this survey using SurveyMonkey, this is a survey that you do on the internet. You can get the questions and the choices for answers in British Sign Language (BSL) and in Easy Read. If you need an Easy Read copy please email:
Who can and who cannot take part in the survey?
You can take part in the survey if:
- You get Access to Work support at the moment
- You have had Access to Work support in the past but you have had this money for support stopped
- You have sent in an application form to get Access to Work support but this has not been given
If I take part, what will I have to do?
There are a number of questions for you to answer. The questions are multiple choice, this means there is a list of answers for you to pick from. There is also space to give more feedback. For people who use British Sign Language your answers can be sent to us in British Sign Language to:
Wethink that it is a good idea to use Dropbox to send us videos, this is an online folder where you can save big files.
How long will the survey take?
The survey should take no more than 10 minutes.
What will happen to the information I give you?
Your information will be put together withother people’s information and used as part of information and evidence. We will use this information to write a report for Ministers and the Department of Work and Pensions.
We may use quotes; these are words that you have used in your answers. We will make sure that we take out any information that means that the person reading the quote would know who had written it.
The information from the report will be sent out and shared with the media. By filling in this survey, you are agreeing that we can use your information in this way.
How will you make sure it stays private?
When using Survey Monkey, you do not need to give any personal information to take part in the survey.
You will only be asked to give your name and contact information if you would like to be sent a copy of this report when it is ready. Your contact details will not be used for anything else.
Answers that are sent in on video in British Sign Language will be written up, then added to the information from Survey Monkey and then deleted.
Survey Monkey has a password, this means that only Stop Changes to Access to Work members can log on. This is the same for people sending their answers in by email to the StopChanges to Access to Work email address.
What if I change my mind? How can I pull out?
When your answers have been sent in they cannot be deleted from SurveyMonkey. However, you can get in touch with us to have your answers taken out of the information that will go into the final report. Answers sent in by email can be deleted and will not be used either.
What will you do with what you find out?
We will write a report for everyone to see and this will be shared with Ministers, Department for Work and Pensions and Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations.
- Which main medical reason do you get Access to Work for? This can be called a ‘Primary Medical Condition’. Below are the areas that Access to Work give. Please put a ‘X’ in the boxes that best fit you:
Arms or hands
Legs or feet
Back or neck
Stomach, liver, kidney or digestion
Heart, blood, blood pressure or circulation
Chest or breathing
Difficulty in hearing
Difficulty in seeing
Difficulty in speaking
Learning disability
Progressive illness
Mental Health condition
Cerebral Palsy
Spina Bifida
- How long have you been getting Access to Work support for? Please put an ‘X’ in the box that best fits you:
0 - 1 year
1 - 2 years
2 - 3 years
3 - 5 years
5 - 10 years
10 years or more
- How many hours do you work each week? Please put an ‘X’ in the box that best fits you:
0 - 5 hours
5 - 10 hours
10 - 15 hours
15 - 20 hours
20 - 25 hours
25 - 30 hours
30 - 35 hours
35 - 40 hours
40 hours or more
- How many hours support do you get from Access to Work each week? Please put an ‘X’ in the box that best fits you:
0 - 5 hours
5 - 10 hours
10 - 15 hours
15 - 20 hours
20 - 25 hours
25 - 30 hours
30 - 35 hours
35 - 40 hours
40 hours or more
- What type of support do you get? Tell us about all of the types of support that you get by putting an ‘X’ in the boxes that best fit you:
BSL/English Interpreter
Job Aide
Travel buddy
Job coach
Mental Health support service
Deaf blind interpreter
Note taker
Electronic note taker
- Has the support that you get from Access to Work changed? Please put an ‘X’ in the box that best fits you.
Not sure
If you answered yes, how has your job changed? Please give us as much information as you can about this in the below:
- Have these changes meant that you cannot do your job or cannot do it in the same way?
Not sure
- Do you know why your support has been changed?
Not sure
If yes, can you tell us what reason were you given? Please write you answer in the space below:
- Which sector do you work in? A sector is about the organisation that you work for, about the aims of the organisation and where it gets its money from.
If you are not sure about any of the areas below, there is a list of definitions at the end of this document which explains each area.
Please put an ‘X’ in the box that best fits the organisation that you work for:
Social Service
Private sector
Own business
- What is your job at the moment? Please tell us what you job is in the space below:
- Have you found it when applying for Access to Work or using Access to Work:
Very easy
Quite difficult
Very difficult
- Please tell us something good about Access to Work or something good about any changes you have had:
- Please tell us something about Access to Work that you think could be made better:
- Would you be happy for your experiences to be shared as a case study?
Anonymised only: this mean your name and contact information will be kept private
If yes, please leave your contact details in the space below:
- Is there anything else you would like to tell us about? If there is anything, then please tell us about this in the space below:
Thank you for taking part in this survey. If you would like us to send you a copy of what we find out and the report, then please give us your name and email address or post address below:
Email address:
Definitionsforquestion 9:
Not for profit: The aim of these organisations is to help the community. Some not for profit organisations are charities, community groups and some have help from volunteers. Some run like a business, but the money that they get goes back into supporting the people that they work with. They do things like teaching the community, running services, campaigning for change, giving people information and supporting people. They get their money from funders, money they get paid for services that they run and donations. Some are also funded by the government.
NHS: The aim of the NHS is to give free healthcare to anyone who needs it. This could be going to see the doctor or going to hospital. Some people who don’t live in the UK or Europe have to pay to use the NHS. The NHS is paid for by the Government.
Social Services: The aim of Social Services is to help people living in the community with services such as; care and support at home, meals on wheels and day centres. They also arrange for people to live in care homes. Most services are free for anyone who needs them, but some people who have money saved up might have to pay. Social Services are paid for by the Government.
Government: The Government is the group of ministers who run the country. They are from the political party that won at the last election. The Government gets its money from taxes paid by people and businesses.
Private sector: The private sector is made up of businesses that aim to make money by selling things or services.
Own business: These are smaller companies run by one person. Their aim is to make money for the person who runs the business. They get their money from people who buy the things that they sell.
Other: This can be any other type of area that is not in the areas above.