
Mark Mize, Tony Scroggs

Connie Stoddard, Charles Waguespack


Barbara Roberts, Annie Waguespack

Date 8:30 AM 11:00 AM

11/0527 64

11/12 35 80

11/1933 91

11/2624 97

The UMM willmeet Sunday, December 3rd at 7:00 AM. Men cooking are Floyd Brown, Tony Ritter, & Tony Scroggs.

Bring your nonperishable items for MICA on Sunday,December 3rd. You can also give cash to Robert Walker and he will take your donation to the appropriate person. Remember this is the season when the pantry gets depleted, so please give generously out of your blessings.

In the month of November, food was prepared and delivered to38 people in and around our community. Thank you to all who helped prepare and deliver the meals. Providing food for F.E.A.S.T. on Tuesday,December 12thwill be Kim Burkett, Brenda Green, Yvette Lott, and Ginger Ritter. If you are able and available to deliver meals, please be at the church by 10:30 AM.


The Women's Wednesday night Bible study group will continue studying Battlefield of the Mind written by Joyce Meyer. Please join us each week at 6:30 in the PEACE Sunday School classroom as we are "thinking about what we're thinking about." We would love for you to invite a friend. See Angie Weems or Deedra Bales if you have any questions.

Deedra Bales


The Monday Morning Bible Study Group meets every Monday morning at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall of the church. The only exception is usually holidays. We continue to study the Book of Psalms.

Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in his commandments. (Psalms 112:1)

During this Thanksgiving Season we should remember all the blessings God has given us:

T – Thanks be to our God, three in one, Father,

Son, and Holy Ghost

H – Hands to serve him with a grateful heart

A – And blessings found in family and friends

N – New life is found in Jesus Christ, Our Lord

K – Kingdom prepared for ever and evermore

S – Savior of the world and glorious love

G – Great and bountiful gifts from heaven above

I – I will serve him with joy and thanksgiving

V – Visions of heaven and eternal life

I – Indescribable and everlasting joy

N – No matter what the cost

G – God gets sweeter day by day as we live each

day in his Grace

Contributed by Susan Hinton of Three Parts Grace.

Come enjoy the fellowship and the studying of God’s word with us. We look forward to each individual’s perspective and input. See ya’ there.

Ruth Humphrey


Dear Church Family,

I love to cook. Some of you know this

truth through conversations that we’ve had related to food and recipes and the like. I love the process of taking food items and preparing them and combining them and seasoning them and cooking them into something that is nutritious and good.

The other week I was preparing pasta sauce. In preparing the vegetables and fresh herbs that eventually make their way into my homemade tomato base, I noticed how worn the small blue cutting board was that I was using. I’ve used this cutting board many times to prepare, usually by cutting, mincing, or grinding ingredients for many of the recipes that I love to put together and enjoy with family and friends. Over the years this cutting board has served me well and I have used it faithfully. It is what I would call seasoned; and it shows the cuts and scrapes and scratches as evidence of a cutting board well used.

In looking at this favorite cutting board of mine I began to realize just how much the church is called to be just like this…seasoned and well used. You and I are not called to a sedentary spiritual experience; we are not called to sit on the shelf, or in the drawer as it were, unused. You and I are called to enter into the tough things of life to be used well so that something vibrant and life-giving can


emerge from the gifts that we bring. When we endure together the difficult and trying things of life we emerge better fit and conditioned to love one another well. Just like this cutting board we are called to be cut on and scraped on and scratched on to adequately prepare the ingredients before us so that God can put together something unique and wonderful. Each dish is different and brings abundant life in its own unique way.

Friends, you and I don’t do this perfectly. We get it wrong sometimes. We let selfishness and personal preference get in the way. We let what we think is right supersede what God knows to be true of who we are and what

we’re becoming. We often lack requisite obedience to be able to move forward. But when we do move forward into what God is doing – into what God is preparing – we enter knowing that what ultimately happens isn’t about “me”. It’s about the gifts that we each bring…and the seasoning that we are each willing to endure so that we can become all that God wants and needs us to be. And the meal that God prepares with us will bring life to all who “taste and see that the Lord is good”. Friends, let us find ourselves to be seasoned and well used for the Kingdom.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Greg


The Confirmation Class will continue in October on every other Wednesday evening.

Confirmands Mentors

Anna Cate Underwood Phyllis Waller

Lana Burkett Joyce Farmer

Felicity Cash Helen Smith

JK Bales Lawrence Weems

Jasper Griffin Phil Caudill

Bryce Meyers Pat Freeman

Dylan Meyers Danny Farmer

Myles Foil Tony Scroggs

Matt Newman Rick Taylor

Lexi Johnston Cornelia Mize

Please be in prayer for Bro. Greg, Kim, the Confirmands and their Mentors.


We invite you to come join us at 6:00 PMeach Wednesday evening for a time to fellowship and have a meal together.

December 6th
Smothered Pork Chops, Rice & Gravy,

Peas, Rolls, Peach Cobbler

December 13th

Taco Soup, Baked Potatoes, Banana


December 20th

Ham, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Rolls,


December 27th

No Meal

The UMW will meet Monday, December 11th at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall. Everyone will bring finger foods and will enjoy a time of food and fellowship.


The LINK will no longer be published by means of a paper copy after December, 2017. Only those who have notified the office will continue getting a paper copy.

The following is a list of people who will still receive a paper copy. Please check it closely and if I left your name off, please call the office and leave a message (601-276-7971).

Eudora Bigner Batte, Donis Brown, Emily Allred, Erleine Parish, Mark & Cornelia Mize, Shelton & Lillie Dickerson, Laverne Brown, Lamar & Sharon Roberts, Grady& Geraldine Reed, Lamelia Boone, Aubrey & Judy Boyd, Shannon Dunaway, Shirley Brumfield, Bill & Peggy Jones, Floyd & Helen Brown, W.B. Netterville, Danny & Joyce Farmer, Sharon Young, Louise Brumfield, Barbara Roberts, Mary Ellen Morris, Shelton & Lillie Dickerson, Anthony & Karen Yarborough, Patricia Hartshorn, Eleanor Johnston, James & Yvonne Church, Dale & Brenda Green, Eva Nell Green, Barbara Rogers, Jane Roberts, & Zelma Roberts.


The UMW of JCUMC met on Monday, Nov. 13, 2017, at Johnston Chapel with Sharon Young and Carlene Statham serving as hostesses. There were 15 ladies present. Meeting was called to order, pledge recited, minutes read, treasurer’s report given, business discussed, and prayer offered.

After the business discussion, Carlene presented the program. So often Thanksgiving seems to get lost in the shuffle between the activities of Halloween and Christmas. She shared the history of Thanksgiving and presented each member with a “Blessing Mix” that consisted of all kinds of goodies. She then explained what each “goody” reminds us to be thankful for during the Thanksgiving season. She also gave each member a bookmark that contained “Blessed Thanksgiving Verses of Scripture”.

After the program, delicious refreshments were enjoyed by all. Next meeting will be December 11, 2017, at the church with everyone bringing finger foods.

May God Bless,

Yvette Lott


Our youth at JCUMC is growing! We have a very great group of kids. They have invited friends and some of those friends have been attending youth consistently. I know our youth program is making a difference. We are focusing on ministries. This month we had the Veteran’s Day breakfast that was hosted by the youth. They cooked all of the food and socialized with the vets. Afterwards they did all the cleaning. I’m so proud of what our youth have become. Looking ahead for December we will be helping out the Healing Hearts foundation which raises money to purchase Christmas gifts for foster children in Pike county of all ages. After the money is raised the youth will shop for the gifts, wrap them, and then we will deliver them to the fire Dept. who will then deliver them on Christmas to the foster homes. This is a huge ministry for our youth and we are proud to serve.

Brandy Morgan

I can do all the through Christ, who strengthens me ~ Philippians 4:13


There will be an appreciation luncheon Thursday, December 7th at 12:00 PM at J.J. White Presbyterian Church. Come a little earlier. Everyone is invited.

Barbara Roberts



Our class is hoping all of you had a great Thanksgiving. We are such a blessed people!

Last month we talked about the most famous king, King David. This month we have been talking about his son, Solomon. As King David grew older and unable to carry out his duties as king, it was time for him to choose his successor. David chose his son Solomon to be the next king. David knew Solomon would be a wise king and a good ruler. As David lay on his death bed, he advised Solomon about two things—how to live in a relationship with God and how to deal with David’s enemies (who were many) After his father’s death, Solomon encountered God. God offered Solomon a “favor”. At this time, Solomon confessed his inexperience in leadership and humbled himself before God. After all, God had always been faithful to the promises made to King David. Solomon was determined to act as God’s servant on behalf of the people of Israel, regardless of his inexperience. For his “favor”, Solomon asked God for wisdom and understanding so that he could govern God’s people well. For this reason, God rewarded Solomon for what he asked for, but God also gave Solomon that which he did not ask for—long life, power, and great wealth.

It is very important for us to know that Solomon wanted to do what was right and to serve God. He wanted to be a good king. God knew who Solomon was on the inside


and outside just as God knows us on the inside and outside, too.

One of Solomon’s Wisdom Proverbs:

“A wise child makes a father glad, but a foolish child brings sorrow to his mother.”

Proverbs 10:1

Growing Disciples,

Yvette Lott



In November, one of our lessons was on Solomon building the Temple. As I prepared, I was again reminded that God deserves our respect and our reverence. In building the temple, Solomon followed God’s instructions completely to make sure everything was right for God. God had promised that as long as Solomon followed and obeyed Him, He would be with Solomon. God makes that promise to each of us too. From our scripture reading in 1Kings 6 verse 7, we learned that no noise from hammers and chisels and other iron tools was heard at the building site. The site was reverently quite.

This lesson reminded me of my lessons earlier in the year about Reverence and Respect for God, His House, and His Children. To illustrate Reverence and Respect in church, I asked the children to act out a skit. As Lana stood before the class reading from the Bible, some of the children were talking to each other, some were walking out the door and back in, some were

crinkling paper and eating snacks, some were laying across chairs and others looking at cell phones. When the skit concluded, I asked Lana


if it was easy to read the scripture with all of the distractions. Then I asked the other class members what she had read. No one could answer. I asked them to stand and look around the room. The chairs were in disarray and there was paper and trash on the table and floor. I asked what they could have done differently to show Reverence and Respect. They responded that they could have sat quietly and listened to the scripture and they could have picked up their trash. We then talked about some of our worship services. There are some mornings when not one or two, but six or seven people leave and return to the sanctuary, often crossing directly in front of the pastor. Food and drinks are brought into the sanctuary. People check their phones, messages and Facebook during the service and often leave bulletins and trash on the pews and floors. The children recognized the similarities between our skit and our services.

God blesses us every day. We should all be Reverent and Respectful when we enter His house so that everyone present can receive the message that He has placed on Brother Greg’s heart. I have challenged the children in my class to be a good example to the younger children in our church and I challenge each of you to be a good example to all of them.

God Bless our children and youth and JCUMC.

Cornelia Mize


Advent 2017 will begin onSunday, December 3 and will end onSunday, December 24.


I have so many “Thank yous” to send out in advance of our Lessons and Carols program.

Thank You Sanctuary Choir for your commitment and your hard work week to week to provide enriched music for all of us. I am very blessed to work with such talented and committed individuals.

Thank You to June Moak for your commitment and tireless effort to play piano for us and help us learn all our vocal parts. The choir is only as good as their accompanist and we are blessed to have the best!

Thank You to Kim Burkett and all of the adult leaders who lead our children. The children have worked very hard on their singing parts for this program.

Thank You to Brandy Morgan and the Youth for their hard work and their willingness to be a part of this program.

Thank you to Marilyn Stutzman for coordinating our attire and purchasing our children’s shirts and scarfs.

Thank you to Trace Abdul-Hadi for running the sound system so we can have music to sing to.


We invite all to come and take part in this awesome family worship time as we begin our celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Sunday, December 3 @ 6:00 pm in our Sanctuary.

After the program our Happy Birthday Jesus Celebration will take place in our Fellowship Hall.

Helen Smith


We had a great October and November. We have had as many as 32 on Wednesday nights and 25 on Sunday nights. Trunk or Treat was great. I want to thank everyone who helped out. I could not have made it without your help. The youth did a great job with the games. We also shopped for shoeboxes and helped the church meet their goal of 151 and we delivered them to SMCC. We are excited about what we have planned in December.

December 3rd will be a wonderful night for our church and the children and their families. We will participate in the Cantata and then afterwards we will celebrate Jesus's birth by making ornaments as a family and decorating cookies and spending time together as a church family.


Dec 15th and 16th some of the confirmands and mentors will help Critter Crossing with their Live Nativity.

Sometime in December we will give out ornaments to remind the people in McComb and the surrounding area that Jesus is the real reason for the season.

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!!

Kim Burkett


The mission department hasn’t been that busy this month, however December is approaching and will be a bit different.