Minutes of the February 16, 2016 School WG

In Attendance

Cheryl Blockey

Tim Colman

Victor Gass

Bo Guo

Mike Whipple

Stephanie Washington

Shea Lemar

During the four months that the WG didn’t meet Victor Gass and staff prepared the 2016 Schools dataset. Victor distributed the dataset to the WG members via email attachments. Tim will put this onto Share file for the group members to access. All group members are encouraged to review.

Victor reported that three people in his office worked on updating the dataset. The dataset is out for review. Certain types of records were removed. The types removed included technical schools like massage schools. These technical schools were placed in separate file in case anyone is interested.

CTDS numbers did change for some schools. A discussion followed about how the CTDS is inappropriate for a DB key. Entity ID may be a better choice for a key. Stephanie Washington will research.

Victor reported on some improvements to the labor intensive system employed to update schools. This is the system that Victor wants to pass along to the agency that will assume custodianship. Victor is working to develop a workflow to pass along to a future custodian on the Schools Dataset and will have it prepared by the next meeting.

Tim suggested moving forward to identify a custodian for the dataset. Victor has documented his system for the latest dataset that was just completed by ADEQ staff. Tim suggested finding a custodian should be identified as quickly as possible. Victor will work on questioning possible custodians and moving forward. Victor suggested that ADEQ may ultimately choose to retain custodianship. Bo and Victor will continue to collaborate on the data maintenance tool.


1.  Bo, Victor and ADEQ staff will work together on understanding processes and work develop flow charts and resources.

2.  Bo Guo will continue to work on application with Victor.

3.  Stephanie work with ADE DBA’s to confirm that entity id’s are included.

4.  Mike Cheryl, Shea and everyone - Review DEQ’s 2016 dataset and report to group. (dataset on Sharefile).

5.  Stephanie will email district changes to group through email.

6.  Victor - “Hand off” plan. Identify possible project recipients and contact them. ADEQ, ADPS, Health, DES,ADEM?

Next meeting 10:00 am April 19, 2016.