Unit Theme: Art and Author Study 2.6Week: # 4
Teacher: Subject: English Grade: 2nd Date: From ______to______20____
Desired ResultEnduring Understanding
EU 1. Students will understand that good readers use clues from the text to aid in comprehension of a word or part in the story.
EU 2. Students will understand that art can bring emotions or share feelings in a visual way.
EU 3. Students will understand that stories and art communicate cultural themes or lessons we can all relate to or learn from.
Assessment Evidence
Summative Evaluation (Performance Task)
(unit projects, exams, etc.) Accordion Book of Puerto Rican Art
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Expectations / 2.La.1.d; 2.LA.3 ;2.LA.5a; 2.LA.6 / 2.LA.2e; 2.LA.6 ; 2.LA.3; 2.LA.5a / 2.LA.3; 2.LA.2; 2.LA.5a; 2.LA.2c / 2 W.1; 2 W.3; 2 W.7; W.FS.9 / 2 W.1; 2 W.3; 2. W.7; W.FS.9
Academic Strategy
Instructional Strategy and Phase
Objective / After a lesson on adjectives, the student will be able to use them correctly. / At the end of this lesson, the student will use commas appropriately. / Through the use of different resources, the student will complete a word journal using nouns, verbs and adjectives. / Through the use of descriptive words, the student will complete an Accordion Book with accuracy. / Through the use of descriptive words, the student will complete an Accordion Book with accuracy.
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking
Initial Activities / Routine Activities
The teacher shares how adjectives describe nouns. The teacher looks at a picture and models how to describe what is seen. / Routine Activities
Teacher introduces the use of commas. / Routine Activities
Review / Routine Activities
Teacher will provide specific instructions on how to complete the accordion book. / Routine Activities
Development Activities / The teacher discusses that adjectives can differ in intensity. / Students practice the use of commas in a list. / The student creates a word journal of nouns, verbs and adjectives, and completes an accordion foldable. / Students will work on their accordion book. / Students will work on their accordion book.
Closing Activities / Students make a list of adjectives and make a second list increasing the intensity of the adjectives. / Group discussion, instructions for the next class. / Students share their work with the class. / Summary of the class, and instruction for the next day. / Students will share with their work with the group.
Formative Assessment – Other evidence / See Attachment 2.6 Learning Activity
Accordion Foldable / See Attachment 2.6 Learning Activity
Accordion Foldable
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education
___ Section 504
___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection