The Lifetime Health Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences
Kathleen A. Kendall-Tackett, Ph.D., IBCLC
Objectives and Outline Form
Objectives / Content Outline / Time / Speaker / FormatI. Describe the different types of adverse childhood experiences.
II. Identify the long-term effects of child abuse in general, and describe how past abuse may present in a patient.
III. Identify vulnerable times in health care settings and how healthcare providers can effectively intervene / I. Overview of ACEs
A. Definitions (sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse, witnessing IPV, parental mental illness, substance abuse, or criminal behavior)
B. Overall health effects
II. Overview of long-term effects of ACEs on five domains of functioning
A. Physiology
B. Behavior
C. Cognitions
D. Social relationships
E. Emotions
III. Practical Suggestions
A. Times that might be difficult
B. Reactions that might be observed
C. Should you ask?
D. What you can do
1. boundaries and self-care
D. What patients can do
IV. Questions / 15 min
45 min
15 min
15 min / KKT / Lecture with PowerPoint and handouts