Topic 3: Battle for the Biosphere

What is the value of the biosphere
Key Ideas / Content / What you need to understand
The distribution of global biomes reflects climate
as well as other localised factors. / Define the terms ‘ecosystem’ and ‘biome’, and map the distribution of major biomes across the planet. / ·  To learn a definition for ecosystem.
·  To learn a definition for Biome.
·  To learn a definition for Biosphere.
·  To know the location of biomes such as Tropical rainforest, Deserts, Deciduous, Coniferous and Tundra.
·  Know about the key characteristics of the different biomes.
·  To be able to use key terms such as equator, high latitudes, Tropic of Cancer in your descriptions.
Evaluate the role of temperature and precipitation in explaining biome location, plus local factors such as altitude and soils. / ·  To be able to explain reasons for the differing location of biomes.
·  To understand that latitude is key in biome distribution due to the differences in air temperature as a result of the concentration of solar energy at the tropics and dispersion at the poles.
·  To know how precipitation influences the location of biomes.
·  To understand how local factors (small scale) also affect biomes e.g. altitude (height of land), distance inland, drainage and geology.
The biosphere acts as a life support system, providing a wide range of goods and services. / Explain how the biosphere regulates the composition of the atmosphere, in maintaining soil health, and influences the hydrological cycle. / ·  Know how the biosphere regulates the atmosphere by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen.
·  Be able to explain how the biosphere helps to maintain soil health by adding nutrients into the soils and burrowing animals.
·  Be able to explain how the biosphere maintains the hydrological cycle by intercepting rainwater and slowing down the speed of water to rivers.
The biosphere provides humans with a range of goods such as food, medicines and raw materials. / ·  To learn the foods humans can get from the biosphere.
·  To learn the medicines we can get from the biosphere.
·  To learn the raw materials we can get from the biosphere.
·  To understand the services the biosphere can provide.
·  To be able to explain the economic/social benefits from the biosphere.
How have humans affected the biosphere and how might it be conserved?
The biosphere is being degraded by human actions. / Consider the role of human activity in direct destruction of tropical rainforests, including deforestation, mining, conversion to agricultural land. / ·  With specific reference to the Amazon Rainforest be able to explain how humans are directly destroying it.
·  To know the specific reasons for deforestation e.g. The Grande Carajas Development Project, Hydroelectric Dams, Trans-Amazonian Highway and the impact of Soya farming.
Examine how degradation of the biosphere by indirect means including the impact of climate change on tropical rainforests. / ·  To understand that humans can also degrade the biosphere i.e. lowering the character and quality, indirectly e.g. climate change.
·  To be able to give specific examples of climate change on flora and fauna e.g. rainforest frogs,
Management measures, at a variety of scales, are being used to conserve the biosphere and make human use of it more sustainable. / Examine two contrasting examples of biosphere conservation, including one global-scale approach, eg RAMSAR or CITES, UK National Parks, a tropical forest reserve. / ·  To be able to explain how a global action is used to protect biospheres: RAMSAR.
·  To be able to explain how national action can be used to protect the biosphere: National Parks.
·  Learn specific facts.
Examine the challenges of producing sustainable outcomes in economic, social and environmental terms and the possible tensions. / ·  To understand it is difficult to use areas in a sustainable way that balances economic, social and environmental conditions.
·  To consider the tensions bought about by sustainable development – Chico Mendez / Dorothy Stang.