Arctic Program: Logistics Budget Narrative
Arctic Program Logistics Budget Narrative – Stand-alone project
Below is an example of how to structure the Logistics Budget Narrative. This corresponds to the Logistics Budget template on the NPRB website. Italicized text is provided for reference and should be removed. The details of the Logistics Budget Narrative must match the numbers entered in the Logistics Budget (Excel template). In the description of each item, identify which institution will incur the cost.
Note that years are defined by NPRB’s fiscal year Oct. 1 – Sep. 30.
Year 1 represents the period from the start date of your award (June 1, 2016) to Sep. 30, 2016.
Project Title:
Total amount requested for logistics for this project is: $###, ###
(cell H22 on “stand-alone project” tab in logistics budget)
1. Vessel charter:
For each year of the project, detail the funding requested to charter vessels.
(cells on line 17 of logistics budget)
Year 1:
Total vessel charter funds request in FY17$####
(cell C17 in logistics budget)
Year 2:
Total vessel charter funds request in FY18$####
(cell D17 in logistics budget)
2. Equipment in addition to that included in pre-proposal budget:
For each year of the project, detail any funding requested to purchase/rent equipment to fulfill the project scope of work that is in addition to the costs already identified in your pre-proposal budget.
(cells on line 18 of logistics budget)
Year 1:
Total equipment funds request in FY16$####
(cell B18 in logistics budget)
Year 2:
Total equipment funds request in FY17$####
(cell C18 in logistics budget)
3. Other:
For each year of the project, specify any other costs for which funds are being requested. This might include costs associated with supplies, technicians, etc.
(cells on line 19 of logistics budget)
Year 1:
Total other funds request in FY16$####
(cell B19 in logistics budget)
Year 2:
Total other funds request in FY17$####
(cell C19 in logistics budget)
4. Indirect Costs:
Indicate the indirect rate for the organization and to which budget line items the indirect rate applies.
The total dollar amount of the indirect costs proposed must not exceed the indirect cost rate negotiated and approved by a cognizant federal agency prior to the proposed effective date of the award, or 100% of the total proposed direct cost amount in the application, whichever is less. If applicable, a copy of the current, approved indirect-cost agreement with the federal government must be included. Note that the indirect rate indicated at the time of proposal submission is the indirect rate that will apply through the duration of the project should the proposal receive funding.
Total indirect funds requested is $##,### in FY16 and $##,### in FY17
Arctic Program Logistics Budget Narrative – Linked package option 1
Use the same format as above to describe the costs associated with 1) vessel charter, 2) equipment in addition to that included in your pre-proposal budget, and 3) other logistical support required for your project if funded as a linked package. Also note any indirect costs associated with logistics.
Arctic Program Logistics Budget Narrative – Linked package option 2
Use the same format as above to describe the costs associated with 1) vessel charter, 2) equipment in addition to that included in your pre-proposal budget, and 3) other logistical support required for your project if funded as a linked package. Also note any indirect costs associated with logistics.
Arctic Program Logistics Budget Narrative – Linked package option 3
Use the same format as above to describe the costs associated with 1) vessel charter, 2) equipment in addition to that included in your pre-proposal budget, and 3) other logistical support required for your project if funded as a linked package. Also note any indirect costs associated with logistics.
Arctic Program Logistics Budget Narrative – Linked package option 4
Use the same format as above to describe the costs associated with 1) vessel charter, 2) equipment in addition to that included in your pre-proposal budget, and 3) other logistical support required for your project if funded as a linked package. Also note any indirect costs associated with logistics.