User Guide - SmartView
Version 2.4.78
Version 2.4.78Bridge User GuideUser Guide - SmartView
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
General SmartView Dashboard Controls
Dashboard Controls
Dashboards Panel
Dashboard Configuration Panel (Analysis Mode)
Tile and Data View Controls
DataView Configuration Panel (Analysis Mode)
Managing Filter Rules
Managing Conditional Formatting Rules
Common Panels
Notes Panel
Export Options Panel
Policy SmartView Dashboard
Transactions by Distributor
Premium By
Quarterly Premium by Product
Claims SmartView Dashboard
Claims Ageing View
Claims (summary) View
Claims (detail) View
Claim Notes
Version 2.4.78Bridge User GuideUser Guide - SmartView
Version 2.4.78Bridge User GuideUser Guide - SmartView
Welcome to the Bridge insurance access portal. The system provides a full workflow, from the administration of products and coverage, to the submission and management of individual policies.
SmartView is a data reporting and analysis system, providing customizable and interactive data views arranged in "Dashboard" screens.
This guide is primarily for administration-level users, detailing the configuration of data views and dashboards, standard controls within the dashboards, and the default dashboards available within the Bridge system.
/ Note: Access to all data and features in the system are controlled by the user accounts. The type of account you have, and the security rights and roles assigned to it, will affect the following:- The ability to see and use features to view, create, edit, or delete data.
- The ability to see and use data created by other users. You should always be able to use data you created yourself, unless your account has been changed to remove access.
Click a link to jump to the appropriate section.
General SmartView Dashboard Controls / Using the controls and local configuration options within the SmartView dashboard.Policy SmartView Dashboard / Working with the default Policy Dashboard.
Claims SmartView Dashboard / Working with the default Claims Dashboard.
Version 2.4.78Bridge User GuideUser Guide - SmartView
General SmartView Dashboard Controls
While the content and general configuration of the dashboard are pre-configured, there are a range of options and controls available within the dashboard itself. This section covers the controls for the dashboard, as well as the controls available for each individual tile and data view within the dashboard.
Dashboard Controls
At the top of the dashboard is a drop-down toolbar panel.
Click anywhere on the header to open the panel. This contains various options divided into groups.
The Dashboard group includes the following options for the currently selected dashboard.
/ Refresh / Reloads all data in the current dashboard./ Back / When using links or controls that navigate between dashboards, the Back button will step back to the previous dashboard.
/ Open / Opens the Dashboards panel to load a saved dashboard.
/ Save / Saves all user preferences and settings for the current dashboard.
/ Notes / Opens the Notes panel to add notes related to the current dashboard.
/ Snaps / This feature is currently inactive.
/ Export / Opens the Export Options panel to save the current dashboard as a PDF file.
/ Pause / When the dashboard is set to automatically refresh, the Pause button stops the refresh until unpaused.
/ Design / Shifts to the Designers toolbar with the current dashboard open for modification.
/ Options / Opens the Dashboard Configuration panel to change the settings for the current dashboard.
/ Quick / Adds or removes the current dashboard from the Quick Access group. If there are no dashboards in the Quick Access group, the group is hidden.
/ Auto / Makes the current dashboard the default when opening the current instance of SmartView. Only one dashboard at a time can be set to Auto. If SmartView is accessed from different locations (instances), each instance can have its own Auto settings.
The Quick Access group lists the available dashboards that have been marked for quick access. This is used to quickly switch from one dashboard to another.
Dashboards Panel
The Dashboards panel opens to the right of the screen when selecting Open from the Dashboard group. Click X to close the panel again.
The dashboards are displayed by category. Each category can be expanded or collapsed using the and icons.
The User Dashboards category includes all dashboards that you have marked for Quick Access, currently or in the past.
Click Show All to display all available dashboards. This includes dashboards that you have created, dashboards that have been marked as available to everyone, and dashboards that you can access due to a security role.
Click the name of a dashboard to open it.
Dashboard Configuration Panel (Analysis Mode)
The Dashboard Configuration panel opens to the right of the screen when selecting Options from the Dashboard group, and contains settings for the currently selected dashboard. Click X to close the panel again.
The options are displayed by category. Each category can be expanded or collapsed using the and icons.
The Options category includes the following options.
Show In Quick Access / When activated, this option causes the current dashboard to be included in the Quick Access group.Automatically start this dashboard / When activated, this dashboard will be loaded automatically when opening SmartView. Only one dashboard at a time can be set to start automatically. If SmartView is accessed from different locations (instances), each instance can have its own settings.
Automatically refresh every / When activated, the dashboard will refresh all data at intervals entered in the Seconds field.
Version 2.4.78Bridge User GuideUser Guide - SmartView
Tile and Data View Controls
Each tile within the dashboard has one or more DataViews, and each view has its own options and settings.
The Expand icon in the top-right of each tile expands the tile to fill the dashboard area. The Collapse icon returns the tile to its original size. This option may be disabled in the configuration.
The Notes icon may be displayed in the top-right of the tile, indicating that there are unread notes attached to at least one of the views within the tile.
The Criteria icon in the top-right of the tile indicates that there are currently one or more criteria rules limiting the content of the current dataview. Click the icon to view the applied criteria. This option may be disabled in the configuration.
If a tile contains multiple dataviews, they will be listed along the top of the tile. Click the name of the dataview to switch to that view.
The Control icon to the left of each dataview tab opens the control panel for that specific view.
/ Refresh / Reloads the current view without affecting the other views./ Save / Saves the settings for the current view.
/ Options / Opens the Configuration panel to change the settings for the current view.
/ Table / Changes the view to a table format, with all data displayed in a grid.
/ Card / Changes the view to a card format, with the window displaying one entry at a time. Navigation controls in the bottom-right step through the entries.
/ Line / Changes the view to a line chart format.
/ Bar / Changes the view to a bar chart format.
/ Column / Changes the view to a column chart format.
/ Pie / Changes the view to a pie chart format.
/ Notes / Opens the Notes panel to add notes related to the current view.
/ Snapshot / This feature is currently inactive.
/ Schedule / This feature is currently inactive.
/ Excel / Opens the content of the current view in an Excel file. This is only available for Table layouts.
/ PDF / Opens the Export Options panel to save the current view as a PDF file.
DataView Configuration Panel (Analysis Mode)
The Configuration panel opens to the right of the screen when selecting Options from a data view, and contains settings for the current view. Click X to close the panel again.
The options are displayed by category. Each category can be expanded or collapsed using the and icons.
The General category includes the following options.
Title / Enter the title of the data view to be displayed at the top of the tile.Display Mode / Select the format.
Click Revert default configuration to reset the data view to its original configuration. This deletes any custom configuration saved for the view.
The Appearance category includes the following options.
Display Window Title Bar / If enabled, the title bar will be displayed at the top of the tile. If disabled, the titles of all DataViews within the tile will be hidden, as well as the Control icon. Note that hiding the title bar will prevent access to this settings page, and can only be recovered by an administrative user.Display Toolbar / If enabled, the Control icon will be displayed to the left of the DataView name, providing access to the configuration options for that data view. If disabled, the Control icon will not be displayed. Note that hiding the control icon will prevent access to this settings page, and can only be recovered by an administrative user.
Allow Maximize / If enabled, the Expand icon will be displayed at the right of the title bar, allowing the tile to be expanded to fill the dashboard. If disabled, the Expand icon will not be displayed.
Display Criteria Values / If enabled, the Criteria icon will be displayed in the top right of the tile whenever there are criteria rules applied to the current data view. The user can click the icon to view the criteria. If disabled, the icon will not be shown.
Display Links / This feature is currently inactive.
Tab Index / When multiple dataviews are included in a tile, the Tab Index controls the order in which they will be displayed. Enter the number for the current dataview.
Maximum Number Of Rows / Enter the maximum number of rows to be displayed. The See All icon becomes available in the top right of the tile, which will show all rows.
Layout Cell Title / This feature is currently inactive.
The Columns category controls the configuration of each data element in the view.
The top table is used to select each element by Title, displaying the configuration settings for each. The Data Type column identifies the type of data. Click the Show icons to set whether the column is shown or hidden . Click and drag the Move icon to change the order of the columns.
Title / Enter the name of the data element. This will serve as the column name for tables, label for card layout, or legend entry for line, bar, column, or pie charts.Format / Select a custom format for the data.
Format when exporting to Excel / Select a custom format for when the data is exported. This uses the Excel formatting rules, which may not match the display Format defined above.
Alignment / Select if the data should be aligned to the left, centered, or the right.
Width / Enter the column width, in pixels. Enter zero to return to the default width.
The Options category includes settings grouped into tabs.
The Sorting & Sub-Totals tab includes the following options.
Sort by / Select the first sorted column. Click the arrows to sort in ascending or descending order. Click to delete the line. When a Sort by column is selected, a Then by field is added below.Then by / Select all additional columns to sort by, in order. Click the arrows to sort in ascending or descending order. Click the to delete the line.
Subtotal Options / Click one or more options for displaying totals and subtotals.
- Show Data Rows
- Show Subtotal Rows
- Show Grand Total
The Filtering tab lists all current filter rules.
The title provides a summary of the filter conditions. Click and drag the Move icon to change the order of the rules. Click to delete the rule.
Click the title to view an existing filter rule, or click the Add new rule icon to create a new rule. See the Managing Filter Rules section for details.
The Conditional Formatting tab allows special formatting rules to be applied when certain conditions are met.
The title provides a summary of the formatting conditions. Click and drag the Move icon to change the order of the rules. Click to delete the rule.
Click the title to view an existing formatting rule, or click the Add new rule icon to create a new rule. See the Managing Conditional Formatting Rules section for details.
Base criteria can be applied to a dataview at the configuration level. Criteria rules are high-level conditions that restrict the data being brought into the dataview. The Criteria tab displays the current criteria, and allows them to be adjusted or deactivated for the current user.
Source Value / Displays the name of the data element. This data may not be included in the dataview itself.Comparison / Select how the data will be evaluated.
- Before
- Before or equal
- Equal
- Not equal
- After
- After or equal
- Is empty
- Is not empty
- Starts with
- Does not start with
- Ends with
- Does not end with
- Contains
- Does not contain
- Between
- Not between
- In list
- Not in list
Comparison Values / If one or more Comparison Values are required, enter the values in the fields. For a list of values, click the Add new list item icon to add additional fields, or click the Delete icon to remove a field.
Managing Filter Rules
Filters can be applied to focus the data within a selected view. The filters can be simple conditions or advanced logical structures, which will be evaluated for each row in the table.
- Open the Control panel for the selected view, and click the Options button to open the Configuration panel.
- Expand the Options category, and select the Filtering tab.
- The title provides a summary of the filter conditions. Click and drag the Move icon to change the order of the rules. Click to delete the rule.
- Click the title to view an existing filter rule, or click the Add new rule icon to create a new rule. The Rule Editor window opens.
Select if the rule should Include or Exclude data when the Condition evaluates as true.
The rule can contain Simple or Advanced conditions. For Simple conditions, the following settings are available.
Source Value / Select the column containing the data to be evaluated.Comparison / Select how the data will be evaluated.
- Before
- Before or equal
- Equal
- Not equal
- After
- After or equal
- Is empty
- Is not empty
- Starts with
- Does not start with
- Ends with
- Does not end with
- Contains
- Does not contain
- Between
- Not between
- In list
- Not in list
Comparison Values / If one or more Comparison Values are required, enter the values in the fields. For a list of values, click the Add button to add additional fields, or click Remove to remove a field.