Drop-In (Thursdays 4-6pm, Saturdays 2-5pm): Youth who have completed 4 sessions of one of our bicycle repair courses can drop in during this time to work on community projects. Youth can also use this time to work on their personal bikes on Thursdays from 4-6pm and on Saturday from 4-5pm. Drop-in meets in Classroom A.

Street Burners Teen Ride (Friday, November 3, ages 14+, 4-6:30pm): Night ride, bring lights!

Y.A.C. Monthly meeting of the Youth Advisory Committee. Interested in joining the YAC? Ask for an application! Members must RSVP for meetings.

Swim & Movie Night(Friday, October 20, all ages, 6-8:30pm): Jump off the diving board, swing on the rope swing, play basketball or just float around and enjoy the movie. We will meet at Bike Works and drive to Medgar Evers Pool. Pick-up will be at Bike Works at 8:30pm. RSVP, space is limited.

Street Burners Ark Lodge Movie Night (Thursday, November 30, ages 14+, 6:30-9:30pm)

Mountain Bike R.I.D.E.S. Club (Saturdays, ages 12-14, 9:30-1:30): This club will teach you the basics of safely riding mountain bikes from braking, riding positions, climbing uphill and cruising downhill. Each session you will have the opportunity to ride different trails, all while taking in the beauty of the Pacific Northwest!

Drop-In (Thursdays 4-6pm, Saturdays 2-5pm): Youth who have completed 4 sessions of one of our bicycle repair courses can drop in during this time to work on community projects. Youth can also use this time to work on their personal bikes on Thursdays from 4-6pm and on Saturday from 4-5pm. Drop-in meets in Classroom A.

Y.A.C. Monthly meeting of the Youth Advisory Committee. Interested in joining the YAC? Ask for an application! Members must RSVP for meetings.

Seattle Bouldering Project (Friday, December 1, all ages, 4:30-7:30pm): Ready to get rad? Come try out your skills on the climbing walls! All attendees MUST RSVP and complete SBP’s waiver in advance.

Street Burners Screenprinting& Holiday Party(Saturday, December 9, all ages, 11:30-1:30pm): Celebrate the giving season Bike Works-style! Bring light colored t-shirts to screen print, craft personalized bike-themed gifts for friends and family, and make merriment with friends new and old!

Bike-O-Rama (Saturday, December 16, 10-2pm): Our bi-annual youth bike giveaway, Bike Works partners with community organizations to helpidentify hundreds of low income families who have children ages 2-8 in need of a working bike and a helmet.Volunteer by INVITE ONLY, get bikes to kids!

Winter Break Mechanic Camp (Tuesday, December 19 – Friday, December 22): For advanced class graduates looking to further develop their mechanical skills with more challenging topics and repairs in this immersiveone-week camp. See Shawna for more details.

RSVP for all Street Burner Activities by contacting youth programs: 206.695.2416 or