SMW3/AR&R SC13/CPT/7.5.1/ISSUE-1
Paper by ORLO
Responses on the 2nd DRAFT version of SMW-3(S1-Okinawa-Shantou) Conceptual Contingency Plan (CCP)
From: Gabriel Ang Choon Huat
Sent:Wednesday, January 16, 2008 5:33 PM
To:''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; Hwong Kuok Hing Frank; Foo Siew Kin; Aivian Teo Chui Hiar; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; Linette Lee Lin Hong; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; David MACKLIN (OPTUS); ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''
Cc:''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; Glen Eastment (OPTUS); ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; GBNOC; Aivian Teo Chui Hiar; Foo Siew Kin
Subject:Responses on the 2nd DRAFT version of SMW-3(S1-Okinawa-Shantou) Conceptual Contingency Plan (CCP)
Dear SMW-3 AR&RSC Co-chairs, and AR&RSC members,
1. As of to-date, I only received the responses from BT and CHT-I as extracted and compiled below:-
a. BT's response:-
From: [mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 6:48 PM
Subject: RE: 2nd DRAFT version of SMW-3(S1-Okinawa-Shantou) Conceptual Contingency Plan (CCP)
Dear Gabriel,
At what stage will the VC-12 that do not wish to pay for catastrophic restoration be removed from the VC-4 ? Will the catastrophic plan be implemented and then grooming, or will you groom and then restore ?
Best Regards,
David Cornelius
Senior Manager, Subsea Utilisation & Restoration Planning Global Transport and Subsea BT Design
Tel: +44 (0)118 941 5932
Fax: +44 (0)118 941 5975
Mob: +44 (0)7711 171 780
b. CHT-I's response:-
From: Lily Wong [mailto:
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2007 9:37 AM
To: Gabriel Ang Choon Huat
Cc: ; James
Subject: Re: 2nd DRAFT version of SMW-3(S1-Okinawa-Shantou) Conceptual Contingency Plan (CCP)
Dear Gabriel,
CHT support the attached CCP but propose to have a "CCP Collation Activity" for all S1 users to commit/decommit the CCP/Adhoc restoration request.
Wishing you and your family a very Happy Holiday Season.
Lily Wong
Associate Administrator
INAC-Network Arrangements
Network Dept.
Telephone : +886-2-2344-5252
Fax : +886-2-2392-0454
Email :
2. Based on the above responses, it seems to me that ORLO still needs to receive the acknowledgement from the user, who is willing to commit for the ad-hoc restoration, and pay for the associated cost, in the event that the catastrophic failure scenario is similar to that occurred in 26 Dec 2006. Failing which, no Ad-hoc restoration will be carried out.
3. Recommendations
In order to shorten the decision-making process, and meet the Ad-hoc restoration request from any administration in the event of catastrophic failure:
(Note: Please kindly refer to the discussion on the "decision-making process for ad-hoc restoration arrangements" made at SMW3 RC#6 meeting in Tokyo, December 2004, particularly, to the items in the meeting minutes (refers to Paper 5.16 at SMW3 AR&RSC#10) for guidance and decision)
a. ORLO to provide users with the possible Ad-hoc restoration proposal, and associated charges, and due date to revert to ORLO on their decisions.
b. Affected administration to advise ORLO of their intention of any Ad-hoc restoration request on a 24 x 7 basis, i.e. ARLO/DRLO in absence of RLO should fulfil their function and responsibility.
c. RCO concerned to advise RLO of their difficulty due to prompt decision-making process of the Ad-hoc restoration proposal.
d. Each affected administration to review their directories for contact point of RLOs and RCOs, particularly for the part of ARLO/DRLO, on the role of RLO function during his/her absence.
e. Right after the due date, ORLO will identify the number of interested users (require Ad-hoc restoration), and provide the actual associated costs to be paid by them.
f. ORLO needs to receive the acknowledgement from these interested users, who are willing to commit for the Ad-hoc restoration, and pay for the associated cost. Failing which, no Ad-hoc restoration will be carried out.
Thank you and best regards,
From: Gabriel Ang Choon Huat
Sent:Wednesday, December 19, 2007 4:07 PM
Subject:2nd DRAFT version of SMW-3(S1-Okinawa-Shantou) Conceptual Contingency Plan (CCP)
Dear SMW-3 AR&RSC Co-chairs, and AR&RSC members,
1. Based on the recent inputs from KDDI and CHT-I, please find spreadsheet attached for the 2nd DRAFT version of the Overview of Possible SMW-3(S1-Okinawa-Shantou) Conceptual Contingency Plan (CCP).
This spreadsheet contains main worksheets related to :-
a. The updated overview of the possible SMW-3 S1 CCP.
b. The possible catastrophic failure scenario for executing this SMW-3 S1 CCP.
c. The Prompt Decision-Making Process for Ad-hoc Restoration Arrangements.
d. The Mock Summary Statement of SMW-3 S1 CCP Restoration Charges for indicative cost impact.
2. Recommendations
It is recommended that the affected SMW-3 S1 users:-
a. To give SMW-3 ORLO the "GO AHEAD" to liaise with the SMW-3 S1 CCP restoration facility providers, namely APCN-2 ORLO(Reach HKG), CHT-I, CT, KDDI, KT, Reach HKG and SingTel to establish the SMW-3 S1 CCP as per attachment, in the event that the catastrophoic failure scenario is similar to that occurred in 26 Dec 2006. And to subsequently keep the affected SMW-3 S1 users updated on the progress of CCP establishment.
b. Should the catastrophic failure scenario different from that as drafted in this document, SMW-3 ORLO and S1 users will refer the agreed "decision-making process for ad-hoc restoration arrangements" made at SMW-3 RC#6 meeting in Tokyo, December 2004 for further guidance and decision.
3. SMW-3 S1 users are to comment on the above recommendations by COB 26 Dec 2007 (Wed). If there are no dissenting views from users by this due date, it is assumed that the above recommendations are adopted.
Thank you and Season's Greetings
From: Gabriel Ang Choon Huat
Sent:Thursday, November 29, 2007 4:19 PM
Subject:1st DRAFT version of SMW-3(S1-Okinawa-Shantou) Conceptual Contingency Plan (CCP)
Dear SMW-3 AR&RSC Co-chairs, and AR&RSC members,
1. For a start in the development of the challenging SMW-3 Conceptual Contingency Plan (CCP), please find attached for the 1st DRAFT of the Overview of Possible SMW-3(S1-Okinawa-Shantou) Conceptual Contingency Plan (CCP). I hope to achieve 2 main objectives:-
< File: DRAFT 1_ Overview of Possible SMW-3 (S1) OKIW-SHTO CCPs .xls >
a. To have a possible SMW-3 (S1) Conceptual Contingency Plan (CCP) developed, and for future reviews under other potential S1 failure scenarios by AR&RSC members.
b. To give both ORLO and S1 users/facility providers a clear mandate to implement the SMW-3 (S1) CCP in possible short period of time ONLY in the event of similar catastrophic failures to that occurred in December 2006.
2. This is also to respond to the previous letter of Pacific Partners, who are requesting SMW-3 to participate in a study to implement restoration plans involving multiple cable systems, in order to have reliable restoration solutions in case of catastrophic situations (for example earthquake in Taiwan in December 2006), and the agreed item 7.6.14 from the recent concluded SMW-3 AR&RSC#12 meeting:-
7.6.14 Agreed:Based on these recommendations and feedback, ORLO will develop the draft disaster recovery plans, explore the possible mechanism in soliciting users’ commitments for these plans, and table to AR&RSC for review latest by end Nov 2007.
3. Summary of SMW-3 (S1) CCP Restoration Resources that are needed and Action Items is as follows:-
a. External Cable No. of STM-1sRemarks
APCN-2(Chikura-Chongming)5 APCN-2 ORLO(Reach HKG), please
APCN-2(Shantou-Katong)1 advise the availability of these
APCN-2(Lantau-Shantou)6 capacities, and verify the
APCN-2(Chongming-Pusan)3 associated link charges.
APCN-2(Chongming-Tanshui) 8
b. Terrestrial link No. of STM-1s Remarks
Okinawa-Chikura5 KDDI, CT, SingTel & CHT-I,
Chongming-Shantou link15 please advise the availability
Katong-Tuas 1 of these capacities, and verify
Tanshui-Toucheng 4 the associated link charges.
Fangshan-Tanshui 4
c. Further Queries:
i. KDDI, please advise the Monthly rate of Chikura-Okinawa.
ii. CT, please advise whether there is any bulk discount for the 15 x STM-1Chongming-Shantou links to be used in event of catastrophic failures.
4. In order to avoid email snow-balling, I would really appreciate it if SMW-3 AR&RSC members, and especially RHKG(APCN-2 ORLO), CHT-I, CT, KDDI, KT and SingTel could feedback to me directly via email: any concerns on this S1 CCP, and the above-mentioned action items by COB 5 Dec (Wed).
5. After the above due date (5 Dec), I will compile the responses gathered from 1st Draft, up-issue and circulate the 2nd Draft version for AR&RSC's further review, and adoption.
Thank all of you for your attention and cooperation in this challenging task.
-----Original Message-----
From: Toshiro OGINO, KDDI [mailto:
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 8:18 AM
Subject: FW: RE: Preparations for Disaster Recovery Plans
Dear SEA-ME-WE 3 AR&R SC Members,
For your information, please find attached the pdf file and e-mail which comes from MC Co-Chair office to discuss at the forthcoming AR&RSC#12 meeting.
Thanks, Toshiro
Toshiro OGINO
SEA-ME-WE 3 AR&RSC Coordinating Chairman, General Manager, Head of Global Network Operations Center, KDDI
Tel: +81-3-3347-7131
Fax: +81-3-3347-5724
Mobile: +81-80-5075-9773
------Forwarded Message
From: "LEGER Julien ROSI/IBNF" <>
Subject: RE: Preparations for Disaster Recovery Plans
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 15:43:17 +0200
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Dear SMW3 AR&RSC chairman and all MC members,
As no dissenting opinion has been received on this matter, the AR&RSC is requested to study the disaster recovery procedure and provide feedback/recommendation at MC#18.
The Pacific Partners will be informed of SMW3 decision.
Best regards,
Julien L馮er
De : LEGER Julien ROSI/IBNF [mailto:
Envoy・: vendredi 14 septembre 2007 17:49
Objet : TR: Preparations for Disaster Recovery Plans
Dear SMW3 MC members,
Please find here attached a letter from the Pacific Partners, who are requesting SMW3 of participating in a study for implementing restoration plans involving multiple cable systems in order to have reliable restoration solutions in case of catastrophic situations (for example eartquake in Taiwan in Decembre 2006).
Therefore, MC chairman Yves Ruggeri proposes to appoint the AR&RSC to study this disaster recovery procedure on behalf of SMW3 and provide feedback/recommendation at MC#18 in November 2007.
Please provide your support/objection by 25 September 2007 at the latest.
response will be deemed as approval.
Best regards,
Julien L馮er
SMW3 MC chairman office
De : RUGGERI Yves ROSI/I-BNF [mailto:
Envoy・: lundi 10 septembre 2007 11:25
タ : VIGANO Aurelien ROSI/I-BNF; LEGER Julien ROSI/IBNF Objet : TR: Preparations for Disaster Recovery Plans
De : Carlos, Rom [mailto:
Envoy・: mardi 17 juillet 2007 09:40
タ : RUGGERI Yves ROSI/I-BNF; Objet : RE: Preparations for Disaster Recovery Plans
Dear Mr. Ruggeri and Mr. Zhang,
I am forwarding you this letter from PPM Chairperson Kathryn Morrissey. Her secretary tried you to send the original letter but it was rejected due to the size. Here is a scanned copy of that letter.
Best regards,
PPM Secretariat
Romulo Carlos
Managing Director,
Asia/Pacific Data Sales
31/F Shell Tower,
Times Square
1 Matheson Street,
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
Telephone: +852 2506 5187
NEW MOBILE NUMBER: +852 6625 6800
Fax: +852 2506 3917
From: Marolda, Angela R, WHSLS On Behalf Of Morrissey, Kathryn (Kathie), WHSLS
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 8:57 PM
To: ;
Subject: Preparations for Disaster Recovery Plans
Angela Marolda
Exec. Secretary to
Kathryn Morrissey
212 539-9412
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