Department chair of faculty proposed for hiring in an adjunct position provides the following information to Departmental Administrative Assistant. The AA checks for accuracy and forwards to Administrative Associate for final processing.
To be considered for hire, adjunct professors must provide:- Completed application form
- CV/resume (usually attached to application)
- 2-3 documented references
- Official transcript sent to attention of James M. Beeby, dean, College of Liberal Arts
- Faculty Qualification Documentation completed for dean’s signature
- Letter of interest
packet sent to dean’s office
Application created in Peopleadmin (see administrative associate if assistance with posting is required)
Current CV or resume downloaded/printed from posting
Original notes from references contacts
Official transcript sent to the attention of: James M. Beeby, Dean
By email:
By postal mail: University of Southern Indiana, College of Liberal Arts – 3005, 8600 University Boulevard, Evansville, IN 47712
Faculty Qualification Documentation form prepared, signed by chair, ready for dean’s signature
Administrative Assistant onboarding check list:
Communicate with Admin Associate to assure all paperwork has been forwarded. Associate should let you know once paperwork has been processed and forwarded to HR.Direct adjunct faculty to HR to complete hiring paperwork: I-9 verification and tax packet
Acquire ID number through Banner (if adjunct has a history with USI) or contact HR about the issuance of ID number after paperwork has been forwarded from the dean’s office
Activate individual as an instructor in Banner system – Please designated college and dept. on SIAINST form in banner (skip second block – go to third block and check LA as home college)
Request Network User ID for new faculty (for accessing Blackboard, Outlook, etc.)
Request that they be added to the Liberal Arts Distribution list, schedule mailbox designation (Ziporah Rascoe for email listing; building receptionist for mailbox)
Contact Webmaster to add them to website as department faculty
Collect directory contact information (phone, cell phone, address, etc.) from adjunct faculty and provide them your information (email and office phone – business card)
Give brief orientation to department. Communicate work space/adjunct desk assignment to new faculty member (check with dean’s office if space placement is questionable), explain how they will access labs if applicable (key check out), secure supplies, make copies (provide copy code)
Assist with securing Syllabus, ordering desk copy and placing text book orders
All adjuncts must comply with faculty qualifications and tested experience guidelines established by the Higher Learning Commission. Adjunct faculty are paid in accordance with their highest degree earned and experience level based on rates provided by the Provost office.