The Ice Age Trail Alliance (IATA) recognizes as a Thousand-Miler anyone who covers the entire Ice Age National Scenic Trail route on foot and can have their accomplishment verified. Aspiring Thousand-Milers should understand the following key points:
· Hiking the entire Ice Age Trail ROUTE is necessary to qualify — this includes all established yellow-blazed Ice Age Trail segments AND the unmarked connecting routes that link the segments.
· The only exception to the above is the “bifurcation”, or loop, in the central portion of the Ice Age Trail…both sides are NOT required. Aspiring Thousand-Milers may choose either side of the bifurcation.
· As the Ice Age National Scenic Trail is intended primarily a footpath, hikers must cover the entire route on foot (e.g., hiking, snowshoeing, skiing). Other methods (e.g., biking the connecting routes) are not permitted for Thousand-Miler recognition.
· Issues of sequence, direction, speed, length of time or whether one carries a pack or not are not considered.
IATA policy is to operate largely on the honor system. Please respect these standards as they are essential to the IATA’s practice of recognizing the true achievements of Thousand-Milers.
In addition to answering the questions below, please attach a brief essay including highlights or unique aspects of your hike. Please include the names of some of the people with whom you had interactions along the way. Section hikers: Please include a brief itinerary of your hikes.
The IATA does not share contact information unless you answer "Yes" to our referral list question (see below).
Last name: / First name & initial:Trail name (nickname): / Male/female: / M F
Address: / City/State/ZIP:
Phone: / Email:
Website: / Occupation:
Age the day you completed your hike: / Birthdate: / Retired?: / Y N
IATA member: / Y N / Chapter affiliation:
Thru-Hike (entire Ice Age Trail in one continuous hike) or Section-Hike (non-continuous):
East to West or West to East? / Approximate % hiked solo:
Bifurcation (“big loop”) route(s) hiked: / Eastern side / Western side / Both sides
Start date (M/D/Y), location:
Finish date (M/D/Y), location:
Hiking partner(s) or group(s) name(s):
Other hikers met on the Trail (particularly section- or thru-hikers):
May we quote you from your summary at some point in the future? / Y N
Seasons hiked: / Winter (D/J/F) Spring (M/A/M) Summer (J/J/A) Fall (S/O/N)
Check all that apply:
Hiked on a budget (amount)
Received grant or other funding assistance (source)
Hiked for a special cause or group (name)
Raised money for a special cause or group (name)
Received school credit (school)
Maintained a journal
Maintained field notes/map information
Took photos
Took video
Plan to write a book or article about your hike or related subject
Met with the media/press en route (please describe)
Met with an IATA chapter rep en route (name[s])
Maintaining contact with people met en route
Employed car shuttles for transportation or supplies
Sent supplies to post offices or other individuals en route
Used Ice Age Trail Atlas
Used Ice Age Trail Guidebook or Ice Age Trail Companion Guide
Used Ice Age Trail Databook
Used other book(s)/resources (describe)
Encountered problems with ATV use (describe)
Had hiking schedule affected by hunting seasons (describe)
Visited an Ice Age National Scientific Reserve unit visitor center en route (name[s])
Was generally confident of your location on the Trail
Was lost at times (describe)
Used a compass
Used GPS
Used a framed backpack (type [internal/external] and average weight)
Describe footwear
Hiked with hiking poles or walking stick (describe)
Used water purification system (describe)
Used a tent or other shelter (describe)
Carried a stove (describe)
Hiked with a special diet (describe)
Hiked with a medical condition (e.g., diabetes, arthritis, MS)
Experienced a medical problem en route (e.g., lyme disease, shin splints)
Other trails section-hiked or thru-hiked:
May IATA put you on our “Ice Age Trail Thousand-Miler” referral list for prospective hikers? / Y N
If “Yes”, please be sure to forward your change of address to IATA if you move!
Do you have a slide show–type presentation that you would be willing to share with groups? / Y N
Do you have other material you would be willing to share about your hike? / Y N
If “Yes”, please describe:
Do you plan to attend the next IATA Annual Membership Conference? (typically in April) / Y N
I, / , verify that all information above is accurate and correct.
After verifying your application, the IATA will send you a certificate of completion and Thousand-Miler patch. Your accomplishment will be celebrated at the next IATA Annual Membership Conference and then cited in the following issue of Mammoth Tales.
Please return this form to:
Ice Age Trail Alliance
2110 Main Street
Cross Plains, WI 53528
Do not write below this line — For office use only:Received: ______Reviewer: ______In database: ______
Certificate and patch sent: ______Cited in Mammoth Tales: ______
Ice Age Trail Thousand-Miler Application 09/01/2015 Page 1 of 3