
"Institutional investors and the real economy:

What’s missing?"

22 September 2015 – EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT – roomASP5E2

Mr. / ABRUZZINI / Arnaldo / Secretary-General / Eurochambres
Mr. / ACCORSI / Marcello / Director / Federchimica Delegation to the EU
Ms. / AGEA / Laura / MEP / European Parliament
Mr. / ALADIERE / Luc / European Affairs Consultant / French Railway Industries Association
Ms. / ALBLAS / Evelien / Assistant to MEP Cora Van Nieuwenhuizen / European Parliament
Mr. / ALI / Nedzhmi / MEP / European Parliament
Mr. / ALIADIERE / Luc / European Affairs Consultant / FIF
Mr. / ALKSNIS / Arturs / Public Affairs Manager / UNIFE
Ms. / ALLEGRINI / Maria / Seconded National Expert - Policy Officer / European Commission
Mr. / ANDERHUBER / Florian / Accredited Parliamentary Assistant to MEP Dr. Barbara Kappel / European Parliament
Mr. / BALDOCCI / Carlo / Head of International Affairs / CassaDepositi e prestiti
Ms. / BARETH / Marie-Lorraine / European Affairs Advisor / Construction Confederation
Ms. / BASIULYTE / Milda / Legal and Communications Officer / European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services
Mr. / BASTIANELLI / Daniele / Director General / Banca Monte PaschiBelgio S.A.
Mrs. / BAUD / Marie-France / Brussels Office Director / Confrontations Europe
Mr. / BELTRAMELLO / Andrea / Policy Officer / European Commission, DG FISMA, “Capital Markets Union” Unit
Mr. / BENIFEI / Brando / MEP / European Parliament
Mr. / BERMAN / David / Deputy Representative to the EU institutions / Veolia
Mr. / BERTALOT / Luca / Secretary-General / European Mortgage Federation – European Covered Bond Council (EMF-ECBC)
Mr. / BOHAN / Niall / Head of Unit / European Commission, DG FISMA, “Capital Markets Union” Unit
Ms. / BONAFE / Simona / MEP, Vice-President of the Intergroup on long term investment and reindustrialisation / European Parliament
Ms. / BORIS IGLESIA / Hilia / Junior Manager- Transport Economics Commission / UITP
Ms. / BOTELLA / Laure / Policy Officer / Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations
Secrétariat of the intergroup on Long Term Investment and Reindustrialisation
Ms. / BOULASHA / Djémila / Head of European Public Affairs / ERDF
Mr. / BOURDILLON / Christophe / Permanent Representative of the CDC Group to the EU Institutions / Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations
Ms. / BRECKWOLDT / Christine / Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union
Mr. / BROQUET / Pierre / Public Affairs Consultant / Image Sept Bruxelles
Mr. / BRUGIATI / Ovidio / FS Italiane
Mr. / CARABIA / Arthur / EU Institutions Relationship Manager / French Asset Management Association (AFG)
Mr. / CARANO / Alessandro / Adviser to the deputy Director General Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN) / European Commission
Mr. / CARMONA / Florian / Administrator, parliamentary business
Directorate-General for the Presidency
Directorate for the Plenary / European Parliament
Mr. / CHASSERIAUX / Jean-Michel / Deputy Director / Lysios Public Affairs
Mr. / CHENET / Hugues / Scientific Director / 2 Degrees Investing Initiative
Mr. / CHRISTOPHE / Boris / European Affairs Manager / French Insurance companies federation
Mr. / COLLINS / Michael / Director of Public Affairs / European Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (EVCA)
Ms. / CONNAGHAN / Hannah / Account Executive
/ Hume Brophy
Mr. / COSSE / Stéphane / Public Affairs Director / COVEA
Mr. / COURSAGET / Marc-Antoine / Policy Officer / Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations
Secretariat of the intergroup on Long Term Investment and Reindustrialisation
Mr. / CUDA / Matteo / International and European Affairs / Italian Banking, Insurance and Finance Federation
Mr. / CUMER / Stefano / Desk Officer ESF DG EMPL — Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Dir E — Social Market Economy in Member States I: ESF 3. Italy, Denmark, Sweden / European Commission, DG EMPL,
Ms. / D'AGNOLO VALLAN / Anita / Counselor / Lombardy Region Rep. to the EU
Ms. / D'AMBRIERES / Sophie / Sustainable Way
Mr. / DE BIN / GIORGIO / Project Officer / CBE-GEIE
Mr. / DE GENNARO / Daniele / Policy Adviser Financial Markets
/ European Banking Federation
Ms. / DE GREEF / Nadine / Secretary General of FEAD / European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services
Mr. / DE LA MARTINIERE / Gérard / Rapporteur of the Paris Stock Exchange's Task Force on LTI
Mr. / DE MAUPEOU / Stéphane / Policy Advisor - European & International Affairs / French Insurance companies federation
Mr. / DECKER / Marc / VEOLIA
Mr. / DEGONDE / Pierre / Consultant / EURALIA
Mr. / DELL'ALBA / Gianfranco / Director / Confindustria Delegation to the EU
Mr. / DELNERI / Franco / International and European Affairs, Senior Advisor / Italian Banking, Insurance and Finance Federation
Ms. / DEMOFONTI / Carlotta / European Affairs / SnamS.p.A
Mr. / DENIS / Florian / Policy Officer (Seconded National Expert) / European Commission, DG FISMA, “Capital Market Union” unit
Mr. / DENZER-SPECK / David / Director of the Liaison Office / KfW
Mr. / DESMARCHELIER / Francis / Financial Affairs Director / French association of private companies (Afep)
Mr. / DI CLEMENTE / Fabrizio / Brussels Office Director / Italian Trade Agency (ITA)
Mr. / DI LODOVICO / Francesco / Head of Brussels Branch Office / The European House - Ambrosetti
Mr. / DIERCKX / Eric / Managing Director / Naturalogic
Mr. / DIERCXSENS / Christophe / Director
/ F T I Consulting
Ms. / DIETZ / Katherina / Strategy / Communications / Board Office
European Affairs / NRW.BANK Liaison Office Brussels
Mr. / DISANTO / Luigi / Conseiller Financier / Italian Perm. Rep. to the EU
Mr. / DISKIN / Christopher / Assistant to Paul Brannen MEP & Jude Kirton-Darling MEP / European Parliament
Ms. / DRINKWATER / Claire / Communications Manager / EVCA
Ms. / DUMEZ / Martine
Ms. / DURAND / Louis-Marie / Senior Finance Consultant / EURALIA
Mr. / DZIĘCIOŁOWSKI / Jan Mikołaj / Member of Cabinet of Ms Corina Creţu, Commissioner for Regional Policy / European Commission
Mr. / ERB / Nicolas / European Affairs Director / ALSTOM
Mr. / FALCIONI / Paolo / Director General / CECED - European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers
Ms. / FERRACUTI / Anna / Intern / UNCDF
Ms. / FÖHRENBACH / Maika / Policy Officer, Public Services / CEEP
Mr. / FRANK / Christoph / Deputy Director Hamburg Finance, Public Procurement / Joint Representation of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the State of Schleswig-Holstein to the EU
Mr. / FRIEDRICH / Dirk / Advisor to Beatrix von Storch, MEP / European Parliament
Mr. / GARCEA / Giovanni / Policy Officer / European Commission (DG FISMA, “Asset Management” Unit)
Mr. / GARNIER / Antoine / Chargé d’études / French Banking Federation
Mr. / GAUBERT / Nicolas / Rapporteur of FIEC WG "Infrastructure and Financing / European Construction Industry Federation -FIEC
Ms. / GAVRILUT / Ines / Head of Policy & Research / EUROSIF - European Sustainable Investment Forum
Ms. / GEORGIEVA / Mihaela / Ms. MihaelaGeorgieva, Assistant to SvetoslavMalinov, MEP; / European Parliament
Ms. / GHAZANFARI / Sara / Public & Regulatory Affairs
Relations with International Institutions and Organisations / Telecom Italia TIM
Ms. / GHECEA / Monica / UECC – Brussels Representative / BROmotion
Ms. / GIMBER / Jane / Senior Account Manager / FleishmanHillard Brussels
Ms. / GIRAUD / Emilie / Manager - European & International Affairs / French Insurance companies federation
Ms. / GIUFFRIDA / Michela / Member of EP / European Parliament
Mr. / GONCALVES DA COSTA / Tomás / Consultant / Euopportunity -European Affairs Consulting
Mr. / GORI / Sandro / Assistant to Laura Agea, MEP / European Parliament
Mrs. / GRIESBECK / Nathalie / Member of EP / European Parliament
Ms. / GROS / Marianne / Communication Assistant / EUROSIF - European Sustainable Investment Forum
Mr. / GUALTIERI / Roberto / Chair of the Committee on Economic & Monetary Affairs / European Parliament
Mr. / GUARASCIO / Francesco / EU correspondent / Reuters
Ms. / GUASPARE-GAL / Francoise / EU Policy / Communications Advisor / Rep. Ile-de-France Europe
Mr. / HARTMANN / Peter / Managing Director / ABV
Mr. / HAZRA / Sudip / ESG Research Analyst / KeplerCheuvreux
Ms. / HEGARTY / Korrina / Director - Environment Policy / CECED - European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers
Mr. / HERBERT / Didier / Director for Competitiveness and the European Semester / European Commission, DG GROW
Ms. / HERRON / Abigail / Head of Responsible Investment Engagement / Aviva Investors
Mr. / HERZOG / Philippe / Founding president / Confrontations Europe
Ms. / HILKE / Anuschka / Senior Analyst / 2 Degrees Investing Initiative
Lord / HILL / Jonathan / Commissioner for financial stability, financial services and capital markets union / European Commission
Mr. / HOPEGOOD / James / Policy Analyst / European Commission, DG FISMA, “Asset Management” Unit
Mr. / JEFFERSON / Alava / Researcher / G+ Europe
Mr. / JONES / Olav / Deputy director general/Director, economics & finance / Insurance Europe
Ms. / KANN / Constance / Director of Institutional Relations and Public Affairs / European Investment Bank
Mrs. / KAPPEL / Barbara / MEP / European Parliament
Ms. / KERDUEL / Carole / Europolitis / Europolitis
Ms. / KLETSKY / Olga / Chief Editor / Picking Alpha
Mr. / KLOK / Jacob / Senior Advisor / Danish People's Party
European Conservatives and Reformists
European Parliament
Mr. / KNOX / Richard / Deputy Director of Securities and Markets Financial Services Group / HM Treasury
Mr. / KOLIVAS / Georges / Policy Analyst / European Commission, DG REGIO, “Financial Instruments and International Financial Institutions Relations” Unit
Mrs. / KOLLER / Michaela / Director General / Insurance Europe
Ms. / KRABBE MELCHIOR / Caroline / Analyst, Partnerships and Research / ATP
Ms. / KUBS / Anna
Mr. / KUTT / Waldemar / Head of Unit BioBased products and processing / DG Research & Innovation
Mr. / AUDEBERT-LAS ROCHAS / Jean-Gabriel / Parliamentary assistant of Dominique Riquet / European Parliament
Secretariat of the intergroup on Long Term Investment and Reindustrialisation
Mr. / L’ORTYE / Thibaut / Executive Assistant to the Managing Director / Am Cham EU
Ms. / LE FORESTIER / Christine / Director Economic & Legal Affairs / European Construction Industry Federation -FIEC
Mr. / LEONELLI / Gregorio / Consenso EU / GruppoHdrà
Mr. / LE MOULLEC / Yvon / Senior Advisor in charge of banking services / Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations
Mr. / LINDEIJER / Eloy / Chief Investment Management, PGGM / PGGM
Dr. / LOB / Harald / Head of Unit, regulatory compliance / KfW
Ms. / LUCHETTI / Elena / Aleteia - ConsensoSrL
Mr. / MAGGI / Domenico / Head of European Public Affairs / SnamS.p.A
Mr. / MALINOV / Svetoslav / MEP / European Parliament
Mr. / MARCHAND / Jean-Louis / Chairman of FIEC Economic and Legal Commission / European Construction Industry Federation -FIEC
Mr. / MAVRIDIS / Dimitrios / Communications Executive / EUROSIF - European Sustainable Investment Forum
Mr. / MAZZOLA / Alberto / Senior VP / FS Italiane
Ms. / MEISSONNIER / Solène / Parliamentary assistant of Dominique Riquet / European Parliament
Secretariat of the intergroup on Long Term Investment and Reindustrialisation
Ms. / MERVEILLE / Lola / Representative of Bpifrance to the EU Institutions / Bpifrance
Ms. / METZLER / Susanne / Head of the Finance Department / Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the European Union
Ms. / MIANO / Federica / Public Affairs Manager / Inrev
Ms. / MILEWSKI / Veronika / Senior Advisor EU Affairs / EDF – Institutional Affairs Directorate- Public Affairs Division
Ms. / MIRANDA / Maria / Deputy Head of International and European Affairs / Italian Banking Insurance and Finance Federation
Mr. / MOSCHETTA / Giovanni / European Lawyer / NTCM
Dr. / MOURANI / Ibrahim / Representation of the State of Bremen to the European Union
Mr. / MUSSINI / Matteo / Head of Public Affairs and Operations / Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER)
Ms. / NAVICKAITE / Ieva / Associate Director / Kreab
Dr. / NORCINI PALA / Arianna / RAM - Rete AutostradeMediterraneeS.p.a.
Mr. / NOUVEAU / Nicolas / International Affairs Department / Bpifrance
Mr. / NOVAKOV / Andrey / MEP / European Parliament
Ms. / NOWAK / Jasmin / Assistant to Barbara Kappel, MEP / European Parliament
Mr. / OUAKI / Stéphane / Head of Unit / European Commission, DG MOVE , “Connecting Europe - Infrastructure Investment Strategies”
Mr. / OUDOT DE DAINVILLE / Etienne / Head of the economic and finance department / French Permanent Representation
Ms. / PALINSKA / Aleksandra / Senior Policy Adviser / European Issuers
Mr. / PANARELLA / Alfredo / Economic Advisor at the Cabinet of the President of the European Council / Council of the EU
Mr. / PAOLONI / Marc / Business Bridge Europe
Mr. / PARROT / Mário / Lusojournal
Mrs. / PASSAMONTI / Francesca / Head of European Regulatory and Public Affairs / IntesaSanpaolo
Mrs. / PATERSON / Charlotte / Senior Regulatory Officer Vice-President Group Risk Management / Swiss Re Services Limited
Mr. / PELERIN / Jérémie / European Affairs Director / French association of private companies (Afep)
Mr. / PERONACI / Marco / Deputy Permanent Representative of Italy to the European Union / Italian Perm. Rep. to the EU
Ms. / PETRAGLIA / Marilena / Senior Manager Analysis and International Institutional Relations / TernaSpA
Ms. / PHELAN / Sarah / European Affairs Manager / Mouvement des entreprises de France - MEDEF
Ms. / PIETIKÄINEN / Sirpa / Member of the LTI Intergroup / European Parliament
Ms. / PINDERI / Rakela
Ms. / PLAINEMAISON / Valérie / Secretary-General / E3PO - European PPP Operating
Mr. / PLEJIC / Stipe / Accredited Parliamentary Assistant Cabinet of MEP Davor Ivo Stier / European Parliament
Ms. / PORTALIER / Aurelie / Brussels representative / Cercle de l'Industrie
Mr. / PORTUGAL / Pablo / Director / AFME
Ms. / PRASILOVA / Petra / Senior Consultant / Cabinet DN
Ms. / PRETE / Mathilde / Communication Officer / VEOLIA
Mr. / PUENTE-GONZALEZ / Ignacio / European Commission, DG RTD, “SMEs, Financial instruments and State Aid” Unit
Ms. / PUY RUIZ / Isabel / Intern / Siemens
Mr. / REITER / Thomas / Head of Brussels Office / ABV
Mr. / RIQUET / Dominique / President of the LTI Intergroup / European Parliament
Ms. / ROBERTS / Victoria / Head of European and International Public Policy / Aviva plc
Ms. / RONZITTI / Valeria / Secretary-General / European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services
Dr. / ROSCHMANN / Michael / Siemens
Mr. / ROUSSANOV / Pavlin / Assistant to Mr. Nedzhmi Ali, MEP / European Parliament
Mr. / RUBINI / Andrea / Lombardy Region Rep. to the EU
Ms. / RUBINO / Teresa / European Affairs Senior Advisor / Italian Banking Insurance and Finance Federation
Mr. / RUSZ / Peter / ECON Political adviser / European Parliament
Ms. / SAKUMA-KECK / Kyoko / Avisa Partners
Mr. / SAMSE / Martin / Intern / VKU-BüroBrüssel
Ms. / SANDON / Chiara / Senior Account Manager / FleishmanHillard
Ms. / SCARONI / Elena / European Public Affairs Advisor / EnelSpA
Ms / SCHUMACHER / Raluca / European Affairs Manager / ALSTOM
Ms. / SELTNER / Doreen / Economic, Political Affairs and Regulation / EU-Representation
Deutsche Bahn AG
Mr. / SIGNORINI / Roberto / Head of International Affairs / Italian Insurers Association (ANIA)
Mr. / SIMIONI / Arcangelo / Parliamentary assistant of Simona Bonafè / European Parliament
Secretariat of the intergroup on Long Term Investment and Reindustrialisation
Mr. / SMITH-MEYER / Bjarke / Financial Services Correspondent / Mlex
Ms. / SOARES CARNEIRO / Beatriz / Euopportunity -European Affairs Consulting
Ms. / STANCHEVA / Nataliya / NataliyaStancheva, Assistant to SvetoslavMalinov, MEP / European Parliament
Mr. / TAJANI / Antonio / Vice-President of the European Parliament / European Parliament
Ms. / TECCE / Valentina / European Regulatory and Public Affairs International and Regulatory Affairs Department / IntesaSanpaolo
Mr. / TETAS / Jonathan / Cercle de l'Industrie
Mr. / THEMESSL / Florian / Assistant to Barbara Kappel, MEP / European Parliament
Mr. / TRIFONOV / Chavdar / Assistant of Mr. SvetoslavMalinov / European Parliament
Ms. / TRILLIG / Laurence / Governmental Affairs & Political Communication / Deutsche Börse AG Representative Office Brussels
Mr. / TURNER / Zeke / Reporter / Politico
Mr. / VAN BAAR / Gerard / Managing Director Finance & Sustainability / Green Investment Corporation
Ms. / VAN NIEUWENHUIZEN / Cora / MEP / European Parliament
Mr. / VANDERMOSTEN / Jan / Policy Officer, Sustainable Finance / WWF European Policy Office
Mr. / VELAZQUEZ / Enrique / Head of Public Affairs / European Banking Federation
Ms. / WACIEGA / Kamila / Policy Officer / VEOLIA
Mr. / WARMING LARSEN / Nikolaj / Senior Analyst, Partnerships and Research / ATP
Ms. / WOZNIAK / Edyta / Assistant to Mr Krzysztof Hetman, MEP / European Parliament
Mr. / WOZNIAK / Milosz
Ms. / WRIGHT / Fiona / Director / Cabinet DN
Mr. / ZYLBERBERG / Laurent / Director for Institutional Relations & European & International Cooperation / Caisse des dépôts et consignations