Dear Parents/ Carers

I am writing to inform you of what your child will be learning and the skills they will be developing during the Autumn Term of Year 2 and how you can support them.

Spellings-Will be given on a Thursday to be returned the following Tuesday. Your child will have a spelling test on a Tuesday.

Reading packets-Will be given out on a Thursday to be returned the following Tuesday- I encourage you to read with your child every day, support them in completing reading challenges and make a comment in the parent book whenever you read.

Maths Homework- Will be given on a Thursday to be returned the following Tuesday. Practise times tables with your child every day. The tables your child needs to know are 2, 3, 5 and 10.

Topic Homework Tasks-Your child can choose the tasks they want to do to earn Dojo points. They must complete at least 1. They can be completed any time over the Autumn Term.

P.E- is on Wednesday and Thursday Please make sure your child has a full PE kit, it will remain in school and be taken home half termly.

Class dojo-If you are not already part of Class Dojo you have been given a parent code. Please download the app to your iPhone or android and use the code provided to be part of our class story. You will be able to see a snap shot of the exciting things your child gets up to during the school week. The children love parents to like our photos and leave comments. I will also use Class Dojo to give you messages and reminders throughout the school year likewise you can use it to message me.

Subject / Learning Objectives / How parents/carers can help
Science / Topic 1- Materials- To identify and name everyday materials and their uses. To record observations from investigations. To explain shapes and objects made from some materials can be changed. To understand and explain recycling.
Topic 2-Habitats-To explore/compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive. To identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other / To help your child complete any research homework.
Help your child keep a diary of or discuss the different materials they notice, their properties and how they are used in everyday objects. Encourage recycling at home.
If you have a pet at home, or know of someone who does, encourage your child to think about its needs and how they look after it.
Computing / Topic 1-We are astronauts Programming on screen. To have clear understanding of algorithms. To convert simple algorithms to programs. To predict what a simple program will do.
Topic 2-We are game testers-Exploring how computer games work. To describe what happens in computer games. To be aware of how to use games safely and in balance with other activities. / Give your child a chance to experiment with different computer games, predicting what they think might happen and why.
Creative Topic / Street Detectives- To develop their knowledge of the world, United Kingdom and their locality, using first-hand observations to enhance their locational awareness. To name and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans. To use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical and human features.
The Gunpowder Plot- To find out about events beyond living memory that are significant nationally (Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot). / Please help your child to complete one or more of the homework tasks based on the topics we are studying.
D&T / Painting-Firework pictures- To use a range of materials creatively to design and make a firework picture. To use drawing and painting to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination. To develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.
Model Making- To design their own houses including the basic features of a house needs. To select from and use a range of tools and materials to create houses. / Give your child chance to experiment at home with their imagination using pastels, pencils and paint.
PSHE / Topic 1-New Beginnings: To know that they belong to a community. To feel safe and content within their class. To sometimes tell if other people are feeling sad or scared and know how to make people feel better. To know some more ways to calm down when feeling scared or upset.
Topic 2-Getting on Falling Out: To make someone else feel good by giving them a compliment. To know that people don’t always see things in the same way. To use my ability to see things from the other point of view to make a conflict situation better. To know that sometimes anger builds up and that they can be overwhelmed by feelings.
Values-Respect, Community Love and Peace / Encourage your child to talk about their feelings when beginning something new and reinforce who they can talk to when they need help or are feeling upset.
Talk through any problems your child may have and discuss how to solve conflicts peacefully. Discuss rules and boundaries and their importance.
PE / Gymnastics- to perform a forwards roll. To perform different jumps. To make different shapes with my body. To balance on different apparatus.
Dance-To copy and repeat more complex actions (travel, change direction, gestures). To create a short routine with support from a peer or an adult. To perform a simple routine of at least 3 movements independently. / Ensure your child has their full PE Kit in school.
Inform me if your child is part of a dance or gymnastic after school club.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to come and see me. After school is usually a better time, than in the morning, especially if you require a longer conversation.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Miss S Connor