Professional Staff Association Meeting
Friday June 22, 2012; 11:30am – 1:00 pm
Valle Verde Campus, Building C, Annex
Members Present: Juanita Antunez, Martha Arvizo, Dalila Chavez, Christina Frescas, Jackie Gaines, Erick Garcia, Maria Gil, Oscar Gil, Armando Gomez, Nasser Hamdan, Emma Hernandez, Michelle Houston, Andrew Lawrence, Maria Lopez, Maria Mendoza, Charles Morgan, Sharon Olsen, Maria Reyes, Maria Ruiz, Hazel Silva, Roy Tuberville, Angeles Vasquez, Carmen Wage, Albert Yanez, Thelma Monge, Lucia Rodriguez, Maria Rodriguez, Elizabeth Steele, Letty Urenda, Ines Lopez, AJ Navarro, Sara Arellano, Doroteo Franco, Lori Hoefner, Dan Gaytan, Margie Pavia
Meeting called to order -
A. President Dan Gaytan called the meeting to order at 12:05pm.
Officers’ Reports:
B. Secretary – Margie Pavia
a) Read minutes from May 24, 2012.
b) Reviewed Robert’s Rules of Order briefly and asked members to abide by those rules.
C. Treasurer – Doroteo Franco
a) No large activity occurred so all amounts remain the same.
c) Paid a few small outstanding amounts from fundraiser and meeting “give-a ways”.
d) Next month’s budget report will reflect a deduction for today’s luncheon.
e) Announced that scholarships fund has an amount of $1,366.
Ø Lori Hoefner called a motion to approve budget report.
Ø Emma Hernandez seconded the motion.
Ø Motion carried.
D. Vice President – Lori Hoefner
a) Lori thanked all who helped at the barbecue fundraisers.
b) She mentioned that she will not present to the board on raises this year.
c) Emma mentioned that she and Lori met with Josette Shaughnessey earlier this month and indicated to her that we cannot go another year without raises.
d) She will address the board on understaffing especially when overtime is routine. This raises the issue that these members can’t participate in PSA.
e) Albert Yanez announced that supervisors were informed that new vacancies can be filled even though monies are frozen.
E. President – Dan Gaytan
a) Suggested that we look into reserving a day for professional development.
b) Committee reconstruction will be tabled until next fiscal year.
c) Educational Assistance Committee members were asked to commit via email for the purposes of completing this project and carrying it through.
d) Requested pictures for PSA’s presentation to board on “What PSA is All About”.
F. Old Business:
a) Charlie Morgan - presented on the status of elections.
Ø Listed the names of those were have been nominated so far.
Ø Nominees will be receiving an email requesting confirmation that they are willing to run and
in their respective capacities.
Ø All members will be receiving emails to vote soon.
b) Emma Hernandez – reported on Grievance Policy.
Ø Sent EPCC Grievance Policy and Procedures to Lucy Clarke with the El Paso Federation of
Teachers and Support Personnel.
Ø Martha Owen, who is associated with the Federation in Austin, TX, responded to Emma in an email. The email has been attached as an addendum to minutes.
c) Letty Urenda - presented on Educational Assistance Process.
Ø Committee approved 4 scholarships at $250 each; 2 for PSA members, 2 for EPCC students.
Ø Committee is still working on selection criteria and will be incorporated into the application.
Ø Once the application has the criteria, the committee will start the selection process.
Ø After scholarships are awarded, committee will leave money in fund for future fundraising.
G. New Business:
a) Carmen Wages –PSA emergency relief fund.
Ø Suggested Artisan Fair at ASC and Fort Bliss Campuses to raise monies for a PSA Emergency
Relief Fund because PSA doesn’t have a process. CSA has a similar fundraiser where the sale of vendor tables is used towards the fund. This works very well for CSA. They have raised $40K and are able to help those in need.
Ø Michelle Houston made a motion to create a PSA Employee Assistance fund.
Ø Emma Hernandez seconded the motion.
Ø 20 members voted for; 3 voted against; 13 abstained.
Ø Motion carried.
b) Roy suggested that we expand on this proposal for more information.
c) Lori Hoefner added that the committee will define the charge and more information will
come forth as they meet.
Ø Letty Urenda made a motion to have Carmen Wages chair the committee.
Ø Andy Lawrence seconded the motion.
Ø 21 members voted for; 3 against; 12 abstained.
Ø Motion carried.
b) Doroteo Franco – on fundraisers.
Ø Proposed to have separate fund raiser accounts for specific purposes.
Ø Asked for more assistance from members during these fundraising events.
H. Raffles:
- Michelle Houston brought a few give-a-ways.
- The prizes were raffled and the winners were Mayela, Angie Ruiz, Dalila Chavez and Mary Gil.
I. Meeting Adjourned:
Ø Emma Hernandez called a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Ø Letty Urenda seconded the motion.
Ø Motion carried unanimously.
Ø Meeting adjourned at 1:00pm.
Author: Margie Pavia 6/29/12 Page 1 of 1