IVC ensures that Education Code Section 67360 et. seq., BP 4800, and AP 5700 will be followed using the following procedures:

  1. An “Equity In Athletics California Community Colleges Self Review” will be completed by Imperial Valley College. This self review will be reviewed annually to make adjustments if needed to remain in compliance with BP 4800.
  1. A Commission on Athletics/Pacific Coast Conference Program Review will be done at least once within every five years to check on compliance with Education Code Section 67360 et. seq., BP 4800 and AP 5700.
  1. An annual in-service will be done by the Athletic Department with the Athletic Staff, no later than the last Friday in August, to ensure compliance with Education Code 67360 et. seq. and AP 5700.
  1. Each student athlete annually will have a meeting to review rules and policies to ensure compliance with Education Code 67360 et. seq., and AP 5700.
  1. Each October the Athletic Director will submit a mandatory Federal survey (the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act of 1994) to ensure compliance with BP 4800.
  1. IVC follows COA Guidelines for student athlete participation in Intercollegiate Athletics to ensure compliance with Education Code 67360 et. seq. and AP 5700. These rules include but not limited to:
  1. A student must be continuously and actively enrolled and attending class in a minimum of 12 credit units during the season of sport. Of the 12 units, at least 9 shall be attempted in courses counting toward the associate degree, remediation, transfer and/or certification.
  1. For the second season of sport, the student athlete must complete and pass 24 semester units between seasons of competition with a minimum 2.0 GPA. Of the 24 units, at least 18 need to be completed in course work counting towards the associate degree, remediation, transfer and/or certification.
  1. The student athlete must pass a physical exam by licensed medical personnel (physician, physician assistant) to participate in intercollegiate athletics.
  1. Where both men and women’s teams exist in a sport, men will compete on the men’s teams and the women on the women’s teams. When only one (1) team exists, women may compete on the men’s team; however, men may not compete on the women’s team.