Key dates
Change4Life Sugar Smart Campaign
January 2016
This document outlines key dates for the 2016 Change4Life Sugar Smart campaign, including the launch date and additional activity throughout January into March, a timeline of social media activity and further information about each individual activity.
For more information, please contact .
Please note that the information in this document is strictly embargoed.
Information about the Sugar Smart campaign should not be shared until 4 January 2016.
Key dates for the Change4Life Sugar Smart campaign include:
- Monday 4 January–Nationwide launch of Sugar Smart campaign, including advertising campaign, PR activity, social media campaign and roadshows
- Throughout January and into February –Additional PR activity including talent-led mini series content, Channel Mum social media activity and ongoing social media calendar
- From 18 January until March –Roadshows across 25 locations from January through to March
Monday 4 January
The Change4Life Sugar Smart campaign will be launched to the public and media on 4 January 2016. The objective of the launch is to raise awareness of the high levels of sugar consumed by families and the health harms of too much sugar. The call to action will be to download the Sugar Smart app and find out how much sugar is in the food and drinks families are consuming so they can make the changes they need to protect their kids.
The launch will comprise of the following elements:
The campaign will launch with television, digital and outdoor advertising and updated web content. Further details on the advertising campaign are available in the Advertising Overview on the CRC.
National news story focusing on:
- The amount of sugar consumed by children each year
- The associated health harms of consuming too much sugar and obesity
Video content:
- New video content ‘SugarBoy’ which shows a five-year-old boy made out of 5,543 sugar cubes (representing the amount of sugar cubes that the average 4-10 year old child consumes each year), to raise awareness of the health harms that too much sugar does to children’s bodies now and in the future
- Talent-led mini series ‘Introducing the Sugar Smart app’ – This is the first in the new mini series of video content, presented by a celebrity mum,Jamelia, alongside Amanda Ursell, awell-known nutritionist. These videos will be posted on the Change4Life Facebook page, Change4Life YouTube channel, NHS Choices Video Gallery and Instagram
Change4Life will be providing teachers with resources and ideas for including healthy eating messages across the curriculum, following our newFood Detectives lesson plans, which will be available from 4 January 2016.
For further information on activity in schools, please contact .
Throughout January, a regional launch for the Change4Life Sugar Smart campaign will take place in each of the nine PHE regions.
PHE regional teams will secure a suitable primary school in each region and a local chef will attend to introduce the Sugar Smart campaign to the children and show them a simple Sugar Swap to reduce the amount of sugar they consume. Local media will be invited to capture the following content:
•Chef talking to group of school children about the health harms of too much sugar and intro to Sugar Smart campaign
•Children taking part in relevant tasks to identify how much sugar they consume/ how much sugar is in everyday food and drink
•Children wearing aprons and cooking/preparing food with a local chef
PHE press office and freuds are working with regional teams to confirm dates, suitable schools and talent. For more information, please contact .
Throughout January and into February, there will be additional PR content available for use including the following:
- W/c 25 January – ‘Sweet Tricks’ talent-led mini series content available. This short piece of content will see Jamelia, our celebrity mum and Amanda Ursell, nutritionist provide advice to help mums understand how to control the amount of sugar that their family consumes through everyday food and drink
- W/c 1 February – ‘Sugar Swaps’ talent-led mini series content available. This short piece of content will see the celebrity mum, Jamelia, and Amanda Ursell, nutritionist share Sugar Swap suggestions
- 1 February – Online partnership with mummy vlogging siteChannel Mumwill go live. The themes for each of the vlogs will follow the same format as the talent-led mini series ensuring that mums are equipped with the tools they need to take control of the amount of sugar their family consumes
The following assets and content will be employed during January and February:
- Talent led mini series – as outlined above, a celebrity mum (TBC) will be the face of a mini video series of Sugar Smart episodes to feature on the Change4Life Facebook page, Change4Life YouTube channel, NHS Choices Video Gallery and Instagram as regular bite sized content to equip mum with what she needs to help her family reduce its sugar consumption. These are three videos being produced and will tackle different areas of the app and sugar consumption overall. Each edit is available for social and will cover:
- Introducing the Sugar Smart app - celebrity mum and nutritionist using the app
- Sweet tricks – providing advice to mums to help them become aware of sugar consumption
- Sugar Swaps – helpful Sugar Swaps for mums to reduce family’s sugar consumption
- Channel Mum – mini diaries following one mum for five days, looking at how she uses the Sugar Smart app to make healthier choices. The video will provide guidance on using the app and how to use it around the home and when shopping. This will show both children and mum using the app and will encourage repeat use throughout the week. Please note that this is different to the Channel Mum activity outlined in the PR section of the toolkit
- Reading Mums – mini video series following the mums who took part in the Reading University Sugar Swaps Challenge in January 2015 to reduce their sugar consumption. The videos will follow up with the mums one year on to see whether they have made long-term changes to their diets. Please note that the mums are not all based in Reading and there may be case studies from your area available for local media. Please email for further details
- App demo videos – a series of five videos about the new Sugar Smart app and how to use it
- FAQ videos – A number of videos answering FAQs about the app and the topic of sugar consumption. The videos will have a variety of presenters including Channel Mum vloggers, celebrity mum, Jamelia and a nutritionist (Amanda Ursell). Example questions: ‘How do I use the app?’, ‘Why does the app talk about sugar cubes and not teaspoons?’, ‘How can I get my kids to change from the foods they love that are too high in sugar?’
The purpose of all social activity throughout Change4Life Sugar Smart will be:
- Drive app download
- Drive repeat app use
- Generate parents’ reappraisal ofthe amount of sugar consumed by their family
The social media calendar will have a weekly theme, including:
- W/c 4 January – App launch
- W/c 11 January – Drinks
- W/c 18 January – Breakfast
- W/c 25 January – After school snacks
- W/c 1 February – Puddings
Please align your social media posts to the following timeline of activity and assets across the Sugar Smart campaign and avoid sharing content ahead of schedule.
January 2016
W/c 4 January – Launch week
- Campaign launch with SugarBoy video content
- Stop motion video showcasing Sugar Smart app
- 30’’ TV ad
- FAQ video
- Sugar Smart packs
W/c 11 January – Drinks week
- Stop motion video showcasing Sugar Smart app (drinks focus)
- 10’’ TV ad
- Health Harms dental message
- SugarBoy video content
- Drinks top swaps
- FAQ video
- Reading Mums video 2
W/c 18 January – Breakfast week
- Stop motion video showcasing Sugar Smart app (breakfast focus)
- 10’’ TV ad
- SugarBoy video content
- Channel Mum video diary
- Breakfast top swap
- FAQ video
W/c 25 January – Afterschool snacks week
- Mini series with celebrity mum x2
- Stop motion video showcasing Sugar Smart app (snacks focus)
- SugarBoy video content
- 10’’ TV ad
- Afterschool top swaps
- Reading Mums videos
W/c 1 February – Puddings week
- Mini series with celebrity mums x2
- Stop motion video showcasing Sugar Smart app (puddings focus)
- Channel Mum PR activity (TBC)
- FAQ videos
- Pudding top swaps
There will be 25 Change4Life Sugar Smart roadshows taking place from January through to March.
The aims of each roadshow isto:
- Raise awareness of sugar lurking in everyday food and drink products
- Demonstrate the new Sugar Smart app
- Drive downloads of the app
- Amplify reach via social media
The roadshows also provide an opportunity to engage with media at a local level by inviting them to attend the events and feature it in relevant diary sections.
The roadshows will feature an oversized version of a smartphone running the new Sugar Smart app. Crowds will be able to see the app in action and scan items from their shopping trollies to find out how many sugar cubes the item contains.
Staff will be on hand to help customers download the free app and to show them how to use it.
This document will be updated with the roadshow locations and dates when finalised.