Comp326 Review
by: Mamta Patel May/2003
· 3 driving forces behind architecture innovations:
o technology, applications, programming languages/paradigms
von Neumann model /Dataflow model
Non-deterministic / Not non-deterministic (is deterministic)Has side-effects – due to multiple assignments / No side-effects (side-effect-free) – single assignment
Inherently sequential / Explicitly parallel/concurrent (concurrency is explicit)
Imperative languages / Functional languages
Separation btwn data and control – control flow / Only data space (no control space) – no control flow
Not general-purpose enough
A single actor thread is too much to manage at run-time – thus, impractical as an execution architecture (synchronization overhead)
· Moore’s Law: #devices (transistors) on a chip doubles every 2 years
· Amdahl’s Law: speedup = 1/[(1-fracenh) + fracenh/speedupenh] = exec timeold/exec timenew
o fracenh = the portion that is enhanceable (always <= 1)
o speedupenh = the gain/speedup factor of the enhanceable portion (always > 1)
o the synchronization overhead is ignored by Amdahl’s Law
· latency and throughput are not inversely related
o if no concurrency, then the 2 are inversely related
o otherwise, the 2 are independent parameters
· CPU time = CPI*n/clock rate ; n = #instructions in program
· MIPS = clock rate/CPI*106 = instruction count/exec time*106
· CPI is instruction-dependent, program-dependent, machine-dependent, benchmark-dependent
· problems with MIPS:
o it is instruction-set dependent
o it varies with diff programs on same computer
o it can be inversely proportional to actual performance
· 3 main reasons for emergence of GPR (general-purpose register) architectures:
o registers are faster than memory
o registers are more efficient for a compiler to use than other forms of internal storage
o registers can be used to hold variables (reduced memory traffic, and hence latency due to memory accesses)
Instruction-Set Architectures
Stack / Register-Register / Register-MemoryAdvantages
/ - simple model- good code density
- generates short instructions
- simple address format / - simple, fixed-length instructions
- simple code generation model (separation of concerns)
- instructions take similar #clocks to execute
- tolerates high degrees of latency
- supports higher degree of concurrency
- makes it possible to do hardware optimizations / - data can be accessed w/o separate load instr first
- instr format easy to encode
- good code density
Disadvantages / - inherently sequential data structure
- programming may be complex (lots of stack overhead)
- stack bottleneck (organization is too limiting)
- lack of random access (memory can’t be accessed randomly) / - higher instruction count than models with memory references in instructions
- more instructions & lower instruction density => larger programs / - CPI varies depending on operand location
- operands not equivalent since source operand in a binary operation is destroyed
- encoding a register number & a memory address in each instr may restrict #registers
Addressing Modes
Advantages / Disadvantages
- can reduce instruction count / - complicates CPU design
- incurs runtime overhead
- some are rarely used by compilers
· GCD test: if loop-carried dependence exists, then gcd(a,c) | (d – b)
o ie. if gcd(a,c) does not divide (d – b), then loop-carried dependence does not exist
Techniques to Remove Dependences and Increase Concurrency
· rescheduling – shuffle around the instructions, put in delay slots if possible
· loop unrolling – don’t forget to rename registers when you unroll (rename AS NEEDED)
· software pipelining – make pipe segments, reverse order and rename IF NECESSARY
o rename registers to get rid of WAR/WAW dependencies
o unroll the loop a couple of times
o select instructions for the pipe segments
o reverse the order of the instructions and make adjustments to deplacements in the LD (or SD) instructions
· dynamic scheduling – can have out of order completion of instructions
o Scoreboard
o Tomasulo’s Algorithm
Scoreboard /Tomasulo’s Algorithm
- centralized- stages:
o issue
o read operands
o execute
o write-back
- table format:
o FU, Busy, Op, Fi, Fj, Fk, Qj, Qk, Rj, Rk / - distributed
- stages:
o issue
o execute
o write-back
- table format:
o FU, Busy, Op, Vj, Vk, Qj, Qk, A
- reservation stations (provide register renaming)
- common data bus (which has serialized access)
- delays issue of WAW hazards and structural hazards
- delays RAW until resolved
- delays write-back of WAR hazards
- limited by:
o amt of parallelism available among instructions
o #scoreboard entries
o # and types of FUs
o presence of WAR and WAW hazards / - handles WAR, WAW by using register renaming
- delays issue of structural hazards
- delays RAW hazards until resolved
· én/MVLù*(Tloop + Tstartup) + n*Tchime
o n = actual vector length; MVL = max vector length
o Tloop = time to execute scalar code in loop; Tstartup = flush time for all convoys
o Tchime = #chimes/convoys ( = 1 when we use chaining)
· don’t forget to consider the chaining overhead in your calculations
· WAR and WAW hazards (false dependencies) drastically affect vectorization since it serializes the processing of elements
· stripmining = break down vector of length n into subvectors of size <= 64 (MVL)
· vector stride = “distance” between two successive vector elements
· #memory servers actually activated = n/gcd(n, vector stride)
o n = n-way interleaved memory
o vector stride affects the vector access of load and store operations
· miss penalty affected by:
o main memory bandwidth/concurrency
o write policy
o cache line size
· hit ratio affected by:
o cache management policy
o cache size
o program behaviour (temporal/spatial locality)
· cache size affected by:
o technology advancement
o program behaviour (temporal/spatial locality)
o hit rate
· 4 questions in Memory Hierarchy:
o placement (mapping)
§ direct – block maps to only 1 line
§ fully-associative – block maps to any line
§ set-associative – block maps to lines in selected set
o addressing
§ direct – check 1 tag
§ fully-associative – check all tags (expensive)
§ set-associative – check tags of selected set
o replacement policy – random, LRU, FIFO
o write policy
§ write through – easier to implement, cache is always clean (data coherency), high memory bandwidth
§ write back – uses less memory bandwidth, cache may have dirty blocks, more difficult to implement
· types of misses:
o compulsory (cold) – refer to inevitable misses that occur when the cache is empty
o conflict – if a block maps to a cache line that is occupied by another block
§ decreases as the associativity mapping increases
o capacity – misses due to cache size (cache is full and we need to replace a line with the requested block)
§ decreases as the size of the cache increases
· how to reduce miss rate:
o change parameters of cache (block size, cache size, degree of associativity)
o use a victim cache (“backup” memory where you dump all blocks that have been “thrown” out of the cache recently)
o prefetching techniques
o programming techniques (improve spatial locality)
§ merging arrays, loop interchange, loop fusion, matrix multiplication
· how to reduce the miss penalty
o read through (bring the chunk that I need first; the rest can come in but I don’t wait for the rest, only for what I need)
o sub-block replacement – bring in sub-block, not whole block
o non-blocking caches
o multi-level caches
· CPU time = (CPU clock cycles + Memory stall cycles)*clock cycle time
· Memory stall cycles = #misses*miss penalty
· Memory stall cycles = IC*miss penalty*miss rate*(memory accesses/instruction)
· Memory stall cycles = IC*(misses/instruction)*miss penalty
· misses/instruction = miss rate*(memory accesses/instruction)
· Average memory access time = hit time + miss rate*miss penalty
· CPU time = IC*(CPI + (memory accesses/instruction)*miss penalty*miss rate)*CCT
· spatial locality: the next references will likely be to addresses near the current one
· temporal locality: a recently referenced item is likely to be referenced again in the near future
Shared Memory Multiprocessing (SMP)
· UMA = Uniform Memory Access Machine
o centralized memory
o address-independent
o time to access memory is equal among the processors
· NUMA = Non-Uniform Memory Access Machine
o distributed memory
o address-dependent
o time to access memory depends on the distance between the requesting processor and the data location
· COMA = Cache-Only Memory Access Machine
· problems with SMP:
o memory latency
§ sharing causes memory latency that doesn’t scale well with multiprocessing (kills concurrency)
§ sharing is expensive, but you can’t have concurrency without sharing
o synchronization overhead
§ synchronization is required to ensure atomicity semantics in concurrent systems
§ locality obtained through replication incurs synchronization overhead
Memory Consistency Models
Sequential Consistency / Weak Ordering / Release ConsistencyDescription / - all memory operations are performed sequentially
- requires serialization and delay of memory operations in a thread
- the results are as if all memory operations are performed in some sequential order consistent with the individual program orders / - classify memory accesses as ordinary data access (R, W) and synchronization access (S)
- allows concurrent R/W as long as data dependencies do not exist btwn them / - refinement of WO model
- classify synchronization accesses as acquire (SA) and release (SR)
- until an acquire is performed, all later memory operations are stalled
- until past memory operations are performed, release operation cannot be performed
Rules / - do all memory operations in order, and delay all future memory operations until the previous ones are done / S ® R; S ® W; S ® S
R ® S; W ® S / SA ® R; SA ® W; SA ® SA/R
R ® SR; W ® SR
Problems / - kills concurrency because of the serialization of memory operations / - ordering is still too strict
- not all programs will run correctly under WO / - program may still give non-SC results (ie. not data-race-free)
· a data-race exists when 2 conflicting memory operations exist between 2 threads (ie a conflict-pair occurs at runtime)
· a properly-labelled program is one that cannot have a data-race (ie. we get only SC results on an RC platform)
Cache Coherence
· locality is improved with cache local to a processor at the expense of replication mgmt (overhead)
Snooping Bus Protocol / Directory-Based ProtocolFeatures / - common bus that all caches are connected to
- each cache block maintains status info
- write is broadcast on the bus and automatically used to invalidate/update local copies elsewhere / - distributed protocol that is used to route messages and maintain cache coherence
- central directory holds all status info about cache blocks
- all accesses must go through the directory
Advantages / - centralized protocol
- no directory overhead / - solution is more scalable
- enhances concurrency via concurrent messages and processing
Disadvantages / - because writes are serialized by the common bus, it destroys concurrency
- poor scalability due to serialization (only 1 event can occur on the bus at a time) / - directory overhead (sync cost)
- message routing
· write invalidate protocol:
o processor has exclusive access to item before it writes it; all copies of the item in other caches are invalidated (invalidate all old copies of the data)
· write update/broadcast protocol:
o all copies of the item in other caches are updated with new value being written (update all old copies of the data)
· write-invalidate is preferred over write-update because it uses less bus bandwidth
Snooping Bus – Processor SideRequest / Original state of cache block /
New state of cache block
/ ActionsRead miss / Invalid / Shared / - place read miss on bus
Shared / Shared / - place read miss on bus*
Exclusive / Shared / - write old block to memory
- place read miss on bus*
Read hit / Shared / Shared / - read data from cache
Exclusive / Exclusive / - read data from cache
Write miss / Invalid / Exclusive / - place write miss on bus
Shared / Exclusive / - place write miss on bus*
Exclusive / Exclusive / - write old block to memory
- place write miss on bus*
Write hit / Shared / Exclusive / - place write miss on bus
Exclusive / Exclusive / - write data in cache
* may cause address conflict (eg. in direct-mapping, we will always have a replacement of
the cache block– not always true for other addressing schemes)
· each cache block has 3 states:
o invalid
o shared (read-only)
o exclusive (read-write)
· observe that for processor side, we deal with 4 types of requests (read miss, read hit, write miss, write hit)
· for bus side, we deal with 2 types of requests (read miss, write miss) – write-back block is handled internally
o the request on the bus is from another processor (we only do something if the address of the request matches the address of our own cache line)
Snooping Bus – Bus SideRequest / Original state of cache block /
New state of cache block
/ ActionsRead miss / Invalid / Invalid / - no action in our cache
Shared / Shared / - no action in our cache
Exclusive / Shared / - place cache block on bus (share copy with other processor)
- change state of our block to Shared
Write miss / Invalid / Invalid / - no action in our cache
Shared / Invalid / - invalidate our block since another processor wants to write to it
Exclusive / Invalid / - write-back our block
- invalidate our block since another processor wants to write to it
· in directory-based protocol, messages are sent btwn local cache (local processor), home directory, and remote cache (remote processor)
o local cache: processor cache generating the request
o home directory: directory containing the status info for each cache block
o remote cache: processor cache containing cache copy of the requested block