
1. To supervise the athletic programs in consultation with the principal and/or superintendent.

2. To interview and recommend coaching personnel in consultation with the building principal who will be the coach’s supervisor and to participate in evaluating their coaching performance.

3. To act as a consultant to the administration and coaching personnel on matters pertaining to the athletic program.

4. To hold meetings with coaches whenever necessary, to keep them informed of all matters pertaining to the athletic program.

5. To supervise all athletic facilities; schedule practice use; to recommend maintenance and repairs.

6. To supervise and coordinate the budget for all sports.

District Representative

1. To represent Davis Schools in all athletic business.

2. To enforce and interpret all athletic regulations as specified by the State Activity Association.

3. To prepare the district bus transportation schedule for all athletic trips.

4. To assist the administration in preparation of the pass list and to administer the issuance of complimentary passes for the school. district.

5. To act as Tournament Manager for District activities that are assigned to the school district by the Secondary Activity Association.

Duties Pertaining to Athletic Events

1. Release of publicity - To release to the press and radio publicity on coming events in athletic and on all special activities in which the high school participates.

2. Home activities - To attend home athletic events; to be responsible for over-all supervision; to obtain adequate personnel to ensure smooth operation on all fronts.

3. Pre-game and half-time programs - To coordinate with appropriate personnel the starting and stopping time schedules for bands, pre-game ceremonies and half-time programs.

4. Notifying principal - To make recommendations to the principal regarding the conduct of each activity.

5. Faculty help - To work with the principal to determine the need and to establish a schedule of specific assignments and reporting times for all personnel involved with duties pertaining to the activity.

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6. Game program - To assist the school in obtaining from visiting teams the information to be included in the individual game programs.

7. Liaison - To inform visiting teams and officials of the pertinent details of their participation--time schedule, dressing facilities, etc.

8. Supervision of press box - To supervise arrangements in the press box for the official personnel having duties there during games.

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