Use this sheet as the COVER PAGE of your written project

Grading Sheet Movie Psychopathology Portfolio


AP Psych

Mr. Gerhauser / Mr. Silimperi


Per _____

On time: Day(s) Late point deduction

1  -4

2  -8

3  -12

4  -16

5  –20

6+ no credit

All elements included and on time: no penalty

1 or 2 elements missing or late: - 2

3 or 4 - 4

5or 6 - 6

7+ no credit

Researched based writing

Minimum requirements:

3 pages, 4 sources, 3 types y/n

Bibliography y/n

DSM-IV-RT primary source y/n

Key Questions:

Causes y/n

Symptoms/behaviors y/n

Gender features y/n

Prevalence y/n

Etiology y/n

Heredity y/n

Differential Diagnosis y/n

Current treatment y/n

Treatment changes y/n

Daily challenges y/n

Society reactions y/n

2 Current Articles y/n

Abstract y/n

Accurate y/n

Includes bib. Info y/n





Individual Presentation: ___/5

+ Written Project ___/45

= Total ___/50

So you want to be a Psychologist?

The purpose of the project is to learn about the diagnostic process and a particular disorder. Full Credit is given for completing the project.

It’s not expected that you will diagnosis your character/patient correctly. Although your diagnosis should fit with the behaviors you observe in your character/patient.

It is possible that you will find your character/patient will exhibit characteristics of more than one disorder.

·  You will pick a character from the LIST.

·  Since there is only one list there will be no duplicate characters, although there may be multiple characters from the same movie.

·  All students will pick from the same list.

·  Trading is allowed, OR after all classes have picked you can trade-in your character ONCE after school in Mr. Gerhauser’s room (225).