LeaValleyPrimary School
May 2017
It’s May already and we are well into our last term! In this newsletter I’m going to tell you what’s been happening and what is planned for the rest of this term.
Here is some of the school news…..
Zakariye Ibrahim, Jason Merko and Jaydiene Ramsey from Year 5 took part in the ‘Count on Us Challenge’ heats at Northwold Primary School in Hackney. I am very pleased, and proud, to say the children are through to the semi-final, which will be taking place in City Hall, Central London. A big well done to them, and we wish them luck in the semi-final.
Members of the Debate Mate Club participated in the two rounds of the Primary Urban Debate Mate Competition, at Chase Lane Primary and London Metropolitan University. A huge congratulations to those who took part.
Five of our Year 6 pupils have been participating in The Haringey Children’s Book Award. This is a new book award voted for by the children and young people in Haringey and has been created by school librarians in Haringey. On Monday 24th April the children attended an Awards Ceremony at Heartlands High School, where they voted for their favourite book from the 5 shortlisted books they had been reading over the Spring term. They also participated in a workshop and met some authors. A great day was had by all.
The Lea Valley Primary School Boys Football team have been playing against other local schools in The Round Robin Football Tournament. On 10th May they won their matches. A big well done to them and we wish them luck for their future games.
Selected Year 5 pupils participated in the Sport Inspired Multi-Activity Sports Festival at Tottenham Green Pool and Fitness Centre. They took part in 6 different activities taken by specialist coaches. They were awarded the Teamwork Award. We are very proud of the children. Come and see the trophy in the entrance hall!
We held a fund raising day for Red Nose Day. For a donation of £1.00 the children could come to school dressed in something red. We raised £240 for this worthwhile cause. Thank you for your support.
A fantastic profit of £766.70 was raised at our Market Day. The children had great fun learning how to market a product and sell it. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody for their help and support that went towards making this event such a great success. The money raised will be used to buy books for our school library.
This time of year is important for assessments. Year 6 pupils took their SATs. The children, and their teachers, have been working very hard for these tests all through the year. We know that they have all done their best and now hope that they get the results they deserve. The children in Year 2 have finished their assessments and the rest of the school also did their assessments last week. You will receive your child’s report at the beginning of July.
Since the last newsletter the children have been involved in a number of different events and activities:
- During STEM week we had an amazing Steam Rocket Day, where all the pupils were able to see the launch of rockets from the playground, and Year 3 participated in a workshop. You can see an example of the sort of experience the children had on that day by going to youtube.com and typing in Bringing Literacy to Life – Decoding, Comprehension and Rocket Kids.
- As part of their work on ‘Living Things’, the Reception pupils visited the Natural History Museum where they enjoyed a ‘Storytelling with Puppets’ workshop. Great fun was had by all.
- Year 1 pupils visited The London Transport Museum where they looked at vehicles from the past and present. They also visited Kensington Palace where they had a tour of the Palace and its gardens, as part of their topic on Kings and Queens.
- As part of the Tottenham University Project, selected Year 5 pupils visited the House of Commons, where they had a tour of Parliament and attended a session on making laws. They also watched a performance of ‘Robot’ at The Barbican Centre in Central London. This is Europe’s largest multi-arts and conference venue presenting a diverse range of art, music, theatre, dance, film, and creating learning events. Both of which were a great opportunity for them.
- Year 3 pupils participated in a number of activities on ‘The Stone Age’ and ‘Ancient Egyptians’, when an outside company came into school and held workshops.
- Selected members of the School Council, pupils from Years 4 to 6 inclusive, participated in Team London’s WE Day at Wembley Arena, where Kate Winslet, the actress, and Jessye J, the singer, were among the celebrities there. WE Schools is a year-long programme nurturing compassion in young people with the aim of giving them the tools to create transformative social change. In school we are going to be working on a community project. A great day was had by all.
- Year 4 pupils had the opportunity to ‘think like a scientist’, when they visited the new interactive ‘Wonderlab Gallery’ at the Science Museum, where they watched ‘Live Wire’ which is a science show supporting their recent work on electricity.
- As part of their History work on ‘Crime and Punishment throughout the ages’, Year 5 pupils had a tour of The Clink Prison Museum in Central London, where they learnt about everyday life for the inmates within the prison along with their crime and reason for detention.
- In line with the General Election, we will be holding a mock election for the children. Debate Mate will hold a live debate to persuade people to vote for them. The winning party’s policies will be implemented the week after.
- Selected Year 4 girls, and their parents, are participating in a 9 week Mosaic Primary School Mentoring Programme which is part of the Prince’s Trust. Mosaic’s mission is to create opportunities for young people through positive and inspirational thinking.
- The school choir have been invited to perform, along with a number of other Haringey Schools, in ‘The Haringey Summer Singing Festival’ at the Bernie Grant Arts Centre Theatre.
- Year 4 pupils will be performing in an instrumental music concert at The Bernie Grant Arts Centre Theatre, alongside children from three other Haringey primary schools.
- Year 1 boys will have the opportunity to participate in the ‘Lads Project’; this involves them carrying out various activities at home with dad, granddad, uncle or another valued male figure, with an after school competition at the end of the course.
- In July, the Year 6 pupils will be performing their version of ‘Aladdin’, after watching the musical at a West End theatre. We look forward to watching this.
- Ark Farm will be visiting the Nursery and Reception children.
You will receive more detailed letters about some of the events outlined. Some may require your permission. Please look out for the letters.
After the half-term holiday, more year groups may be going on day trips. Please look out for the letters which will inform you of the details and the cost, which we try and keep to the minimum.
Some other items I’d like to draw to your attention include:
Please be on time. The whistle goes at 9.00 a.m. prompt and children are expected to be in their line ready for the classroom door to be opened. Doors remain open for only a very short period. If your child comes in by the main entrance, unless they are in 4S or Little Rem’s Breakfast Club, they are LATE. Learning starts straight away at Lea Valley. If your child is frequently late you will be contacted to discuss this.
Please do not leave your child/children unattended in the playground before 9.00 a.m. as there is no adult supervision. The school officially opens at 9.00 a.m.
Jumpers: The warm weather means that children often take their jumpers off in the playground. Sometimes they forget them or pick up the wrong ones by mistake. Please help us – and your child – by ensuring that jumpers and cardigans are labelled clearly with your child’s name.
Footwear: Please remember that children need to be able to run around at playtime so sensible, comfortable shoes must be worn at all times, whatever the weather. Backless styles are not allowed for safety reasons and socks, in school colours, must always be worn. All footwear should be plain black. No coloured logos or patterns please.
Ties: These can be bought from the School Office. They are priced at £2.50 each.
Headscarves: Headscarves worn for religious reasons must also be in school colours, i.e. plain black, navy, grey or white.
PE Kit: There is a school uniform kit of white t-shirt and navy shorts. Please ensure that when you are buying PE kit you purchase the right colours. Thank you.
We are very proud of our school uniform as the children look very smart in it. Please help us to keep it that way.
Scooters and Bicycles
It has been noticed that some parents are allowing their children to come into the school grounds on scooters and bicycles. Please do not allow your child to ride them in school. As it is very busy at the beginning and end of the day, it is not safe for them to do so. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Ball Games
Just a reminder that ball games are not allowed to take place in the playground before 9 a.m.
Admission to Nursery
If you have a child who was born between 1st September 2013 and 31st August 2014, and you wish them to be considered for a place in the school nursery in September, please let the office staff know immediately if you have not already done so.
Summer Term
With the warmer weather now upon us, could you please send your child in to school with a bottle of water each day. This helps keep them hydrated which means they are better learners. Please also ensure that your child has suitable sun protection, i.e. sun cream should be applied before your child comes to school and a sun hat provided for your child to wear when outside.
Parents’ Questionnaires
We always value your views about Lea Valley Primary and in order to continue improving Lea Valley Primary School, it is important that we know your views. Therefore we would be very grateful if you could complete the questionnaire we sent out this week. You can also express your views by going onto Parent View Ofsted on Google Search. Please do not hesitate to ask the Office staff for further information.
Sending Money into School
If you are sending money into school, e.g. dinner money or trip money, it must be put in an envelope marked clearly with your child’s name and class, and what it is for.
Exceptional Leave during Term Time
In line with the government’s drive to reduce the number of holidays taken during term time, only exceptional leave may now be granted. The leave can only be granted at the Headteachers’ discretion and this is for a maximum of ten days. No leave will be granted during September.
Some parents have asked when school will close in July and start in September so that they can book holidays. Term finishes on Friday 21st July and the new term will start on Wednesday 6thSeptember 2017. When booking holidays, please ensure it is within that period.
And one more thing…..
The school will be closedfor the half-term holiday between Monday26th May and Monday 5th June. We will open again on Tuesday 6th June at 9.00 a.m.
M Kokotsis