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·  In case an organization or company is submitting a proposal please use one form for each qualified expert.
·  Please write clearly or type the following details about the candidate.
·  You must ensure that all sections of this form are completed or we will be unable to consider it.
·  Submitting a proposal does not guarantee you will be selected
Title: / Mrs. ☐ Ms. ☐ Mr. ☐
First Name:
Last Name:
Job title:
Used future correspondence
Please confirm that you are available for the duration of the project: Yes☐ No☐
Please confirm your availability to meet the timeframes as indicated in the RFP: Yes☐ No☐
If no, please indicate your proposed modification:
Please indicate for which country group you submit your proposal: English☐ French☐
Note: No expert may be appointed to more than one country group.
Please indicate your availability for the national country follow up:
2 national country follow-up ☐ 3 national country follow-up: ☐
Please indicate your preference with project countries you would like to follow at national level:
Note: The final decision of the distribution of country responsibility will be taken by ISO.
Algeria ☐ Egypt ☐
Lebanon ☐ Iraq ☐
Morocco ☐ Jordan ☐
Tunisia ☐ Palestine ☐
Yemen ☐
1.  Please summarize your qualification and technical experience as follows:
/ Your feedback
Do you hold an university degree in engineering, economics, business administration or technical fields? / No
Yes / ☐

If yes, please specify degree and university:
Please describe your knowledge and working experience in the application of the following ISO standards:
-  ISO 14040: 2006 and
-  ISO/TS 14067:2013.
Please provide concrete examples of the application.
Please describe your knowledge and working experience of other standards in the ISO 14000 family, in particular ISO 14001, ISO 14020 and ISO 14064.
Please provide concrete examples of the application.
Do you have experience in training facilitation? / No ☐
Yes ☐
If yes, please describe briefly your training experience:
Please give a short description of your pedagogical skills
Have you been involved in ISO’s technical work of standards development in the area of environmental management and sustainable development? / No
Yes / ☐

If yes, please specify your role and the TC:
Please provide information on any membership of professional organizations
Please indicate any publications and professional attainments relevant to this work
2.  Experience in the type of work required:
/ Your feedback
Please specify and describe your experience of international projects of comparable size, complexity and technical speciality
Please specify and describe your experience in working with developing countries in particular in the MENA region
Please provide and relevant references and/or past performance evaluations

3.  Additional skills:

Question / Your feedback /
English language skills:
a)  Are you able to write clearly?
b)  Are you able to present and moderate workshops in English? / No
Yes / ☐

French language skills:
c)  Are you able to write clearly?
d)  Are you able to present and moderate workshops in French? / No
Yes / ☐

Please specify any other language skills:
Computer capability / Word ☐
PowerPoint ☐
Excel ☐
Outlook ☐
Any other, please specify:

☐ I confirm I possess the necessary personal skills (managerial abilities, project management, communication skills and self-drive) required to conduct the assigned tasks of the project.

Date / Signature

MENA STAR: Consultant profile form-Environment