Open to all full-time, regular Ohio State University Faculty
Through the generous support of the Coca-Cola Foundation, the Critical Difference for Women Program at the Ohio State University will award at least 3 faculty research grants this year. The grants competition is administered by the Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies and the Coca-Cola Critical Difference for Women Research Grants Committee, made up of 9 faculty members from at least 5 Colleges. The number of grants depends on availability of funds and grants may not exceed $3,500 for a 12-month period. Requests for smaller amounts will be highly competitive; in some cases, partial funding for a proposal may be possible.
These grants are designed to support research by OSU faculty that explores women's lives, gender equity, or gender broadly conceptualized. We are particularly interested in proposals that will contribute to: a) knowledge about women or gender in a broad range of disciplines; b) policies and practical applications that support improved quality of life for women; c) theoretical innovations; or d) performance and artistic productions about women or gender. Proposals are encouraged from all departments, colleges, and professional schools. Priority may be given to gender research that includes a focus on diversity or on issues and groups that remain understudied.
Examples of recent funded research include: women in the trade union movement, women living with AIDS, menopause experiences, self diagnosis medical tests for military women, collective housing models for women students with children, women’s activism and work with/as persons who are hearing impaired, production of a film and testimonial of an African market woman, fertility and childbearing decisions, women in local and state politics, women martyrs in medieval texts, women’s authorship, women in theatre, dance performances, art exhibits, history of female slaves, addicts and drug policy formation, occupational choice, women in engineering, women and rheumatoid arthritis, impact of sexual harassment, gender as a risk factor in anxiety, a performance piece on faith and community among Ohio women, girlhood and sexuality, gender and dialect in American English, and many others.
Eligibility: Applicants must be full-time, regular (non-visiting) faculty at The Ohio State University. Only those who have not received a grant from the Coca-Cola Critical Difference for Women Fund during the last five years are eligible for this competition.
Application Requirements: All proposals should include:
Cover sheetandPreliminary Budget sheet. These may be downloaded from
If needed, a one-page explanation of research expendituresmay be attached to the budget sheet. If the amount required is more than that requested from the Coca-Cola Critical Difference for Women Grants program, indicate additional sources of funding and/or grant proposals that have been or will be submitted to other funding sources.
Abstract. Anabstract of 50-100 words appropriate for press release is needed.
Project Proposal (about 1500 words) plus a one page Bibliography. The proposal should describe:
a) the nature of the project and theoretical framework; b) the methodology used and why appropriate; c) progress to date and, if relevant, relation to past or ongoing research/projects; and d) how the project will make a contribution to scholarship or knowledge, to gender analysis, to representation of women’s experiences and concerns, or to improving women’s rights or lives. If the proposed activity is part of a larger project, the proposal should include a very brief overview of the project as a whole and explain how much progress has been made. Explain how the Coca-Cola CDW grant would be used to advance the overall project.Do not exceed the word or page limits.
Curriculum Vitae (no more than three pages). Do not exceed the limit.
PLEASE NOTE: Research involving human subjects must comply with OSU guidelines for IRB approval, which can be obtained by contacting the Office of Responsible Research Practices at Documentation of IRB approval or a statement of why approval does not apply must be provided before any monies will be released. Questions can be directed to Cathy Rakowski, Chair of the Committee, at
Utilization of Grant Funds
Grants may be used for research-related travel and receipted expenses, research or administrative assistance, reproduction and data processing costs, research services, payment to human subjects, and to purchase relevant materials, software, or small equipment. Grants may not be used for release time, office computers, travel to professional meetings, or to support a student’s dissertation research. The Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies cannot be held responsible for payment of fees or benefits if grants funds are used as partial support for a GRA. Funds will be disbursed as reimbursement for expensed receipts or through direct pre-payment for travel or materials.In some cases, funds may be transferred to an awardee’s department for disbursement (i.e., for partial payment of GRA expenses or airfare). Per university rules, expenses incurred prior to the starting date of the grant period will not be reimbursed.
If you receive other funding to cover the same expenses for which you requested funding from this grant competition, you will need to notify us and amend your budget accordingly. The grant period will begin July 1st and will end June 30 of the following year. All unused funds will revert back to the program at that time. Acceptance of the grant represents a commitment to abide by its rules and to prepare a brief final report evaluating the impact of the grant on the recipient’s project and career.
Evaluation Criteria
Grants will be evaluated according to the following criteria: a) significance of the research, for instance, its likely contribution to theory or knowledge [on issues related to women, gender equity, or gender and to the applicant’s discipline], to representation of women’s experiences or concerns, or to improved quality of life for women; b) reasonableness of the proposed activities to the overall project; and c) feasibility of the proposed activities (including qualifications of applicant, time line and budget). Proposals that focus on understudied issues or groups will be highly competitive as will proposals for amounts less than $3,500.
Upon completion of the grant period, grant recipients are expected to submit a brief, 1-2 page report concerning the work accomplished under this grant, the way findings have been or will be disseminated, and, if relevant, the impact the grant had on the recipient’s career. This report is due one month after the grant period ends. Recipients may be asked for copies of publications and to present the progress of their research at informal research forums at Ohio State. These reports are used by the Department to account for funds disbursed to donors and to support future funding requests. All publications should acknowledge the support of the Coca-Cola Critical Difference for Women Research Grants and the Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies.
How to Submit
Submit four (4) paper copies of all application materials to: Cathy Rakowski c/o Andy Cavins, Coca-Cola CDW Faculty Grants Committee, Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, 286 University Hall, 230 N. Oval Mall. Submit one electronic copy to Electronic copies must be either Acrobat (pdf) or Microsoft Word (doc or docx only) files. ALL PARTS of the applications must be in a single electronic file (merge all files, do not submit separate files for each part of the application). Documents in the file should appear in the following order: cover sheet, abstract, preliminary budget and explanation, proposal, bibliography, CV.If more than 1 faculty PI is involved in the proposed research, all PI names should appear on the cover sheet and other materials and CVs should be supplied for both. The last name of the first PI should appear in the file name. (Example: “xxxxxcdw application”)
Copies of the Cover Sheet and Budget Sheet can be downloaded from
Deadline: All materials must be received no later than March 18, 2013
Receipt of the electronic submission will be acknowledged by an e-mail.
Final decisions will be announced the end of April.