Appendix K

Appendix K: Template for Letter of Solicitation for External Reviewers

[departmental letterhead here]

[Name of external reviewer here]

[Address of external reviewer here]


Dear Dr. [ ],

I am the [department chair/chair of an ad-hoc committee] in the Department of [XXX], at the University at Albany. We are currently preparing the file that will be used to consider and review Professor [candidate’s name] for promotion from the rank of [Assistant Professor to Associate Professor and for continuing appointment (tenure), or from the rank of Associate Professor to Full Professor]. In this capacity, I have the responsibility for soliciting letters from outside reviewers who are qualified to assess Professor [XXX’s] scholarship. [Note: in relevant disciplines, replace ‘scholarship’ with ‘creative activities’.] Reviewers are requested to “comment on the candidate’s record of achievement from the perspective of the quality standards and productivity norms of the candidate’s academic discipline(s).”

To help inform your assessment, I have enclosed a copy of Professor [XXX’] curriculum vitae, a copy of [his/her] statement of major [research/creative] themes and future plans for [research/creative activities], as well statements regarding teaching and service activities, copies of several published articles comprising a sample of Professor [XXX’s] scholarship, and a copy of our departmental criteria for tenure and promotion. If there are other works from Professor [XXX’s] scholarly [/creative] contributions that would assist you in making your assessment, please let me know and I will provide you with a copy of those works. Please note, however, that the Committee is seeking an overall assessment of the candidate in relation to his/her field, and not just an evaluation of the particular works supplied to you. [Note – this paragraph should be revised to accurately reflect the actual materials sent – i.e. a sample of works vs. all works by the candidate]

In your evaluation of Professor [XXX’s] scholarship, please comment as specifically as possible on the following matters:

  1. The quality and quantity of Professor [XXX’s] published and submitted work in comparison to other individuals at a similar career level in the candidate’s discipline(s). [Note: In cases of promotion to full, reviewers should be asked to evaluate the candidate’s entire career with a particular focus on contributions since tenure.]
  2. The quality or standing of the publisher and/or of the journals [/venues] in which the work has been published [/exhibited/performed].
  1. Professor [XXX’s] area or areas of specialization and the significance of [his/her] contributions to the field.
  1. Professor [XXX’s] reputation nationally and/or internationally and the impact of specific aspects of [his/her] work on others.
  1. The nature of past personal interactions, if any, that you have had with Professor [XXX].

At the conclusion of your assessment, I must ask you to indicate one of the following options. This is a required feature of the employment agreement for faculty appointed to the State University of New York. You are invited simply to reproduce these items in your letter, and to indicate your choice accordingly:

___ The candidate may read this evaluation as is.

___ The candidate may read this evaluation if all identification as to its source is deleted.

___ The candidate may not read the evaluation.

Your letter of assessment will be treated as confidential, and it will not be shared with the candidate except to the extent you so indicate in response to the above items. If you do not respond, we will assume you intend your letter of assessment to be kept confidential and not be made available to the candidate and his representatives.

In order for us to meet our deadlines, I would request that you submit your written letter of assessment to me at your earliest convenience, and not later than [insert date here].

May I also request that you include a copy of your own curriculum vitae with the letter of assessment that you send? This will assist us with our required task of describing the qualifications of the outside reviewers.

The members of the [committee/department], and the faculty and administration of the University at Albany are indebted to you for your willingness to serve as an external reviewer. As you well know, the recommendations and decisions to be made regarding Professor [XXX’] promotion are vitally important to all concerned. We deeply appreciate your participation in this process.


Chair, Ad-Hoc Committee for the review of Professor [XXX[

Or Chair, Department of [XXX]