Booking Form
“Mental Capacity”Half-Day Workshop
Tuesday 26thJune 2012 - London
Order summary
Workshop places: please indicate number attending + total amount / Unit Cost / No. / Amount £Empty Homes Network Member rate* / £65
Non-Memberrate / £85
Empty Homes Network Membership
If you want to benefit from the discounted Empty Homes Network member rate,but are not currently a paid-up member, you can add membership by selecting from the rate below and showing it in the ‘Amount’ column. This will be added to your invoice.
Corporate Membership** (Local Authority/Small business) at £95
Corporate Membership** (Housing Association/Large Business) at £135
Corporate Membership** (Small not-for-profit organisation) at £55
Order total
*To avoid complications, please do not select the EHN Member rate unless you are a paid-up Full Collective or Corporate Member of EHN or have elected to join as a part of this booking.
**One Corporate Membership covers any number of employees. This is the normal form of membership. See
Your invoicing details
Please provide full details for invoicing including:- Contact name*
- Organisation*
- Postal Address
Email address for invoices
Purchase Order No.**
(if known)
Purchase Order not mandatory on invoice?***
* Where required as part of the invoice address.
** Purchase Orders should be addressed to: Empty Homes Network, PO Box 703, Exeter, EX1 9PX.
*** If you cannot supply a purchase order number but your authority accepts invoices without one, please indicate here. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions concerning provision of purchase order numbers.
Delegate Details
Delegate 1 / Delegate 2Name
Job Title
email address*
Telephone No.
Able to do p.m.?**
Able to do a.m.?**
Delegate 3 / Delegate 4
Job Title
email address*
Telephone No.
Able to do p.m.?**
Able to do a.m.?**
*All correspondence with delegates will be via email
** The workshop is planned to run in the afternoon from 14.00 to 16.50 However, if there is sufficient demand, a further session will be run in the morning. The morning workshop would run 09.45 12.30
Special Requirements:
Please indicate below any special dietary, access or other requirements. We will do our best to accommodate these within the constraints of budget. Please note that lunch is NOT provided at this half-day workshop.
Note and Disclaimer
This training event is run by Empty Homes Training Ltd(EHT). The Empty Homes Network is working in partnership with EHT by providing administrative support, to include bookings and invoice processing. Your purchase orders need to be for supply by the Empty Homes Network. However, responsibility for the delivery of the training event lies solely with Empty Homes Training Ltd. and its trainers. The Empty Homes Network is not responsible for any aspect of the delivery of the training.
Conditions of Booking
Your booking is accepted on the basis that:
- you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions, including the Cancellation Policy
- you understand that your booking is being processed by Empty Homes Network on behalf of Empty Homes Training Ltd.and that you will be invoiced by the Empty Homes Network
Terms and Conditions
Cancellations: if confirmed in writing up to 21 days before the event will be subject to a £50 admin fee. We greatly regret that no other refunds or reductions can be offered after that date, regardless of cause. Numbers are limited and we can neither afford to forego the income nor assume that the place can be filled by another person. We do however accept substitutions.
Substitutions: substitutions may be made at any time but please let us know as soon as possible.
Changes to programme or venue: We reserve the right to alter the programme or change the venue due to unforeseen circumstances arising after the Programme has been published.
Cancellation of the Event:If the event is cancelled for any reason we will refund in full any payments for workshop places in full. We regret that we cannot refund any consequential losses such as travel or accommodation costs.
Purchase Orders, reservations and invoicing
Purchase Orders:
Receipt of your Booking Form will be treated as a firm order for a work-shop place in either of the following cases:
- Your booking form includes a purchase order number.
- You have indicated that a purchase order number is not required on your invoice.
In these circumstances, if places are available, we will reserve them for you and you will be invoiced. If the workshop is full, we will let you know immediately.
However, if
- you need to raise a purchase order prior to being invoicedfor example because your authority rejects all invoices that lack a purchase order number; and
- you are not able to supply a purchase order number at the time of submitting your booking,
then your booking will be held in a first-come first-served queue of like authorities. Your place will only become secure when a purchase order number is submitted. We strongly recommend that if your authority requires a purchase order on an invoice that you raise a PO as soon as possible and supply this as part of your booking
Purchase Orders should be addressed to: Empty Homes Network, PO Box 703, Exeter, EX1 9PX and may be emailed to
Invoices: Will be raised bythe Empty Homes Network.
For further information
Empty Homes Network on 0844 736 5736
in partnership with