Eagle Scout Requirements
Requirements for Obtaining the Eagle Scout Rank
- Be active in your troop and patrol for at least 6 months as a Life Scout.
- See Mr. Chuck Williams for approval.
- Demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath and Scout Law in your everyday life.
- See Mr. Chuck Williams for approval.
- Earn a total of 21 merit badges. (For details see page 180 of your Boy Scout Handbook)
- Obtain a copy of your Individual Advancement Report from Mr. Tom Brown and have it reviewed for correctness, it should be signed by: Tom Brown, Dan Bolda, and Werner Meier.
- While a Life Scout, serve actively for a period of 6 months in a position of responsibility. (For details see page 180 of your Boy Scout Handbook)
- See Mr. Chuck Williams for approval.
- While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school, or your community. (The project should benefit an organization other than Boy Scouting.) The project idea must be approved by the organization benefiting from the effort, your Scoutmaster and troop committee and the council or district before you start. You must use the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook, BSA publication No. 18-927C, in meeting this requirement.
- See Mr. Chuck Williams for ideas on getting started and finding an Eagle Project. Once Mr. Williams has approved an idea you should then start writing down the plan in your Eagle Project Workbook.
- Present the plan to the organization that your Eagle Project is benefiting and ask them to provide an advisor for the project. Have the Advisor give his or her approval to the project by signing the Eagle Project Workbook.
- Present the plan and Workbook to Mr. Werner Meier for his approval and signature.
- Finally present the plan and Workbook to Mr. William D’Hondt, Ottawa District Advancement Chairman, for his approval and signature. Please call Mr. D’Hondt (no email or fax) Monday through Friday only after 6:00 pm to set up an appointment.
- Complete the Eagle Project. Finish filling out the Eagle Project Workbook. Take Pictures before, during and after completing your project. Write a summary of how you thought the project went. After completing the project have your Project Advisor and Mr. Chuck Williams sign that your project was completed in your Eagle Project Workbook.
- Take part in a Scoutmaster conference.
- You will need to prepare a statement of your life ambitions and purpose and a list of memberships and accomplishments that you have participated in.
- See Mr. Chuck Williams for approval.
- Successfully complete an Eagle Scout Board of Review.
- Complete the Application for Eagle Scout Rank and have it signed by Mr. Chuck Williams and Mr. Werner Meier.
- Fax the signed Application for Eagle Scout Rank and the signed Individual Advancement Report (obtained during the Merit Badge approval) to Mrs. Carolyn Raupp, Clinton Valley Council Registrar, for approval. Approval will take up to a week. Be sure to give Mrs. Raupp your name and phone number. She will call you when your application is ready for approval and will set up an appointment for you to take the original into the Council Office for her signature. Ask Mrs. Raupp for a blank Advancement Report Form. When you leave the council office you will have your original Application for Eagle Scout Rank signed with council approval, a copy of the Electronic Verification Application signed with council approval and a blank Advancement Report Form.
- On the Application for Eagle Scout Rank you will be required to give the name and contact information for six people willing to attest that you have been living the Scout Oath and Law. Further you will need to secure a letter of recommendation from these six individuals. These letters must be sealed and mailed to Mr. Dan Bolda, Troop 179 Advancement Chairman. You will need to be in contact with Mr. Bolda, he cannot schedule a board of review until at least half of the letters are received. The recommendation letter from your religious reference must be at the Board of Review; this person may be a member of the clergy, your parents, or any person who can attest to your religious principles and practices.
- Once you have your Application for Eagle Scout Rank and Electronic Verification Application, both signed with council approval, and you have the required letters of recommendations, you can call Mr. Dan Bolda to schedule your Eagle Board of Review.
- Be sure to have with you at Board of Review: complete Scout uniform, Application for Eagle Scout Rank, Electronic Verification Application, a blank Advancement Report Form, Eagle Project Workbook, typed summary of the Eagle Project experience, pictures of the Eagle Project, typed statement of life purpose, typed list of accomplishments, your copy of the Merit Badge Applications (blue cards), and your Boy Scout Handbook.
Chuck WilliamsTroop 179
/ Werner Meier
Troop 179
Committee Chairman
/ Dan Bolda
Troop 179
Advancement Chairman
/ William D’Hondt
Ottawa District Advancement Chairman
/ Carolyn Raupp
Clinton Valley Council Registrar
1100 County Center Dr. W.
Waterford, MI 48328-1903
(248) 338-0035 - Office
(248) 338-0039 - Fax