Each school year every Local Education Agency(LEA)/School Food Authority (SFA) must address a number of requirements to participate in the School Nutrition Program.
Task / Instructions / CompletedApplication Packet
Startup Package
Free/Reduced Application Packet
Direct Certification/Foster List
State Requirements
Food Safety Inspections
Seamless Summer Feeding
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
End of Year Records’
Paid Lunch Equity
Non Program Revenue / *Update Application Packet in TMAC
New school year data files will be made available around May of each year for updating the program application in TMAC.
School Year (July 1 – June 30).
Each year the LEA/SFA must update the following data before any claims can be paid:
- SNP Site Application (School Level)
- SNP SFA Application (System Level)
- Meal Compliance Attestation
The agreement (which includes the Free and Reduced Policy) is permanent unless substantive changes in the program are made. If changes are made download the new agreement, electronically sign and email to the State Director.
Free and Reduced Price Applications (have applications printed)
1.Public Release (sent by SA to news media & employment office; LEA’s send to major employers contemplating large layoffs)
2.Family Application, Instructions for Applying, Household Letter
3.Notification Letter for School Meal Benefits
4.Fee Waiver (Optional)
5.Notification of Predetermined Eligibility for Free Meals
a. Direct Certification
Prior to the beginning of the school year this information is available (May data available in June/July) for download. Monthly updates for your county and surrounding counties are available and required to be used.
NOTE: SNAP and TANF (Families First) designations must be separated in Free and Reduced software and/or approvals.
*Breakfast Waiver
Breakfast Waiver (July 30 current SY) must be submitted to State Agency.
*Certification of Compliance
Certification of Compliance must be completed 30 days after school year begins.
*Local Agriculture Products Compliance Plan
Each LEA shall submit this plan for compliance sixty (60) days prior to the beginning of the school year. In subsequent school years, each LEA shall submit modifications to this plan sixty (60) days prior to the beginning of the school year. Updated only when changes occur to the original plan.
Food Safety Inspections (schools and number of inspections, only--not scores) must be submitted on the TMAC System. This report is filed under the next school year’s application. Example: 2012-2013 Food Safety Inspections are filed under 2013-2014’s application.
You must enter each feeding site into TMAC. The Summer Feeding year runs from October 1 – September 30.
Applications for eligible elementary schools (80% or greater Free and Reduced) must be submitted yearly in May.
Backup data and store records. Must be kept on file for a minimum of three (3) years after the final claim is submitted for the fiscal year to which they pertain. Files must be kept longer if they are required by an audit. Rollover Software data if applicable for POS information.
You must complete the Paid Lunch Equity Tool each year. Maintain manual documentation of credits from previous year(s).You must either raise your paid lunch price or submit a Paid Lunch Equity Waiver which is available in TMAC. The waiver must be approved by the State Agency.
You must complete the Revenue from Non Program Foods Tool to track that money is not lost in the selling of non program items.
Beginning of the New School Year
Staff DevelopmentPolicies/Procedures
June 30 Year End Balance
Financial Reporting
Excess Balance Plan
Afterschool Snack Monitoring / Conduct your mandatory staff development. Civil Rights and other requirements (example: Blood borne pathogens, board policies, etc…). Maintain agendas and sign-in sheets.
- Update local policies if they have changed (maintain locally):
- Charge Policy
- Competitive Foods Policy
- Offer vs. Serve Policy
- Wellness Policy
- Update your HACCP Plan, no board approval needed
- BOE approval of meal pricing structure (if it has changed)
- Pre-K Snack (withholding part of lunch as snack) approval
- Non-SNP employees’ meal fee waiver sent to Sarah White for approval from DOS (if changed from previous year.)
- SNP Employees sign the confidentiality agreement.
Complete the Financial Report in TMAC no later than October 1.
School Nutrition Programs that have an Excess Balance (the amount of net cash resources a nonprofit school nutrition program has in excess of 3 month’s average expenditures) at the end of each school year must submit a plan via TMAC as part of the Financial Report.
All Afterschool Snack Programs must be monitored within four (4) weeks of the first service (and again during the school term).
Seamless Summer Feeding / The seamless summer feeding year begins in October. It runs from October to the next September. Update all summer feeding sites in TMAC. You may begin updating prior to serving.
National School Lunch Week / The seven day period beginning on the second Sunday of October each year.
(Instructions – USDA Eligibility
Guidance) / A count of the number of applications for free and reduced priced meals must be taken on October 1. This is the count used to determine the number of applications to be verified. The count of students receiving meal benefits must be taken on last operating day in October.
Direct Verification Download (September Data available in October). Thisfile will be updated each year and is to be used for verification only.
Verification MUSTbe completed by November 15.The Verification Summary Form and data entry completed using TMAC.
Verification Summary Report MUSTbe entered in TMAC by December 15.
On-site School Reviews / Must be completed and on file in the LEA/SFA for review beforeFebruary 1 of each school year for EACH SCHOOL. A Lowest Source Report must be reviewed for every school in conjunction with the on-site review of the meal counting system.If you have only one school - you do not have to complete.
School Breakfast Week / The seven day period beginning on the first Sunday of March each year.
Edit Checks / Daily at the school level the number of free, reduced price and paid lunches claimed shall be compared against the number of children currently eligible that day.
The SFA shall compare each school’s daily counts of free, reduced price and paid lunches against the product of the number of children in that school currently eligible for free, reduced price and paid lunches respectively, times an attendance factor prior to submission of each Claim for Reimbursement (Attendance Adjusted Edit Checks)
Direct Certification / Download updates Monthly. Direct Certification downloads include: SNAP, TANF, Foster
File Claim for Reimbursement / A final Claim for Reimbursement shall be submitted to the State agency not later than 60 days following the last day of the full month covered by the claim.
Migrant Information/Homeless and Runaway Information. / Downloads/lists from local systems.
More Need to Knows:
Administrative Review: / The Administrative Review occurs every three years.Important Dates/Times
(Traditional Calendar) / January:
State matching monies are received
Commodity Surveys completed; if a district is processing they may be requested earlier.
Local District Budget Preparation for the next school year
Plan Menus for the next year.
Begin Procurement pre-conferences with vendors (if applicable depending on contract dates)
February 1:
Internal Monitoring Complete for all sites
February /March:
Supervisors’ Study Council
School Breakfast Week
MARCH: Enter claim for reimbursement data by School Sites in TMAC.
Heads up for the new income eligibility guidelines and application packet.
Regional Road Show Training
Update all online application/school information – wait for SA notification for TMAC entry.
Update HACCP Plans
Report the number health inspections for each site
Update any needed policies for BOE approval for the next school year
June 30:
Close of the school year
TSNAState Conference
SNA Annual Conference
Update computer software (if needed)
Roll over student accounts or issue student refunds
Heads up for any information about the Direct Certification Download and Foster Child List.
July 1:
Start of new school year
Validate your operating balance with BOE system’s books
Usually when the 30 day carry over date occurs depending on start-up date
Excess Balance Plan due to SA
SNP Academy
NationalSchool Lunch Week
May calculate attendance factor from this month and use for one year (from October to the next September)
Enter claim for reimbursement data by School Sites in TMAC.
October 1:
Pull the number of current applications (for verification purposes)
October 30:
Pull the number of students on file receiving meal benefits (for verification purposes)
November 15:
Verification MUST be complete
December 15:
Verification Summaries due to SA