Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s)
Post-16 Choices Evening: Thursday 15th oCTOBER
We are writing to invite you to our annual Post-16 Options Evening, where you and your son or daughter can find out more about the opportunities and choices open to them at the end of Year 11. Hinckley Academy and John Cleveland Sixth Form Centre will be open from 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm so you can meet with representatives from a wide range of providers of education and employment in our area.
In the Main Hall there will be stands from local businesses, training providers, the Services, Further Education Colleges and Universities. They will provide information booklets; leaflets and staff will be on hand to answer your questions. Staff will also be available to offer guidance and make appointments for one to one interviews. Mrs Chamberlain Assistant Principal/SEND and Mrs Leeson Assistant SEND will also be available to give advice on pathways.
In and around the John Cleveland Sixth Form Centre teachers and students will be offering information about the wide range of courses available. You will also be able to hear a short talk about opportunities here from the Sixth Form staff. This will be repeated every 20 minutes in the Lecture Theatre.
Our programme of information and guidance for Year 11 students will continue throughout Year 11 and there will be opportunities for students to discuss their choices with tutors and sixth form staff as well as booking a Careers interview at any point.
If you would like any further information about Careers information and guidance at Hinckley Academy and John Cleveland Sixth Form Centre do please contact the Careers Office (01455 632183).
It will help us to plan for the evening if you could return the attached slip via your son/daughter also, to ease the flow of people around the school at this event could we please ask that you arrive during the times allocated for your son/daughters tutor group.
Tutor Groups 11A1 through to 11A11 – time allocation 6 – 7pm.
Tutor Groups 11B1 through to 11B10 – time allocation 7 – 8pm.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Janet Paterson Chris Leeming
Head of 6th form Assistant Principal
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To: Post-16 Office
Please return this slip to the Year office at Hinckley Academy via your son/daughter by Friday 2nd October to assist us with arrangements for the evening.
Student: / Form:q I/we will be attending the Choices Evening
q I/we will not be attending the Choices Evening
Parent(s)/Carer(s) Signature: