Asia Summer Program2018 - Application Form
Please fill out all sections of this application form using block
capital letters and tick (√) the most appropriate box wherever
requested. (All fields are mandatory and incomplete applications
will require resubmission.)
Section A: Personal Information
Family name
Given name(s)
Sex Male Female
Dateof birth (DD/MM/YY)
Home address
Phone (home/ mobile)
Email address
Passport number
Section B: Emergency Contact
Relationship to applicant Father Mother Other______
Full name
Phone (home / mobile)
Email address:
Mailing address
Section C: Education
Current university
Area of study / major
Current academic year
Section D: English Proficiency
Reading Poor Good Excellent
Listening Poor Good Excellent
Speaking Poor Good Excellent
Writing Poor Good Excellent
Section E: Medical / Dietary Concerns
Please use the box below to indicate any medical conditions (drug allergies, chronic diseases, etc.) or dietary requirements (food allergies, vegetarian diet, etc.) about which ASP program directors should be aware.
Section F: Course Selection Instructions (Please read carefully.)
FOR STUDENTS:Participants takeone course fromGroup A (9:30 am – 12:00 pm) and one course fromGroup B (13:30 pm – 16:00 pm).
Enrollment in courses is limited, so applicants should rank their course preferences for Group A and for Group B. In each section, write a number ‘1’ in the box next to the most preferred course in that section. Continue numbering with ‘2’ as the second choice, ‘3’ as the third and so on up to ‘10’. In total, twenty preferences should be listed (1-10 in eachsection).
Applicants should confirm in advance any potential issues regarding the transfer of credits earned at ASP 2018 by consulting with a representative at their home university.
FOR ADMINISTRATORS: Course assignments will be made on a ‘first-come, first-served’ basis. Please use the ‘Registration #’ box on the front page of this form to record the order in which applications are received at your home university. Enter a ‘1’ in the ‘Registration #’ box for the first application received, a ‘2’ for the second, and so on. Further information about application and cancelation policies can be found on the website.
GROUP A (9:30 am – 12:00 pm)
- Exploring Filipino Culture …..……………………………..…….
- The Chinese Taoist Classic “HuaiNanZi”: Introduction
And Interpretation…………..………………....…………………
- Applied Theater……………...………………………………..….
- Regional Integration in Asia 2018…………..………………..….
- Food and Beverage Service……………………………………....
- Economics of Virtual Currency: A special focus
on Bitcoin and Blockchain…….………………………………....
- Dynamics of Cultural and Relational Intelligences ……..……….
- English Presentation Skills……………………………………....
- Basic Principals of Algorithms and Coding……………………...
- Money, Banking and Financial Markets ………………………….
- Japanese Civilization & its Origin in the Eastern Asia…………….
- Emergency and Disaster Nursing………………………………...
- Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)………………...
- Digital Marketing & Social Media …………………………….…
- Communication skills in the 21st century: Empowering
yourself and others ………….………………………….………...
- Cloud Computing…………………………………………..…….
- Teaching English AcrossCultures….………………………....…
- Asian Soap Operas ………………………………..…………..….
- Basic Parametric and Non-Parametric Testing of Statistical
Hypothesis Involving Univariate and Bivariate Data …..……..….
- Empathy, the Arts and Society …………………………………....
- Business Crimes and Ethics (Concepts and Case Study
in Indonesia and Global)……………………………………..…....
- Cross Cultural Understanding …………………………………….
- Basic Economics for Future Managers …………………………....
- Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Natural
Environment and Resources in Modern World …………………...
- Asian Englishes Today ……………..…………………………….
- Introduction to Computer Networking …..……………………….
GROUP B (13:30 pm – 16:00 pm)
- Enhancing Communication Skills through Literary Study……....
- Cultural Image in Classical Chinese Literature ……..…………...
- Interface Design for Wireless Devices…………………………...
- Human Rights and Peace Education………………………...…...
- Speech Communication ………………………………………….
- Introduction to Ethical Hacking…………………………………
- Fusion of Language and Literature ……………………….……...
- Cultural Contents Industry and Korean Wave …………………….…..
- Korean Cinema in Dialogue with World Cinema ………………..
- Computer Network ……………………………………………....
- Introduction to the History and Cultures of Central Europe ……..
- Mirroring the Social, Political, and Economy, Sports and
Entertainment of Southeast Asian Countries through Cultural
and Social Development …………………………………………
- Introduction to Cross-cultural Entrepreneurship in Asia………...
- Cross Cultural Communication in Services……………………...
- IOT ……………………………………………….……………...
- Management Communication ..………………………………….
- Filipino Culture and Society .………..…………………………...
- Introduction to the Mystifying Electrical Technology…......
- Socio-Cultural Anthropology ……………………………...…….
- Social Psychology ….……………………………………………
- Internet Economy, Social Media and Knowledge Creation
for Asia…………………………………………………………..
- Strategic Planning in Education………………………….……...
- Crisis Communication in New Media …………………………….…..
- Literati: Practical Techniques of Academic Writing in
the University …………………………………………………....
- Introduction to Gender in Asia …………………………………..
- Cross-Cultural Communication in Asia Setting ………………...
Optional One-Day Tour (July 21)
Please indicate your decision regarding the optional one-day tour, details about which can be found on the website. I would like to apply for:
ACADEMIC SESSION ONLY (US $800) ……………………………………….
Section G: T-Shirt Size Selection
We will provide a T-shirt to all participants in ASP 2018. Please indicate your preferred size in the box here......
Size / S / M / L / XL / XXLI have accurately completed all of theinformation above, and I agree to the terms and conditions of the Asia Summer Program as outlined on its website, which shall take effect upon my submission of this application.
I hereby authorize the ASP to use any pictures or videos taken by authorizedstaff
during the summer program for educational purposes or for use in promoting the ASP on dedicated websites and academic advertising material.