Washington Elementary Chess Champions

Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday January 19, 2010

Liberty Christian School

Board Members Present:

David Merrill – President

Gilbert Chan – Vice President

Ed Dodd – Treasurer

David Sommers – Secretary

Jeremy Kidd – Board Member

Guests Present:

The meeting was called to order at 7:35pm

The board discussed the following items:

  1. Reading of minutes from 11/21/2009 meeting.
  2. Motion to approve, David Merrill. Seconded, and unanimously accepted.
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. Checking - $13,131.06
  5. PayPal - $4649.00
  6. Total – $17,784
  7. Expenses for Pride of Pasco Payments: Approximately $300.
  8. Coach Stipends
  9. Richland School District has returned their coach stipends check.
  10. Waiting on paperwork from Kennewick Schools to write the check to them.
  11. Need form from Pasco Schools, grant form, so donation can be made.
  12. Donations
  13. David Merrill will submit a request for funds to Areva. Expected donation is $500.
  14. Jeremy Kidd will solicit coupons from Dairy Queen (talk to manager on Jadwin or in Pasco) and McDonalds (check with Cathy Kuwamoto) for the tournament participants.
  15. IRS verification of our 501(c)3 status. Alex Corsten submitted paperwork for us this year.
  16. David Sommers will submit new school codes for Rowena Chess Elementary, Longfellow Elementary, and Chiawana High School, all in Pasco.
  17. Inventory
  18. Sold 10 boards and pieces to Pasco School District, $7.50 each.
  19. Donated one clock to Pasco School District.
  20. Sold 10 board to David Merrill. He paid $75 cash.
  21. Gilbert Chan updated the inventory list.
  22. Selling Game Time II clocks for $30 each.
  23. Webmaster Replacement
  24. Need for php knowledge to fix/upgrade the website.
  25. Jeremy Kidd will contact individuals and companies for estimates.
  26. Connection to paypal not including enough information. IE – need to know who is paying for which participants.
  27. Upcoming Tournaments
  28. Pride of Pasco
  29. Eastern Washington Chess Championships
  30. David Sommers and Gilbert Chan will do pairings
  31. David Merrill will be Tournament Director or Head Judge
  32. March Madness
  33. Eastern Washington Team Challenge/Spring Chess Challenge
  34. Last chance to qualify for state.
  35. Eastern Washington Tournament of Champions
  36. For Eastern Washington State Qualifiers
  37. Future Agenda Items
  38. Schedule
  39. Richland Rook Roundup move to January 2011
  40. Discuss Calendar if David Sommers knows his future.
  41. Next meeting set for Tuesday, February 16th 7:30pm

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm.