Item 7.

Queen’s Graduates’ Association.

Queen’s Women Graduates


During the year the Committee met six times. Each meeting was chaired by the President, Janet Leckey. Janet is also a member of the Archives and Centenary Celebrations Committee.

The Committee consisted of:

OonaghFerrity – Vice President,

Honor Baird-Scholarship Committee Chair and Virginia Gildersleeve Fund,

Lavinia Boyce - Membership and Events Committee,

Eileen Cooley – IrFUWSecretary( co-opted member),

Margaret Donaghey- U.W.E. and Chair of membership and Events Committee,

Carolyn Forster - Women’s Forum

Anne Hunter - Public Speaking Convenor ( co-opted), Elizabeth Miller,

Jennifer Mussen- Secretary and C.I.R.

Naomi Patrick,

Helen Penge- Membership and Events Committee,

Paddy Skates- Finance,Women’s Forum,

Ruth Waddell.


The membership number is currently 86.During the year the membership lost three valued members and Remembrances will be observed at the Annual general Meeting. There was a turnover of members with 8 leaving and 9 taking up membership. Payments by direct debit ensure that the membership list is updated early in the year. Members who pay by cheque may experience a delay as the cheque is processed. Please note that as we must pay our dues to G.W.I. by 1st January 2016 all fees of £25 should be paid no later than the Annual General Meeting. If you pay by cheque please make payable to: Queen’s Graduates’ Association.


As all our communications are governed by the Data Protection Legislation any documents sent to members are sourced solely with the Secretary. The increasing use of e-mail is welcomed because it enables all members listed to receive the full complement of information from Q.W.G., The Irish Federation, University Women of Europe and Graduate Women International ( formerly IFUW). Members of the Irish Federation are fortunate to have the services of Heather Elliott,our web master, and Martina Mulryne who issues a superb Newsletter to keep all associates informed of the range of activities offered by the four constituent member Universities. Members who do not have e-mail receive Q.W.G. information but costs prohibit the extensive information from the sources listed above being posted. Last year at the A.G.M. a buddy system was suggested. This may be informally arranged with a partner member. Approximately 25% of the membership does not have e-mail.

The use of rolling plasma screens around the campus is bringing news of our events to a wider audience.

The Annual General Meeting 2015.

This meeting was held in the Council Chamber on Saturday 24 January 2015. Twenty nine members heard summaries of Reports from the busy Committee members. Under June’s leadership three new Committees were formed and each reported on developments in these fledgling areas.


The FinanceStatement was tabled by Paddy Skates. Copies of all documents are available online. June spoke of the enjoyment and challenges she had met during her year and wished incoming President, Janet Leckey, all success. Janet referred to her proposed programme and urged members to support each event. Professor Ellen Douglas-Cowie spoke about her career in Queen’s University which had presented challenges and outstanding outcomes. A pleasant buffet lunch was served in the Canada Room. Thanks were given to Mr Horgan and his staff for excellent food before and after the proceedings.

IrFUWPublic Speaking Event.

On 10th February four teams competed for the honour of representing Q.W.G. at the Finals held in Trinity College on 7 March 2015.The presentation of the awards in the Council Chamber was made by Dr Iseult Wilson. Friends’ School Lisburn provided the candidates both for the team award and the individual speaker and they returned to Lisburn with the Ann Budd Memorial salver.

A meeting of the IrFUW Council was held on this day.

Calendar of Events in 2015.

21st March. “ Women, War and Peace: Afghanistan then and now” a special conference to mark International Women’s Day took place in the McClay Auditorium. A full report is presented in the accompanying papers.

18th April. A visit to Antrim Castle Gardens and Clotworthy House included a guided tour of the spectacular gardens on the shore of Lough Neagh.

23rdMay. International Day held in Trinity College Two speakers: Miranda Jemphrey Q.W.G. and Cristal Moor from B.F.W.G. spoke about the practice of FMG in African and The HeggHoffet Fund respectively. Hospitality was extended at a lunch in Buswell’s Hotel.

11th June .The Annual Dinner commenced with a Reception in the Cloisters followed by an excellent buffet meal in the Great Hall. The guest speaker was Justice Dr Teresa Doherty C.B.E. whose service includes Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone and recently the War Crimes trial of Charles Taylor in The Hague.

5th September. A guided tour of the treasures of the Chester Beatty Library, in the grounds of Dublin Castle, was enjoyed by QWG members and friends. Some members from UCDWGA and DUWGA joined the group.

16th – 18th October. IrFUW weekend Conference and workshop hosted by DUWGA in Dublin. A full report appears in the accompanying papers, on the web site and in the Newsletter.

8th November. QWG were represented by Vice-President OonaghFerrityand Dr Lavinia Boyce at the Queen’s University Remembrance ceremony.

27th November. Queen’s Women Graduates attended the Annual Charter Day Dinner in the Great Hall. It was encouraging to speak to a number of young high achievers who are leading the way forward in their careers. Mr John Leckey, Senior Coroner (rtd) was awarded ‘Graduate of the Year.’

30thJanuary 2016. Annual General Meeting 2016.

Queen’s Graduates Association.

Members of Q.W.G. joined with colleagues at several functions. An enjoyable wine tasting took place in the Senate Room. Members of the Q.W.G. Committee sit on the Q.G.A. Committee and report on activities to the wider organisation. Q.W.G. is indebted to the outgoing President


Catherine Vint, incoming President FeargusMcCauley,and Officers of Q.G.A. for their support. Special thanks go to Gary Laverty outgoing Treasurer and Eoin McMullan newly appointed at the A.G.M. in April 2015.

Development and Alumni Office.

Q.W.G. send thanks to the Office staff especially Norma Sinte,Meaghan Lyons, Laura Doran and Ian Moore for their understanding and advice as stringent budget cuts curtail the levels of support we previously enjoyed.


Links with other Associations continue to flourish. Whilst UCCWGA has withdrawn from IrFUW, there is an annual Mass held in November and attended by former members of Cork and members from Galway , Dublin and Belfast. President Dr Marion Gibson, and her Secretary Eileen Cooley, have travelled many miles and undertaken a huge amount of work on behalf of IrFUW in this the penultimate year of her Presidency which concludes in May 2016. Many innovations have been brought in: Linked membership, the web page, the Newsletter and others which are flourishing: International Day, Outreach to University Women of Europe and to G.W.I.

University Women of Europe U.W.E.

Margaret Donaghey is the QWG Representative . In 2015 she attended with others the Convention in Utrecht and the ‘Meet and Greet’ weekend in Amsterdam. She presents regular reports to all meetings of the Committee. Her full report accompanies these papers.

Graduate Women International. G.W.I. formerly IFUW

As C.I.R. I have found 2015 to be an exciting and pivotal year. Mary O’Donaghue of UCDWGA is an excellent correspondent and members of Q.W.G. receive a full range of information from Geneva. My full report accompanies the papers for the A.G.M.

Funding and Finance

At the October Council meeting concern was expressed at the financial state of IrFUW. All the fees from QWG (£15) go to Geneva and 1 euro is sent to U.W.E. Depletion of funds has created areas of concern in relation to some accounts. Fund raising is needed and QWG members are asked to support any such events or initiatives


In conclusion I wish to thank every member of the Committee whose advice, forbearance and wise counsel have greatly enhanced what has been at times a difficult role. I also wish to pay a special tribute to Janet who has taken a leading role in moving Q.W.G. forward and has embraced new ideas and technologies with charm and kindness.

Jennifer Mussen
