ABC’S of Ms. Schell’s Classroom

*ALLERGIES: If your child has food/latex or other allergies, please let Ms. Schell know immediately!

*ABSENCES: If your child will be absent-please call the office 918-299-4415 x2426. You may also e-mail me at so I will know that you child will not be coming.

*ASSISTANT: I have an ECA (Early Childhood Assistant) Mrs. Behdad. She will be full time in our classroom sharing many moments with your child.

*BACKPACK: Your child should bring a zippered backpack to school daily (please, no rolling backpacks). It should be large enough to contain a nap blanket, a change of clothes and your child’s Reading notebook and papers.

*BIRTHDAYS: If you and your child want, you may bring store bought treats for the class. Summer birthdays will be recognized in May.

*CONFERENCES: We will have a parent/teacher conference in October and a student led conference in March. If you would like a conference other than these times, just let me know and we can set up a meeting.

*DAILY INFORMATION: Please check the backpack daily for important information from Ms. Schell. District and Jenks West information goes home on Thursdays. I will also have information sent to your via email and facebook.

*DISCIPLINE: My philosophy is based on positive encouragement, redirection, and firm guidelines within a consistent and loving environment. There will be daily opportunities to strengthen your child’s sense of respect, responsibility, self-discipline, compassion, teamwork, honesty, perseverance and courage. I will be getting in touch with you as soon as problems arise.

*Drop Off: You will drop off your child in the drive lane located on the east side of building B. There is no need to get out of your car. An assistant will help your child out of the car and walk him/her to class. If you do decide to walk your child into class, you must first sign in at the lobby guard located in the office.

*E-mail: All newsletters and class information will be electronic. In addition to phone calls and notes—I welcome e-mails at my address or .

*EMERGENCY PICK-UP: If you need to have someone not listed on your emergency card to pick-up your child, please notify the office ext 5650. Your child will not be able to leave with other adults without written or verbal notice from the parent/guardian.

*FAMILY: Let me know if there are major changes within your family (divorce, death, illness, job loss, etc.) as these may affect your child’s behavior at school.

*GOING OUTSIDE: We will go outside everyday if the weather permits. Please be sure that your child dresses appropriately and that outerwear is labeled with their name on it. We will not be going outside in the extreme heat and cold. Flip flops are not appropriate footwear for the playground.

*HOMEROOM PARENT: This person is Ms. Schell’s classroom helper. They will be the person that contacts you with information, class projects, volunteers to help, and lots more!!

*HOURS: 8:15- 2:50 You may begin drop off in the mornings at 8:00a.m.

*I.D.: Lobby Guard requires you to bring your driver’s license in order to sign into the system. You are required to sign in anytime that you enter Building “B” .

*JENKS: Welcome to your child’s first year in the district!! Go Trojans!!

*KEEP US INFORMED: For your child’s safety, please keep the office and Ms. Schell updated and informed with current changes in address, contact phone numbers, and emergence phone numbers.

* LIBRARY: Your child will visit the library in our building once a week. They will check out a book. Your child may not check out another book until the other one is turned in. If you would like to be a guest reader anytime, please let Ms. Schell know or sign up on the volunteer sheet.

*MATH: Watch for the Math Homelinks or “fun” homework to come in email. These activities will support and strengthen your child’s math concepts.

*NOTES TO TEACHER: The best way to send information to give Mrs. Behdad the note at drop off or email. You may also text my cell phone at 918-636-5616.

*NURSE: If your child is hurt or not feeling well at school, they will be taken to the school nurse by one of the teachers. The nurse’s office in is Building “D” and the phone number is 918-299-4415 x5613.

*OFFICE: Christina Wilson is our Building “B” Office Administrator. Her phone numbers is 918-299-4415 x5650.


*PARTIES: There are two district scheduled parties: Fall party in October and winter party in December. (You will be informed of other classroom activities by the homeroom mom or by newsletter) J

*P.T.A. G: Get involved. There is a job for everyone! We need your support.

*QUESTIONS: Do not hesitate to ask questions!!!!! Call me, e-mail me, or write me a note. If I don’t know the answer, I will find out for you.

*Report Cards: Report cards will be sent home in January and May.

*READING LOGS: Your will read to your child for 20 minutes every day. A notebook will be kept in the students backpack. Please initial the days on the calendar for every day you read for the 20 minute time period. Reading Notebooks are due on Fridays. They will be checked and recorded and sent back that same day so that you can have it for the weekend.

*SNACKS: Snack calendar will be sent home each month. Your child will be assigned a day to bring snack for the class. Please send enough snacks for 22 children. You do not have to bring juice bags but can if you like. NO PEANUT PRODUCTS and all snacks need to be store bought.

*THURSDAY: This is the day that VERY important papers go home in your child’s backpack. Please return Thursday folders on Friday.

*TOYS FROM HOME: Your child must leave personal toys at home. They are often distracting and are easily misplaced, broken, or lost at school.

*UNDERWARE: Accidents happen!! Please send an extra set of season appropriate clothes and UNDERWARE in your child’s backpack every day. Make sure that the extra change of clothes is labeled with your child’s name.

*VOLUNTEERING: If you would like to volunteer, then you must complete the volunteer training. The district provides several trainings throughout the school year at different times. I will provide numerous times to help with cooking, take home projects, and activities in the classroom. We need you!! Siblings may not attend when you are volunteering time in your child’s classroom. However, it is okay to bring siblings to the class parties.

*WEBSITE: Go to for classroom newsletters and information from your teacher and Jenks.

*WISH LIST: This is a list of items that we use all year or extra things that were not a part of your school supplies that help Ms. Schell and Mrs. Behdad do special projects.

*XTRA CLOTHES: Please keep an extra set of season appropriate clothing in your child’s backpack for the rare, but unexpected accidents/spills that happen.

*YOUTUBE: The link to my youtube channel is

It is listed under the username: jamiewoodard6996

I have all the songs we do at school listed under playlists. This is a wonderful resource for you to sing the songs with your child at home. J

*YOU: You are your child’s first, best teacher!!! Thanks for sharing your child with us. We look forward to a wonderful year together.

*ZZZZZZ: Please be sure that your child gets plenty of sleep every night!!

Now you know your “ABC’S” so come and have a great, wonderful, fun year with ME!