Budget Entry Print Screens
To enter Budgets: (See additional information on last page)
Get a Batch #, Enter Transaction Date, Description, Accounting Period
Click on Reference # OR assign your own unique Reference #
Enter Account #, Budget Amount and Description
Print Budget Edit List
Post Budgets
Budget Entry
Budget Entry (with Item Description)
Budget Entry (By Dimension) – see Additional Information section for warning
Budget Transfer – transfers are always recorded as adjustments to original budget
Budget Transfer with Item Description
Additional Information:
Recommend entering original budgets in Accounting Period 01.
Alio only allows you to back out the last batch posted (contact consultant).
If 2 difference reference #s contain the same account number, and you have selected the “Replace Budget”, the 1st amount will be overwritten by the 2nd amount.
There are two types of budgets: original budgets and adjusted budgets. An original budget is the budget that is approved and adopted. Modifications to a budget prior to adoption are changes to the original budget and do not display as adjustments.
Once budget has been adopted, go to FAS – FAS Master File Maintenance – Year Master/Accounting Periods, check the “Budget Adopted” box, and save. Once a budget is adopted, any modifications to the original budget create an adjusted budget. Modifications display in the adjustments column of the original budget as increases, decreases, and replacements.
Increase/Decrease Budget - indicates that you are increasing or decreasing a budget amount. In the Budget Amount field, enter the amount you want to increase or decrease the budget. Increases are entered as positive numbers. For example, increase the budget by 500.00. Decreases are entered as negative numbers. For example, decrease the budget by -500.00. Increases display as positive numbers and decreases as negativenumbers in the adjusted budget column of reports and windows. Budget totals and available balances reflect the new adjustedbalance.
Replace Budget - indicates that you are replacing a budget amount. This affects the adjusted budget up to and through the current accounting period. In the Budget Amount field, enter the amount with which you want to replace the original budget amount. This amount is a new total amount, not an increase or decrease amount. For example, if your original budget was 1,000.00 but you want the amount to be 800.00, enter 800.00. The system automatically makes a negative entry of -200.00, which adjusts the budget to 800.00.
Warning: When entering budgets using the menu: FAS – Processing – Budget Entry – Budget Entry (By Dimension) you MUST delete lines with no dollar budget amounts (.00) if you have previously posted budgets for those accounts and you want the previous budget amounts left as is. (i.e. Previously you entered budgets, now you want to replace some of those amounts, so you use Budget Entry (By Dimension) to load all the accounts, which will load with .00 Budget Amounts. When Replace Budget is selected, it processes through all the accounts listed in this batch and replaces the previous amount with the new amount, which if left as .00, will replace the previous amount with .00. If you delete the line, when it processes through all the accounts listed in this batch, it will not touch the accounts that you deleted from this screen.)
For more information refer infolink.hammer.net for the latest User Guide.