Saturday 16thJune, Northumberland Hall, Alnwick
1. Hooper's Jig (8x32J)Misc II
Clap, 1s cross, cast, RH across with 3s // Clap, 1s cross, cast up, LH across with 2s // 1M 3W cross RH, 1W 3M cross RH, 1M 3W cross RH, 1W 3M cross LH ending with 1W in 2nd place while 1M casts off, 2s step up // 2s & 1s R&L.
2.Mrs Macleod (8x32R)Bk 6
1s&2s dance RH across & LH back// 1s lead down the middle & up to face 1st crnrs// 1s set to 1st crnrs & turn 2H, set & turn 2nd crnrs// 1s dance reels of 3 on opp sides giving LSh to 1st crnrs & cross to 2nd place own sides.
3.The Duchess Tree (8x32S)Drewry
1s,2s&3s reels of 3 on sides (1s cast, 2s lead up & cross, 3s cast up to begin) end in square set with 2s in 2nd pl opp side// All set, circle left for 2 bars, M turn W on right 2H once round & continue circle to places// 1s&2s RH across & end facing up; 1s cast 1pl & lead up while 2s lead up, cross & cast 1pl// 1s&2s Allemande.
4. Auchinellan Jig (8x32J)McLean Auchinellan Coll
1s & 2s set, RH across, 1s cast, 2s dance up and face out // 2s, 1s & 3s reel of 3 on own side, 1s in & down to start // 1W ½ fig 8 thro 3s while 1M ½ fig 8 thro 2s; 2s, 1s & 3s chase clockwise ½ way round // diag R & L as in Irish Rover.
5. Flight to Melbourne (4x32R) Sq setBk 47
1M&3W dance Fig of 8 round 2s while 1W&3M dance Fig of 8 round 4s// 1s in prom hold dance reel of 3 across with 4M&2W (RSh to 4M to start) while 3s dance reel of 3 with 2M&4W (RSh to 2M)// All Set&Link, ½ turn prtnrs RH & all chase clockwise 1 place// 8H round & back.
6. St Columba's Strathspey (5C 5x32S)V Sproule & S Gillan
2s and 4s RH across. 2s lead out of top and cast to 2nd place as 4s lead out bottom and cast to 4th place // 2s and 4s 1st cnr pass and turn; 2nd cnr pass and turn, finish in the centre for a reel of 4 (M face up, W face down) // 2s and 4s reel of 4 in centre (finish in orig place) //2s 3s 4s and 5s set, 2s and 4s cast 1 place, 3s and 5s dance up 1 place, 1s and 2s turn by right and cast 1 place on own side, 3s and 5s step up (finish 31524).
7.*Monica's Way (4x32J)Bk 47 3s & 4s on opp. sides
1s&4s cross RH as 2s&3s set, 1s&2s and 4s&3s dance ¾ double Fig of 8 (1s/4s casting down/up to start). 21(4)(3)// 1s&4s Set&Rotate:- ' Set, Rotate singly and dance on 1pl clockwise, change places RH on sides and dance on 1pl to own sides. 2(4)1(3) // 1W&4M also 4W&1M (W leads) ½ alternating tandem diag RSh reel of 4 with 3W&2W and passing LSh curve to right to next crnr (same end); 4M&1W also 1M&4W (M leads) ½ altern tandem diag RSh reel of 4 with 3M&2M and pass RSh to end 3(1)4(2) // 1s & 4s cross passing RSh and loop into places, all Adv&Ret. 31(4)(2).
8.Mrs. MacPherson of Inveran (8x32R)
Reels of 3 on sides, 1s crossing top & bottom (Inveran) // 1s turn 1½ RH end in 2place face out, cast up round 2s & cross to own side 2place // Grand Chain // 6H round & back.
9.Macdonald of Keppoch (2x32S, 2x32R)Bk 49
1s&3s dance 6 bars R+L (M polite turns) to finish in centre B-to-B with prtnr facing side cpls (1W&2W, 1M&4M, 3W&4W, 3M&2M). All set// Reels of 4 across. Finish in line up/down with W (in middle) facing, 1M facing down, 3M facing up// Reel of 4 (1W&3W pass RSh)- all pass LSh at ends, RSh in middle. Finish in orig places facing prtnrs// All set, all turn prtnr RH 1¼ into prom hold and dance 1 place anticlockwise. Repeat from new positions in Strathspey then twice in Reel time back to original places.
10.*Christine M. Phillips (8x32J)Bk 46
1s set adv., lead down, cross below 3s, cast up & turn LH to 1st cnrs//1s dance ½ reel of 4 with 1st cnrs, turn 1st cnr RH & turn LH to 2nd cnrs// 1s dance ½ reel of 4 with 2nd cnrs, turn 2nd cnr RH, then turn LH to finish in middle, M facing up, W facing down// 1M dance RH across with 3s, while 1W dance RH across with 2s; 1s turn LH to 2pl while 2s & 3s dance clockwise halfway to places.
11. Crossing the Line (6x32R) 3C setDrewry Bankhead Bk 6
1s dance reflection reels of 3 on opp.sides //1s (on opp.side) dance prom. reel of 3 across with 2s (Rsh to 2M) // 1s (on opp sides) dance down to bottom, cross, cast up to 2pl & turn RH. // 1s cast to R round partnrs 1C as 2s & 3s petronella into centre, 1s dance thru as they set, 1s cast to 2pl as 2s & 3s petronella to opp. sides and all set. End 213 on opp. sides. Repeat with head of set at other end.
12.Miss Eleanor (3x32S)Bk 49
1s,2s&3s dance Mirror (Reflection) reels of 3 on sides (1s in/down to start)// 1s set, cast (2s step up) and turn RH; 1W casts to 3rd place, 1M casts up to 1st place (2M steps down and 3W steps up)// All dance 3 couple Bourrel:- 1M&3W also 2M&1W set adv and ¾ turn 2H to line up/down middle then pull back RSh turning to face own prtnrs as 3M and 2W chase anticlockwise to face them; All set and turn 2H to own sides// 3s,1s&2s circle 6H round and back.
13.John Cass (5x32J) 5 cpl setBk 49
1s lead down the middle (2s&3s step up ); 1s lead back to 3pl & turn RH to finish 1M facing 3M with ptnr behind him// 1s dance RS tandem reels of 3 with 3rd & 2nd M and 4th & 5th W (all 3 pairs change who is leading as they change direction in the reel); 1M with ptnr behind, finish facing 4M// 1s dance LS tandem reels of 3 with 4th & 5th M and 2nd & 3rd W (again all 3 pairs change who is leading as they change direction in the reel); 1s finish nearer hands joined with 1W on prtnr's left facing down in 3pl// 1s dance down btwn 4s, cast behind 5s (4s & 5s step up) and spin RH to finish in 5pl.
14.The Tri-Mariner (8x32R)Bk 48
1s set, cast 2 places & lead up to top while 2s (bar 3) set, cast 1 place & lead up to 2 pl while 3s (bar 5) set, cast into middle// 1s,2s&3s Promenade & end with 1s casting to 2 pl// 1s cross down, cast up behind 3s, cross up & cast to 2 pl// All petronella turn into middle, set & turn prtnr RH 1¼ times.
15.Schiehallion (64S:64R)Thurston
S.Chorus. ½ Gnd Chn, HS to ptnr // Repeat to place, M end back to back in centre for Rocking step, as W Petronella on to next M, set, Petronella on & set // Turn opp. M RH, then W LH across to ptnr, turn ptnr // Chorus // Double wheel, W with P dance RH across ½ way (4 bars), W dance out while M dance in, then M dance out while W dance in // Repeat (end in original place) // R.Chorus. ½ Gnd Chn, tulloch swing // Repeat to place // 1s&3s advance (pdb) turn opp. BH, 4H round to place// 2s&4s repeat//Chorus// Clover leaf reels.
16. Reel of the Gordon Highlanders (8x32R)Delft Bk
1s cross RH, cast and dance ½ Figs of 8 (W rnd 2s and M rnd 3s) to end 2pl on own sides// 1s dance reels of 3 on sides giving LSh to 3rd crnr, ending in diag line RH joined and LH to 3rd crnrs// 1s dance the Spoke - Balance-in-Line, 1s move clockwise to 2nd crnr, repeat with 1st crnr and 4th crnr, 1s ending in 2pl// 2s,1s&3s circle 6H round and back. 213
17.Follow me Home (8x32J)Bk 38
1s set, cross R, cast & turn LH to line with 1cnrs// set, turn 1cnrs RH, 1s followed by 1cnrs chase clockwise ½ way, 1s join RH in line with 2cnrs// set, turn 2cnrs LH, 1s followed by 2cnrs chase anticlockwise ½ way, 1s pass LS to 2pl on opp sides // 3s,1s & 2s ½ reel of 3, (1M Lsh to 3M & 1W Lsh to 2W to begin); 2s,1s & 3s set & cross RH.
18. Mairi's Wedding (8x40R)Cosh 22SCDs +2
1s turn RH & cast, turn LH to cnrs // ½ Reel of 4 with 1cnrs, ½ Reel of 4 with 2cnrs // Repeat // LS Reels of 3 across (W with 2s, M with 3s) // 6H round & back.
The Montgomeries' Rant (8x32R)Bk 10
1s cross RH cast 1 place, cross LH W casts up M casts down // Reels of 3 across // 1s set to 2W, 3M, 3W, 2M // Reels of 3 with cnrs (RS to 2cnr), cross to own side.
The Wind on Loch Fyne (3x32S)Dickson, Dunedin 1986
3 couples form triangle 1s 2s 3s clockwise.1W dance fig 8 round 2s as 1M dance fig 8 round 3s, 1s crossing into place // All dance interlocking reel of 4 end turning ptnr RH to put M in middle for // LH across (2 places) as W dance on one place clockwise, turn ptnr RH, repeat & finish one place on // All set, 6H round (2), turn ptnr BH, circle on to new places.