Module Theme: Neutering Drug Testing Webquest
Webquest Activity / Student Name: ______
Teacher: ______
Date: ______Period: ______

Drug Testingof Student Athletes


  1. Work in a group created by your teacher. Assign these roles in your group:

Investigative Reporter: Will researchcurrent drug testing policies in other organizations like sports organizations.

Medical Consultant: Will research what anabolic steroids are and what they do to the body.

Statistical Analyst: Will research the use of steroids by adolescents. Include statistics and trends in steroid use.

  1. Take notes on each web site, book, magazine, or other resource that you use. Be sure to focus on the information you need for this assignment.
  2. Your team will submit a report containing the above information as well as your recommendation to the Board of Education regarding drug testing of student athletes. The format will be decided by the teacher, and may be in such form as PowerPoint slides, wall charts, or essay. A checklist of what should be provided in your report is shown below:

Report/Presentation Checklist:

___ Title of Report

___ Names of group members

___ Class period

___ At least one graphic or picture

___ Research findings from each of the group members,

covering the topics that they researched

___ Your group’s recommendation for drug testing student

athletes in your school district, to include:

___ Who should be tested?

___Substances that should be tested for

___ Frequency of testing

___ Disciplinary actions to be taken if students test positive

  1. Your presentation will be graded according to the rubric below.

WebQuest/Multimedia Project Rubric

/ Total
Overall Aesthetics(This refers to the WebQuest page itself, not the external resources linked to it.)
Overall Visual Appeal / 0 points
There are no graphic elements apart from template images. / 2 points
Graphic elements serve as decoration rather than being used to communicate concepts. / 4 points
Graphic elements contribute in a substantive way to the task students are asked to complete. / 4
Mechanical Aspects / 0 points
There are more than 5 mechanical problems including but not limited to broken links, missing images, misspellings or grammatical errors. / 3 point
There are 3 mechanical problems. / 6 points
No mechanical problems noted. / 6
Introduction(This element introduces the WQ topic, motivates students, and helps them connect the WQ content to what they already know.)
Motivational Effectiveness / 0 points
The introduction is purely factual. / 1 point
The introduction presents essential facts but also addresses the learner's interests. / 2 points
The introduction draws the reader into the lesson by presenting essential facts related to a compelling question or problem. / 2
Cognitive Effectiveness / 0 points
The introduction does not preview the lesson or build on what students already know. / 1 point
The introduction previews the lesson but does not build on what students already know. / 2 points
The introduction both builds on learner's prior knowledge and effectively previews the lesson. / 2
Task (The task is the end result of student efforts... not the steps involved in getting there.)
Connection to Standards / 0 points
The task is not related to standards. / 2 point
Generic standards are identified with limited connection to the task. / 4 points
Standards selected are clearly and specifically connected to the task. / 4
Cognitive Level of the Task / 0 points
Task requires simply comprehending or retelling of factual information. / 3 points
Task requires integration and/or organization of information from several sources. / 6 points
Task requires synthesis of multiple sources of information in making a critical judgment, taking a position or creating a product. / 6
Process(The process is the step-by-step description of how students will accomplish the task.)
Clarity of Process / 0 points
The connection of the Task and Process is not clear or there are obvious gaps in the Process steps. / 2 points
Task and Process are clearly connected but some steps are vague or incomplete. / 4 points
Connection of Task and Process is clear and each step is clearly and completely explained. / 4
Scaffolding of Process / 0 points
Activities are of little significance to one another or to the task. The process makes no use of printable supporting materials (e.g., checklists, worksheets, tables, etc.) to help students complete the task. / 3 points
Not all activities relate specifically to the task. There is limited use of printable supporting materials (e.g., checklists, worksheets, tables, etc.) to help students complete the task. / 6 points
All activities are clearly related to the task. The process makes excellent use of printable supporting materials (e.g., checklists, worksheets, tables, etc.) to help students complete the task. / 6
Richness of Process / 0 points
Few or repetitive steps. No roles are assigned. No effort to promote perspective-taking by students. / 1 points
Some separate tasks or roles assigned. More complex group-oriented activities are involved. / 2 points
Roles are assigned within or across groups to help promote multiple perspectives or shared responsibility in accomplishing the task. / 2
Resources(note that a domain refers to a web site rather than a page – multiple pages from a single web site count as one domain.)
Relevance & Quantity of Resources / 0 points
Resources provided are generic, resources are not appropriate for students’ grade level, or fewer than 3 unique web domains are used in the lesson. / 4 point
Resources provided are task-specific but marginally sufficient for students to accomplish the task or fewer than 6 unique web domains are used in the lesson. / 8 points
Resources are clearly task specific, more than sufficient for students to accomplish the task, appropriate for the targeted grade level and incorporate 6 or more unique web domains in the lesson. / 8
Evaluation(This element is based on the clarity of the evaluation rubric and its connection to specific activities required by the WQ .)
Clarity of Evaluation Criteria / 0 points
Criteria for success are not described. / 3 points
Criteria for success are generic in nature or only indirectly related to the Process and Task. / 6 points
Criteria for success are clearly and specifically related to the Task and the Process steps. / 6
Total Score / /50


Drug Testing Policies:

Anabolic Steroids and their effects:

Adolescent use of steroids:

© Partnership for Environmental Education and Rural Health (

College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University

Funding support from SEPA ( National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health