Section 1 – Job Details
Position Applied ForHow did you hear about this position
No applicant will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of their age, colour, disability, ethnic origin, marital status, nationality, religious belief, sex or sexual orientation.
Section 2 – Personal Details
Title / Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other ______Full Name
NI Number
FULL Address
Email Address
Home Number
Mobile Number
Section 3 –Education and Qualifications
School/College / Dates Attended (From/To) / Subject/Course & ResultFurther Education/College/School / Dates Attended (From/To) / Subject/Course & Results
Current Study Course / College/University / Qualification
Training Courses / Dates Attended / Results & Expiry
Section 4 – Employment History/ Work Experience
Job Title / Present PostEmployer
Date From / Date To
Reason For Leaving / Notice Period
Main Duties & Responsibilities
Job Title / Previous Post
Date From / Date To
Reason for Leaving / Annual Salary
Main Duties & Responsibilities
Section 5 – Why are you interested in becoming a Gleeson Apprentice?
Section 6 – Tell us about yourself (Personal Hobbies & Interests - Public Or Voluntary)
Section 7 - Please use the space below to add any further information to support your application
Section 8 – Other Details
Do you have a full driving licence? / Yes No / Do you have use of a car? / Yes NoDo you have a provisional licence? / Yes No / Do have any current endorsements on your licence? / Yes No
If YES please provide full details
Are you a British subject or a national of any EC Country? Yes No
If NO, do you have a current work permit? Yes No
If YES, please state expiry date ______
Have you any un-spent criminal convictions? Yes No
If YES, please provide full details
Section 9 - Declaration
I declare that the information given in this application is to the best of my knowledge complete and accurate and understand that giving false information may invalidate my application or result in summary dismissal if employed.If employed, the Company will use the information you provide on this document plus any other information you have provided to us or may provide to us in future and any other personal information we may lawfully gather or request and which is supplied to us during the course of your employment to administer your contract of employment (including the provision of benefits such as pensions), to plan and administer our current and future business requirements and to fulfil our legal responsibilities as an employer.
Your data will not be passed to any other organisation or individual without your consent unless it is necessary for our legitimate business needs (for example a colleague providing your telephone extension number to a client) or we are required to do so by law.
By signing and returning this document you consent to our using the information you have provided, including your sensitive personal data, for the reasons described above.You have the right to ask for a copy of your information (for which we can charge a fee) to correct any inaccuracies. By signing and returning this document your consent to us using the information you have provided to process your application and consider you for any vacancies which may arise in the next few months.
Unless we offer you employment and you accept the offer, we will destroy the information you have given us after approximately 12 months. Occasionally if you are unsuccessful in your application, we will ask your permission to keep your details for longer so that we can consider you for further vacancies.If this happens we will let you know how to have your information updated or deleted. Information from this application may be processed for purposes registered by the Company under the data protection legislation. Individuals have the right of access to personal data concerning them.
Equal Opportunities Monitoring
MJ Gleeson Group PLC is committed to the active promotion of equal opportunities in relation to the recruitment and selection of employees. The following information will be used solely for monitoring purposes. We aim to ensure that no applicant or prospective employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, gender, marital status, colour, disability, ethnic or national origin, politics, religion, sexual orientation or race. As such, the details provided on this monitoring form will not be used to shortlist candidates and will be held separately from the application form.
Age(please tick)
16 – 2545 – 55
26 – 35 56 – 65
36 – 45 Over 65
Gender(please tick)
MaleFemalePrefer not to say
If you are currently undergoing gender reassignment, please indicate the gender you will become.
Nationality(E.G. British, American, Australian, Polish, French, German, etc)
Ethnic Origin
(Tick as Appropriate) / White / Black, Black British
White British / Caribbean
White Irish / African
White Background (Other) / Black Background (Other)
Mixed / Asian, Asian British
White & Black Caribbean / Indian
White & Black African / Pakistani
White & Asian / Bangladeshi
Mixed Background (Other) / Asian Background (Other)
Chinese, Chinese British / Any other ethnic background, please specify:-
Chinese Background (Any Other)
Personal Health
Do you have a disability / Yes NoIf YES, are you registered disabled / Yes No
(For clarification, the definition of disability from the Equality Act 2012 is ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. An effect is long term is it has lasted, or is likely to last, more than 12 months’)